Mirrors being duped apparently.
" Now im not saying they was mirror duping happening, but if I duped 100 mirrors I pretty sure im smart enough not to post them all right to the trade site lol. |
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" So your saying 1 person out of the entire population of players knows this dupe, and is just not doing anything with it, so in other words it doesn't matter. If everyone was doing it they'd all be selling a couple mirrors not nothing. And there's no influx of mirrors anywhere to be seen. Last edited by TheFriggenBest#6781 on Jan 20, 2025, 9:42:06 AM
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" yeah ive seen that video a little earlier. closer to proof, still not actual proof. lets say people are definitely duping mirrors for the sake of thought experiment. theres still been no real increase in the amount of mirrors up for sale. so how can this duping be responsible for a drop in the divine/mirror price ratio? are we saying someone found a way to dupe mirrors, made a ton of them, then exposed he had done it online where ggg can see which will mean his account with all his mirrors will be banned because they will search for accounts with that many mirrors, and hes also been smart enough to only list one or 2 online on the trade site but rather than undercut the market by say 20 divines has voluntarily cut the price of his mirrors in half? why? the mirrors were at what? 450 divines? then they dropped to the low 200s right? well theyre back up to 340 now. theyre regaining their value. all this has happened without any massive increase in the amount of divines for sale which would be necessary for it to be a supply/demand fluctuation caused by an influx of duped mirrors. are we sure this isnt a bunch of disaster capitalists using their positions and strats to crash the market, buy it up and then reinflate? I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" This morning (in EU timezone) the mirror/div price was in the realm of ~240 divs, now it's back to 340. Whatever is happening is goddam happening. |
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" Ok so the price was low this morning and is now normal and there's still only 110 mirrors for sale currently and 220,000 players online do 0.05% of the total amount of people playing would own a mirror if they each had 1, yet no one else is duping, there's no mirrors for sale pushing the price down currently, there's barely any mirrors at all compared to total players in the actual economy and not just sitting in some stash doing nothing. So whatever is happening doesn't seem like duping. Last edited by TheFriggenBest#6781 on Jan 20, 2025, 10:12:54 AM
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" Current price 365 div, some rubes getting tricked into selling their mirrors for half their worth based on Reddit hysteria is what is what is happening. Last edited by Randall#0850 on Jan 20, 2025, 10:32:19 AM
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" My thought exactly. Wouldn't be the first time someone faked a screenshot in order to manipulate the market and make bank. Remember the Great Gilded Fossil Hype? |
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" If you watched the video it was not a screenshot, it was a vid with dude showing his full stash tab of mirrors on a website that is some sort of a chinese copy of youtube. Dude in the youtube vid that I linked knows the language and did a translation. Anyway, this is better be dealt with. I'd happily be mistaken, but better be safe than sorry you know. If a duping method exists it has to be fixed. Saying "everything is fine" is not helping to bring dev attention to this. Temporalis thing was real, why this has to be fake? We're in Early Access my dudes. |
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" This game is an absolute shitshow. They need to start banning every single one of these ppl. We all know they don't do shit regarding exploits. This game should have already had a fresh start with the Temporalis fiasco. Now, it's absolutely pointless to play this crap. |
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" He says it's a dupe method similar to the Temporalis "dupe", which doesn't make sense. The issue with Temporalis came from instance generation and is well documented. I can't think of a way that would make this viable to dupe anything other than guaranteed boss drops. The dude that posted the video is hilarious. He has tons of videos of "strategies" that promise 100s to 1000s of divines, and then he tries to scare everyone with this mirror dupe thing. And THEN he takes credit for the new hotfix that came in today, claiming it fixes the alleged mirror dupe, based on absolutely nothing. Bro, there was a big patch on Friday, of course there was gonna be a hotfix today. I bet there's gonna be another one tomorrow or the day after. That's how these things work. |
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