I checked just a few hours ago and there's at least 100k mirrors on the market currently, so I dunno where the "theres actually very few mirrors up for sale given the size of the player base and the age of the league." is coming from lol. Look at the market for "Has mirror, wants div" as well as "Has mirror, wants exalts" and there's close to 100k mirrors on the market currently. There's also well over 4m div on the market rn last I checked, which is insanity. Definitely a dupe that hopefully will be taken care of soon. All I can say is I'm sure glad these issues are popping up in EA where it doesn't matter as much (I hope) and things can be hopefully fixed soon.
Posted byOnyxSpy#3809on Jan 20, 2025, 7:46:57 AM
I checked just a few hours ago and there's at least 100k mirrors on the market currently, so I dunno where the "theres actually very few mirrors up for sale given the size of the player base and the age of the league." is coming from lol. Look at the market for "Has mirror, wants div" as well as "Has mirror, wants exalts" and there's close to 100k mirrors on the market currently. There's also well over 4m div on the market rn last I checked, which is insanity. Definitely a dupe that hopefully will be taken care of soon. All I can say is I'm sure glad these issues are popping up in EA where it doesn't matter as much (I hope) and things can be hopefully fixed soon.
Did you look in the right game? On the POE2 exchange there are 96 for sale for divines and none for exalts.
Last edited by Randall#0850 on Jan 20, 2025, 7:59:44 AM
Posted byRandall#0850on Jan 20, 2025, 7:59:27 AM
I checked just a few hours ago and there's at least 100k mirrors on the market currently, so I dunno where the "theres actually very few mirrors up for sale given the size of the player base and the age of the league." is coming from lol. Look at the market for "Has mirror, wants div" as well as "Has mirror, wants exalts" and there's close to 100k mirrors on the market currently. There's also well over 4m div on the market rn last I checked, which is insanity. Definitely a dupe that hopefully will be taken care of soon. All I can say is I'm sure glad these issues are popping up in EA where it doesn't matter as much (I hope) and things can be hopefully fixed soon.
Lol what trade site did you check poe1 or poe2?
All I can say is I'm sure glad these issues are popping up in EA where it doesn't matter as much (I hope) and things can be hopefully fixed soon.
Why does it matter more or less in EA when the league cycle of EA and full release is the same? its ~3 months of bricked market and then an economy reset.
Unless you only play standard the effect it has on your game experience is identical
Posted byraV#3445on Jan 20, 2025, 8:17:25 AM
The OP from that reddit was removed.
However, there are multiple people in the comments claiming to have tried to this successfully. So it does seem to be the case that you can dupe mirrors by mirroring a single mirror.
I think I even read about this on reddit before on friday or saturday. This definitely needs to be fixed asap, especially now that more people become aware of the dupe. This completely breaks the economy.
Lol this isn't what's happening, people aren't duping mirrors using mirrors LOL don't be that gullible
That actually exactly what’s happening, people ARE dupping mirrors :(
I just found an Astramentis and now this league is finished :(
Posted byNormCoyote#8319on Jan 20, 2025, 10:02:26 AM
Something has to be done before economy gets completely destroyed.
Did GGG react in any way yet?
Dunno if it was posted here, but this vid has some info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj_QA8r8Eto
also for the "proof" of something happening right now - have you seen divine prices today?
Rollback servers one day or just remove/ban the f****s, I don't wanna grind almost 100 lvls on my main char, not even talking about all the rest, just cause some ass found a bug they could abuse. I mean I will grind it anyway when new CONTENT update comes up with say new classes etc, but not because of some idiocy like this.
Posted bygalloper#2354on Jan 20, 2025, 10:14:59 AM
I checked just a few hours ago and there's at least 100k mirrors on the market currently, so I dunno where the "theres actually very few mirrors up for sale given the size of the player base and the age of the league." is coming from lol. Look at the market for "Has mirror, wants div" as well as "Has mirror, wants exalts" and there's close to 100k mirrors on the market currently. There's also well over 4m div on the market rn last I checked, which is insanity. Definitely a dupe that hopefully will be taken care of soon. All I can say is I'm sure glad these issues are popping up in EA where it doesn't matter as much (I hope) and things can be hopefully fixed soon.
Right now 55 mirrors on trade site (all online/offline) and Alva sell 71 mirror.
Where did you see 100k?
Posted byxaerobb_#8468on Jan 20, 2025, 10:21:26 AM
love it. ppl playing all day cannot even drop a divine and this bro got his stash full of mirrors. old poe disease, exploit is the way to success.
Posted bydamaged#1922on Jan 20, 2025, 10:26:21 AM
love it. ppl playing all day cannot even drop a divine and this bro got his stash full of mirrors. old poe disease, exploit is the way to success.
There's literally 40 mirrors for sale on the trade side for all of poe2 and about 70 on the Alva exchange, where are all these duped mirrors? Not for sale that's for sure, so not doing anything to the economy.
Last edited by TheFriggenBest#6781 on Jan 20, 2025, 10:31:58 AM
Posted byTheFriggenBest#6781on Jan 20, 2025, 10:31:40 AM