SOLUTION for the hyperinflated Divine Orb issue and Rarity of Items Issue


Change the ability of the Divine Orb to the following.
"Randomises the tier of the modifiers on an item"

[Removed by Support Let me rephrase that:]
Do you realize how bad this is?

You realize that the TIERS is what makes the item cost hundreds of divines, not what mods it has?

Do you know, that you do not even want particular TIER? All you care for a crossbow is HIGH AVERAGE TIER. Do you think T8/T8/T8 is any different T6/T7/T9?

And you suggest what? Buy item for 1 exalt, and start divine spam, until you hit high averages?

Please man...
Last edited by EightInchFloppyDisk#2190 on Jan 27, 2025, 4:02:18 PM
Inflation is crazy right now, I try to play about 2 hours everyday and used to be a PoE 1 veteran.

Started playing PoE 2 one month ago and Divines costed around 100-120 exalts.

Now they cost about 300.

Some other items like cores and omens literally go up in price EVERY DAY, I remember selling cores for 3-5 exalts a couple of weeks ago and now most are between 12-14 exalts.

It's crazy for the average player because so far my best tier 7 map has given me 5 exalts or 2 chaos + 1 vaal + 1 aug, and my only divine was a lucky drop during the campaign.

With this inflation I'll try to buy at least 1-2 more Divines with exalts, but prices keep going up so if yesterday I needed 260-270 exalts today I need 300, and in 3-4 days it will be 350 exalts and I'm not making 15-20 exalts daily.

This might not be an issue for top players doing T16 maps everyday, but for newer players (like me) who don't have that much time to play and just started doing maps recently, or less experienced players that struggle with the grinding and their builds, it is definitely a problem because it's an endless currency grind:

You need a new bow that costs 2-3 divines? Can't buy the divines because they go up in price EVERYDAY.

You need a new bow that costs 2-3 divines? Can't buy the divines because they go up in price EVERYDAY.

You don't 'need' a bow that costs multiple divines to do T15 and T16 maps that will give you divines.

You can buy a 440pdps bow right now for 100ex and a 400pdps bow for 30ex.

Right now mid tier gear is still selling for exalts and it's only top tier gear that sells for multiples of divines.

You do not need to buy gear that costs divines to enter into T16 maps today.

I don't disagree that there is a huge issue with exalts devaluating, but I firmly disagree with the claim that newbies 'need' divines.
Mordgier#6997 wrote:
Mordgier#6997 wrote:

So it's possible that divines are both too rare and too rarely used creating the situation where their value skyrockets compared to the fairly common exalts, but drops compared to top tier gear.

for sure if they would be used more, they would have less value. wait, what? makes no sense buddy

Reading is hard. They are both too rare and thus too rarely used and as a result hoarded like some PoE stable coin.

How many divines have you slammed into gear?

How about exalts?

You use exalts by the dozen daily because they are trivial to get and thus slamming them on gear is common.

If you find a divine, you don't go "Hey let me slam it on that Vector and see what happens".

Instead you hoard them. So they are both rare and NOT used - but hoarded.

This creates the funky situation where the value of divines compared to exalts continues to drift and also the number of divines in the economy continues to increase since they are not actually used much.

This is why top tier gear continues to go up in price in terms of divines, as end game farmers have more divines now that they had time to farm them. At the same time those entering the end game who are finding tons of exalts are left behind as they are no longer able to convert those exalts to divines at a reasonable rate and are cut off from buying top tier gear through farming exalts - they depend on finding gear they can sell for divines or finding raw divines neither of which is reliable or predictable farming method.

+1, couldn't have said it better myself.
Inflation is crazy right now, I try to play about 2 hours everyday and used to be a PoE 1 veteran.

Started playing PoE 2 one month ago and Divines costed around 100-120 exalts.

Now they cost about 300.

Some other items like cores and omens literally go up in price EVERY DAY, I remember selling cores for 3-5 exalts a couple of weeks ago and now most are between 12-14 exalts.

It's crazy for the average player because so far my best tier 7 map has given me 5 exalts or 2 chaos + 1 vaal + 1 aug, and my only divine was a lucky drop during the campaign.

With this inflation I'll try to buy at least 1-2 more Divines with exalts, but prices keep going up so if yesterday I needed 260-270 exalts today I need 300, and in 3-4 days it will be 350 exalts and I'm not making 15-20 exalts daily.

This might not be an issue for top players doing T16 maps everyday, but for newer players (like me) who don't have that much time to play and just started doing maps recently, or less experienced players that struggle with the grinding and their builds, it is definitely a problem because it's an endless currency grind:

You need a new bow that costs 2-3 divines? Can't buy the divines because they go up in price EVERYDAY.

That's why the current game will fail, because it's not a sustainable model for new players who don't cheat, or buy currency with RMT or use programs like ExileML to their advantage.
Mordgier#6997 wrote:

You need a new bow that costs 2-3 divines? Can't buy the divines because they go up in price EVERYDAY.

You don't 'need' a bow that costs multiple divines to do T15 and T16 maps that will give you divines.

You can buy a 440pdps bow right now for 100ex and a 400pdps bow for 30ex.

Right now mid tier gear is still selling for exalts and it's only top tier gear that sells for multiples of divines.

You do not need to buy gear that costs divines to enter into T16 maps today.

I don't disagree that there is a huge issue with exalts devaluating, but I firmly disagree with the claim that newbies 'need' divines.

Weapons are usually the more straightforward upgrade.

If you want incremental gear upgrades changing your armour or helmet etc can mess up with your maxxed resistances, causing you to have to change several pieces at once or settle for not maxxed out resistances.

Weapons on the contrary are the easiest upgrade because they mess up a lot less with your stats, that's why I always start my gear upgrades for every build with the weapon, then amulet/belt and off-hand, and finally armour/helmet/boots.

Right now I already have a good bow with 350 dps or something like that, but the ones that would be a decent gear upgrade are usually AT LEAST 1 divine.

If I can't farm enough exalts to buy a divine then I have a balance problem, because like I said, doing regular mapping maybe I'm getting 7-10 exalts per day in 2 hours of gaming, and with Divine prices going up everyday if 3 days ago I needed 250 exalts now I need 310 and this weekend it will be 350, so it's an endless grind to be able to buy a few Divines to upgrade my gear.

And I'm going T7-T8 maps with more than 100% item rarity on my gear, but even with that I don't get 7 exalts per map or 1 Divine every 10 maps or something like that.

I might not "need" Divines to run T15-T16 maps properly, but it's a way to speed up the process if you can't play the game for 4-6 hours everyday.

So in 2 hours I have to try doing what other players do over the course of 4-6 hours and I can't keep up with Divine Orbs-related inflation.
This game's future looks reeeeally bad. I don't see how they would turn things around. They went too far with the RNG and the trading system is a failure, especially because of the people that play this game behave in such a weird way. They just want to find items to trade, not to actually use, as if it was about finding gear to sell instead of upgrading a build to its best or simply trying out new things.

Mordgier#6997 wrote:

You need a new bow that costs 2-3 divines? Can't buy the divines because they go up in price EVERYDAY.

You don't 'need' a bow that costs multiple divines to do T15 and T16 maps that will give you divines.

You can buy a 440pdps bow right now for 100ex and a 400pdps bow for 30ex.

Right now mid tier gear is still selling for exalts and it's only top tier gear that sells for multiples of divines.

You do not need to buy gear that costs divines to enter into T16 maps today.

I don't disagree that there is a huge issue with exalts devaluating, but I firmly disagree with the claim that newbies 'need' divines.

Weapons are usually the more straightforward upgrade.

If you want incremental gear upgrades changing your armour or helmet etc can mess up with your maxxed resistances, causing you to have to change several pieces at once or settle for not maxxed out resistances.

Weapons on the contrary are the easiest upgrade because they mess up a lot less with your stats, that's why I always start my gear upgrades for every build with the weapon, then amulet/belt and off-hand, and finally armour/helmet/boots.

Right now I already have a good bow with 350 dps or something like that, but the ones that would be a decent gear upgrade are usually AT LEAST 1 divine.

If I can't farm enough exalts to buy a divine then I have a balance problem, because like I said, doing regular mapping maybe I'm getting 7-10 exalts per day in 2 hours of gaming, and with Divine prices going up everyday if 3 days ago I needed 250 exalts now I need 310 and this weekend it will be 350, so it's an endless grind to be able to buy a few Divines to upgrade my gear.

And I'm going T7-T8 maps with more than 100% item rarity on my gear, but even with that I don't get 7 exalts per map or 1 Divine every 10 maps or something like that.

I might not "need" Divines to run T15-T16 maps properly, but it's a way to speed up the process if you can't play the game for 4-6 hours everyday.

So in 2 hours I have to try doing what other players do over the course of 4-6 hours and I can't keep up with Divine Orbs-related inflation.

You're not supposed to keep up with players who are running T16s for 6 hours a day by running T8 maps for 6 hours a day.

The casual player will always fall behind the poopsocker.

The exalt/divine inflation is not the issue here.

Top tier gear has always skyrocketed in price as the league progresses while anything below top rolls is selling for pennies.

You're trying to skip from low end to top end gear.

I literally showed you that you can get an upgraded bow for 30ex - but you are unwilling to settle for that. You want to jump straight from entry level gear to some ilvl80+ monster that you CANNOT naturally quire in T8 content. That's not an inflation issue, that's an expectation issue.

You should be working through multiple incremental upgrades. You think I just magically bought my 20D wand one day? No. I had a 20ex, 60ex, 1d, 5d and then a 20d wand...and I was using the 60ex one well into T15 maps...

Devaluation of exalts is a problem, but it's not a barrier to doing T16 content.
This game's future looks reeeeally bad. I don't see how they would turn things around. They went too far with the RNG and the trading system is a failure, especially because of the people that play this game behave in such a weird way. They just want to find items to trade, not to actually use, as if it was about finding gear to sell instead of upgrading a build to its best or simply trying out new things.

Look, I get you're new here. You didn't play PoE1. But before making wild statements about the game headed for disaster, at least learn that the trade is identical to PoE1 and that worked for a decade (hell it used to be way WORSE). At least read a couple of the dev manifestos to find out that the games are BALANCED around trade, not SSF.

What you have essentially said here is:

"This dog's future looks reeeeeally bad. He's young, in shape, perfect health, perfectly behaved, with a loving and caring family."
Mordgier#6997 wrote:

You need a new bow that costs 2-3 divines? Can't buy the divines because they go up in price EVERYDAY.

You don't 'need' a bow that costs multiple divines to do T15 and T16 maps that will give you divines.

You can buy a 440pdps bow right now for 100ex and a 400pdps bow for 30ex.

Right now mid tier gear is still selling for exalts and it's only top tier gear that sells for multiples of divines.

You do not need to buy gear that costs divines to enter into T16 maps today.

I don't disagree that there is a huge issue with exalts devaluating, but I firmly disagree with the claim that newbies 'need' divines.

Weapons are usually the more straightforward upgrade.

If you want incremental gear upgrades changing your armour or helmet etc can mess up with your maxxed resistances, causing you to have to change several pieces at once or settle for not maxxed out resistances.

all my resists including chaos are overcapped and im playing self found, i havent bought anything on the market.

i have no real perception of the market in poe2 cause im not using it, but when i read statements like this...

Right now mid tier gear is still selling for exalts and it's only top tier gear that sells for multiples of divines.

im reminded that i hear people making claims about needing 20, 30+ divines for gear in poe1 leagues but i know from experience i could buy enough gear on the market to destroy t16 maps for about 20 chaos which i could easily farm in 1 hour running t1 maps self found at lvl70.

i find it hard to believe people need loads of divines for their gear. you guys sure this isnt a want thing more than a need thing?

im sure this whole thing isnt helped by us only having 1/3 of the ascendancies and 0 proper balance passes so everyone is trying to buy the same gear for a handful of builds. i believe you lot when you say the situation is janky.

i think sirGog is probably right, if were going over 300 exalts to a divine were probably looking at a wipe out. its leaving the market as a trading currency. in poe1 u cant even trade alchs for divines most of the time, theres no rate on that trade no one wants your alchs. everyone has enough self found to cover all their own needs. maybe exalts are just not gonna be something we use for trade in the long run.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

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