Why is only 1 death per map and revive is disabled in end game maps

known issue on console the one death mechanic actually crashes the game in coop, if either player dies the game hard crashes with in a minute.

Portals are still there in the hideout when you come back but they are locked due to both players being alive due to the game reset.

Because too many people confuse difficulty with tedium.

One death per map doesn't make mapping more challenging, nor does it make it more difficult. All it does, is to lead the gameplay down a different path where builds that have full-screen clear and boss one-shots rule the day, and using any build that prolongs fights (which leads to more risk of death) hampers your progression and creates frustration from deaths.

I find it amusing, also, that some people claim this makes you think about your choices. Yes indeed. It makes people think twice before playing an off-meta build instead of a fast and high DPS build that ensures safety.

Some also claim that it makes people play more defensively, as if citing it as a benefit that makes the game better.

All that one-death does, is to create opportunities for the game to delay player progression and prolong play time.

Note how it is time that is lost, not resources, because the Atlas is infinitely expanding and nothing you lose on the map is permanent.

But because of those people who confuse difficulty with tedium, they feel they are playing a game with a lot to lose, and that makes them feel better. More "skilled".

It's the same reason why people play hardcore. It's the same game content, same balance, except one death per character. But the content isn't any more difficult. But hardcore is fine, because it is opt-in.

It is this false sense of achievement that lures people into supporting designs like this that only serve to pad playtime.
Last edited by kumogakure#7381 on Jan 10, 2025, 2:01:42 PM
Kashou#2868 wrote:
1 death per map is good.

Best feature of the game.

People should adapt to the game as it is.

For multiplayer, it sure sucks to die and to have to wait for friends to finish ; but guess what : they didn't die and you did... Somehow.
Too bad, dumb choice, the game stop at level 65 ...
No clue to play maps where only perfect tier S build can achieve without dying. This exclude all "exotic" and different builds, all player will play the same character in a game were all was possible :(

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