SOLUTION for the hyperinflated Divine Orb issue and Rarity of Items Issue

Now, I am not an economist. But my take on this is: There is an infinite supply of exalts. Trial of Chaos makes it so easy to make 2, 3, 5, or even 10 thousand exalts in just a few hours.

More exalts in the market - means divines cost more in exalts.

Sure, divines don't get used and stay in circulation, but exalts are (opinion) almost TOO plentiful.

Direfell#7544 wrote:
I may be mistaken but isn't the price of divines going up because they are in higher demand / exalts are more plentiful on the market with more people reaching endgame?

Making them MORE useful would inflate the price further, no?


In addition, people will use orbs more often if they get the desired result from it. If people get results, they will stop trading and grinding. And this means a radical change in game difficulty. This will not happen.

Crafting will basically never give you what you want without destroying the basics of the game.

making sure there isn't any inflation.

uhh, in what wraeclast do you play man ... wtf. lol. POE1 has seen nothin but inflation since the game went release. Shit son... again, lol.
GGG - Why you no?

i think sirGog is probably right, if were going over 300 exalts to a divine were probably looking at a wipe out. its leaving the market as a trading currency. in poe1 u cant even trade alchs for divines most of the time, theres no rate on that trade no one wants your alchs. everyone has enough self found to cover all their own needs. maybe exalts are just not gonna be something we use for trade in the long run.

300 O_o .... oh that was a nice time
Now, I am not an economist. But my take on this is: There is an infinite supply of exalts. Trial of Chaos makes it so easy to make 2, 3, 5, or even 10 thousand exalts in just a few hours.

More exalts in the market - means divines cost more in exalts.

Sure, divines don't get used and stay in circulation, but exalts are (opinion) almost TOO plentiful.

The supply is limited by player time and knowledge. And, of course, GGG's drop rates. In the case of bots, that is 24/7 and maximum. Average player? Probably 4-8hrs every week and the bare minimum knowledge to get by. Sure, GGG can reduce the drop rates of currencies, but the problem is the bots that do not care about how many of the currencies they get, but how easy they can trade those easily obtained currencies. In other words, the bots can easily flood the exchange with usable currency, thus making inflation bloom. Limit trade and they have reduced affect on the exchange, and thus the real value of the currency. This also applies to the 16hrs a day players.
Last edited by Assababud#2808 on Mar 2, 2025, 8:34:15 PM
the biggest problem in poe1 is complexity of it and how hard it is to enter the game for average person who never played arpg.
I have high confidence poe2 will remain pretty plain untill full release, and keep it simple for a while after release aswell.
It is way too plain right now i agree but i just dont think they want multiple meta crafting stuff for a while.
You can be calm though, you probably imagine the monitoring power they have over things comparing to you. The data they have, how certain things affects inflation and so on. They probably know exact number that how many divine orbs being used in each day and on what kind of item too. You dont have any of those. So dont bother coming up with something from ur ars.

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