I'm done.

I know no one gives af but I think i'm done with POE 1 + 2.

I don't know why GGG INSIST that I never find anything good on the ground. Item generation in these games is a god damned nightmare. If I am forced to 'slam' some trash item again for an upgrade and see LIGHT RADIUS or ACCURACY or LIFE REGEN on my damned ES gear one more damned time I will lose my mind.

I have played these games for over 3k hours in my life and I have never once seen anything actually decent drop on the ground. How many hundreds of hours do you want me to grind before I literally even see a MEDIOCRE rare item?

You want items? Stand at the gambler for 20 minutes and hope. buy some whites and throw currency at it. Gamble with excavation. Gamble at the gambler. Gamble with exalts. That's not fun whatsoever but I'm still willing to do it. The problem is I spend like 1million gold trying to gamble a new weapon and it's always trash. I pick up every single expert ES white/blue/rare and try to craft it. Literally half my gear at lvl 80 is still from NORMAL MODE. Like come one dude, I like hard games but this is just pure misery. It's not challenging it's just a brick wall where u spend 200 hours gambling in various ways and get nothing at the end of the day. I can play out of my mind but when t7 white mobs take 7 hits to kill and I have no options to upgrade my character I'm going to die eventually (HC). Compound that with the fact that i'm pressure to craft sketchy waystones THAT I KNOW MY CHARACTER IS NOT READY FOR because I can't get anything or even sustain maps otherwise.

My entire passive tree is specced into waystones and I still can't sustain them. I don't even have the privilege of fighting mobs close to my level let alone getting anything decent.

All this is SSF btw, because I have 0 interest in bots or just buying cheese power from some dude. I want to play the game. I don't want to stand around my hideout becoming increasingly angrier that anything I try just wastes my time/resources and gives nothing. I want to be out killing mobs, not spending 20 minutes between maps trying to craft something I can both run and has some modicum of a chance to drop something, or deciding what to even do on the aimless and meandering endgame 'map'.

I'll stop because I'm just ranting at this point but dude... I play the game more than most people could dream of having time for and I still never get anything. This is never going to change because it has been GGG's design philosophy since day 1.

Last bumped on Jan 10, 2025, 5:18:52 PM
Ya know, diablo 2 had a similar issue, they couldnt stop the rmt bots who ruined the economy by farming with bots. So they tuned the drop rates around bots, if you where not botting, it could take 20 years to see a high rune drop. When d2r came out, some guy shot his friend over a high rune dropping, thats how crazy it made people. Im starting to think poe2 has the same issues, as im getting pms for them now. And oh man, look into the mafias that run these things. Real scary stuff irl. I have a couple theories why they dont use something like a "regular expression" to catch bots with my main one being that they like them, and shareholders love them even more. If you do a banwave every six months, your guaranteed to sell a boat load of new keys to all them bots.
Map sustain has been the easiest its ever been. I have two stashes full of T15 maps without even trying to sustain maps. You're doing something wrong either with the nodes or atlas juicing. This is nothing but a skill issue. Get better.
GGG - Why you no?
Last edited by JoannaDark#6252 on Jan 8, 2025, 4:56:45 PM
I saw a really neato ad for this mobile game that showers you in legendarys just for downloading it. Maybe that's more your speed. Have fun!
Last edited by KZA#6416 on Jan 8, 2025, 5:21:41 PM
legit sounds like a skill issue
7 hit for white mob in map ? wtf even in ruthless i'm not that bad
Ok fair enough, I'm willing to admit I could be doing something wrong. For everyone saying it's a skill issue, no problem, but please enlighten me on how to get better gear then instead of trying to insult me.

I pick up every relevant item including whites, I craft, I gamble, I do 100's of maps, I tried rarity on my atlas, I tried waystones on my atlas, I tried farming excavation, farming ritual, farming maps. I know about affix weighting, I use resources such as 3rd party websites.

100's of hours and my gear is complete trash.
He announces it, like at an airport.

Ok fair enough, I'm willing to admit I could be doing something wrong. For everyone saying it's a skill issue, no problem, but please enlighten me on how to get better gear then instead of trying to insult me.

I pick up every relevant item including whites, I craft, I gamble, I do 100's of maps, I tried rarity on my atlas, I tried waystones on my atlas, I tried farming excavation, farming ritual, farming maps. I know about affix weighting, I use resources such as 3rd party websites.

100's of hours and my gear is complete trash.

Ssf in PoE 2 is nothing like Poe 1 ssf, in PoE 1 u got dozens of mechanics/crafting options that will help a lot in your character buildup.

The grind needed in PoE 2 to compensate that lack of options is kinda obscene, but it is what it is, just a matter of time to make that process more enjoyable and less sloggy.

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