Why is only 1 death per map and revive is disabled in end game maps

what is the point of revive mechanic if its only usable in campaign
playing with party is pointless i thought this was something that would be fixed with poe 2
this game is full of crazy modifiers and instant kills and ground effects that absolutely shred you at a moment’s notice we should be able to use all 6 portals like poe 1 whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be fired this will make many new and existing poe 1 players quit the game
-ascendancy is completely over tuned sanctum and ultimatum the worst things ever
the games is great but theres somethings that were unnecessary to change spawning the boss mobs at the entrance of the map after you have cleared body block no phasing a short dodge roll severely limited movement speed little to none movement spells that also cost spirit instead of mana and replacing the dodge roll is have a longer cool down
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2025, 12:32:45 AM
make poe great again please
Yeah the current mapping situation kinda feels bad.

The whole game up to this point is very clearly built around the idea of dying being expected.

We have check points right outside bosses. The bosses reset their hp for this very reason.

Everything points to letting us try multiple times

And yet we get to maps. they show us 6 portals for that map suggesting 6 tries or up to 6 players can enter the map.

yet one death to some random bullshit kills the map?

Why? It feels like garbage. It is super deflating.

It also makes mapping feel super unrewarding. Because if you fuck up and die before stone drops.. kiss your map sustain good by and stone drops are already pretty damn stingy on the maps that lack extra content.

Actually that is another issue. The maps feel so empty. The only remotely interesting and fun ones are the ones with 2 or 3 mechanics on them.

You do not get enough currency to waste on maps. Alch n go is utterly impractical. There is no fucking way regal -> exa is gona happen.

I wana go back to the campaign

Also bosses on every map please.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 11, 2024, 9:18:25 AM
i hate this dude. how come 1 death and that's it. the map closes!! and if there is something good inside but not yet collected, all gone!

very bad indeed.
i hate this dude. how come 1 death and that's it. the map closes!! and if there is something good inside but not yet collected, all gone!

very bad indeed.
I agree that one life per map is terrible.

My suggestion for solution is simply make the map unable to be completed. Death means failing the map objective, but should still be farmable.
It is thoroughly not enjoyable with only 1 death per map. I don't play the endgame to hyper focus on hundreds and hundreds of maps per league. I would like to be able to relax a bit while playing the game. As it stands I have no motivation to play with this in mind. Great game otherwise.
fleeboyy#4730 wrote:
what is the point of revive mechanic if its only usable in campaign
playing with party is pointless i thought this was something that would be fixed with poe 2
this game is full of crazy modifiers and instant kills and ground effects that absolutely shred you at a moment’s notice we should be able to use all 6 portals like poe 1 whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be fired this will make many new and existing poe 1 players quit the game
-ascendancy is completely over tuned sanctum and ultimatum the worst things ever
the games is great but theres somethings that were unnecessary to change spawning the boss mobs at the entrance of the map after you have cleared body block no phasing a short dodge roll severely limited movement speed little to none movement spells that also cost spirit instead of mana and replacing the dodge roll is have a longer cool down

Because fuck you that's why - GGG probably

They will only double down, this is the game they've been crafting for over a decade, the game Chris Wilson envisioned, they want to hold people hostage and punish them just because they can.

Not really a game that appeals to that large of a playerbase in the end, in a year PoE2 won't exist if they continue down this path, but I would love to be proven wrong
I just wanna add my voice to the mix here. I really dislike one death per map. I've logged in half a dozen times to play, only to die to a one-shot that wasn't clear to me, and then I just log off. I just got blown up by something in an expedition - no idea what - even though I have max elemental resistances.

fattucus#5866 wrote:
I agree that one life per map is terrible.

My suggestion for solution is simply make the map unable to be completed. Death means failing the map objective, but should still be farmable.

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