Mirrors being duped apparently.

DanteTDH#7668 wrote:

It's been talked about and all over reddit. Fix duping, broken interactions, and a fresh economy please k thx. <3

The OP from that reddit was removed.
However, there are multiple people in the comments claiming to have tried to this successfully. So it does seem to be the case that you can dupe mirrors by mirroring a single mirror.

I think I even read about this on reddit before on friday or saturday. This definitely needs to be fixed asap, especially now that more people become aware of the dupe. This completely breaks the economy.
I can't believe that, on top of the Temporalis duplication abuse incident, now [Removed by Support] duplicating Mirrors—how is this even allowed?! They're literally destroying the game. As if the terrible optimization wasn’t enough, with constant crashes, massive FPS drops, and now [Removed by Support] hackers running wild duplicating Mirrors? It’s getting really hard to say anything good about GGG, and even harder to praise PoE 2. People say D4 is bad, but at least it’s well-optimized, running at 144 FPS on my PC without crashing, and they don’t allow hackers! If they were going to release such a horrible Early Access version, they should have waited a little longer!
Last edited by Sian_GGG#0000 on Jan 19, 2025, 10:44:58 PM
Ah, this is probably the same problem Diablo 4 has with console allowing for duping and they have no idea how to fix it. Blizzard seemed to just have accepted that it happens every season and never will get fixed.

Imagine every new POE2 league being riddled with duping. Cross platform trading needs to be removed, so the console Andys can deal with the duping problem alone.

Mark my words, console crossplatform will be a big problem for GGG just as it is for Blizzard.

PC Master Race, raaaawwwrrr!

Could just say console players, console users, etc...

Btw, we prefer "Hardware Challenged". Geesh, can at least be PC about it..

It's all good though, I get it. I also played.on PC, and will again. I feel the pride, so much so, I made us our own theme song:

PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
Last edited by R3SPAWN7045#8715 on Jan 20, 2025, 2:06:36 AM
luizdoc#0279 wrote:
I can't believe that, on top of the Temporalis duplication abuse incident, now [Removed by Support] duplicating Mirrors—how is this even allowed?! They're literally destroying the game. As if the terrible optimization wasn’t enough, with constant crashes, massive FPS drops, and now [Removed by Support] hackers running wild duplicating Mirrors? It’s getting really hard to say anything good about GGG, and even harder to praise PoE 2. People say D4 is bad, but at least it’s well-optimized, running at 144 FPS on my PC without crashing, and they don’t allow hackers! If they were going to release such a horrible Early Access version, they should have waited a little longer!

D4 is also not currently in a testing phase.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
is there aqny evidence this is actually true other than these screenshots? because they look photoshopped to me.


Another one just popped up

this image, look at the distance between the top of the orb and the line separating each square int he inventory. sometimes there is a clear gap of a number of rows of black pixels between the orb and the line, some of the orbs actually overlap the line a little.

that doesnt seem right at all?

i could go take a screenshot of an empty tab in my stash right now, pull it up in photoshop and paste in a ton of mirrors like this easily, and im good enough at photoshop to make it 100% consistent unlike this image, then fullscreen it on my monitor and take a photo of it with my phone.

it would take virtually no effort to do that.

the amount of mirrors on the market hasnt been changing at all? its been consistent for days, theres no influx of mirrors at all that i can see? if a price drop was caused by a dupe the mechanism would be that a massive influx of mirrors had come on trade driving down the price via supply/demand.

but we can see that hasnt happened right? theres actually very few mirrors up for sale given the size of the player base and the age of the league.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
is there aqny evidence this is actually true other than these screenshots? because they look photoshopped to me.

But the Reddit detectives said there is, they worked it out right after they worked out that people's accounts were being hacked by someone trading with you, visiting your hideout and stealing your session token.
Ah, this is probably the same problem Diablo 4 has with console allowing for duping and they have no idea how to fix it. Blizzard seemed to just have accepted that it happens every season and never will get fixed.

Imagine every new POE2 league being riddled with duping. Cross platform trading needs to be removed, so the console Andys can deal with the duping problem alone.

Mark my words, console crossplatform will be a big problem for GGG just as it is for Blizzard.

FFS yerah its always problems when everyone has to make crossplay. Why the hell cant the consollers stick to their own stuff like before. Graphics too gets downgraded with the consollers.
Most of this problems come from instance problems. This is why pause in a game like this is silly...Because that means that the operations in the game are done in your client and then the client synchronizes with the server...This makes thigs like dupping very easy...Happened in d2 because of this instancing problems.

They need to move everything on the server side and stop putting things that needs processing and validation in the client.

Like d4 has problems with the client loading every stash everyone has near you into your client and then your client syncs with the server causing major issues...

That's a core fundamental issue of implementation. Let's not forget it happens in Sekhemas. Now it seems Sekhemas is instanced based or so I saw, which means you can leave and get back to it at a later date...Well riddle me this, if you lag the instance sufficient enough that you can pick an item, quickly logout, and come back to the same instance, wouldn't it be a possibility that the server didn't have time to sync your save to the instance ? Ta daaaaaa...
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta#0327 on Jan 20, 2025, 5:36:51 AM
One more big announcement, that's all they get until full release. They better get ahead of all of these problems, esp the scamming and now duping. Everyone is watching right now. We don't need another gaming tragedy, but GGG is poised to be next in line.
Some potato quality photos (not even proper screenshots, but photos of the screen) is all it takes to get some people all riled up. And then someone says "something something console" and all of a sudden it's the console players' fault that The End is nigh.

Please, leave the pitchforks in the shed for now and wait for some proper information. As Snorkle mentioned, it's super easy for some troll to PS this together and have a laugh at how people lose their heads.

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