GGG, spark is too OP it's broken, need to be Nerf!!!

Get rid of all AOE and make all spells single target. Lets make T15 maps take 20-30 minutes for even the most OP builds.

OR people play these builds because they are fun. Nobody likes clunky slow builds. Makes the game feel terrible.

Instead BUFF other builds to be on par with spark.
spaznaz#0311 wrote:

Yes sir, a proper show and tell to argue your case.

I'd like to watch you run t16 deli on that. And also do pinnacle t4s with that.

Please also do a full show of your tooltip as well and not only a fraction of it. Cuz you're not running stormweaver, which implies heavily that spark is likely not the factor here of being 'op'.

Sure- except for the T4s, this build cannot do bosses. It's just amazing at clearing maps.

*okay didn't have any t16 maps with delirium, but ran a t16 in an irradiated zone. It's not a super juiced map, but think it still proves my point that spark is way too efficient for clearing maps. video is uploading to youtube now... i made a youtube channel just for this, lol
"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Jan 30, 2025, 1:40:04 PM
Get rid of all AOE and make all spells single target. Lets make T15 maps take 20-30 minutes for even the most OP builds.

OR people play these builds because they are fun. Nobody likes clunky slow builds. Makes the game feel terrible.

Instead BUFF other builds to be on par with spark.

I don't understand why devs make some skills so clunky and slow, in a game where reaction time is crucial to not get one shoted. Most skills where you are stationnary for a while (e.g. Channelling skills, or those with a long casting animation) do not do enough damage to warrant being a sitting duck. I would prefer if we didn't have map-wide clearing skills to actually make a "real" melee character feel relevant, but we do, as as we do, it feels highly counterproductive not to try to come up with one or use one.

Some skills and particular combinations aside, most warrior skills feels off, especially compared to many ranged characters/skills. I agree, Spark is too strong and I will never play it (I don't like lightning or cold skills), but while it does probably deserve a small nerf, many skills deserve a buff instead, either in damage or by changing their core slow/clunky mechanics.

A lot of players will go for skills that can clear maps easily, but still manage bosses fights. If that's what GGG intended, then they better come up with more options fast. Maybe that's why they moved the production team to PoE2, to bring in the new classes/skills faster, sadly, at the cost of PoE1 having no content for almost a year.

I honestly think that the overall build diversity isn't great right now, but I don't think nerfing Sparks is the solution. I don't want to play Lightning skills, and there's just too many gear/buffs that support lightning damage over the rest, so why not bring the other skills on par instead? That's probably what will happen when the new classes bring new skills/supports/buffs down the road.
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Jan 30, 2025, 2:43:03 PM
spaznaz#0311 wrote:

Vids or it don't exist.

spaznaz#0311 wrote:

Yes sir, a proper show and tell to argue your case.

T17 (no delirium, sorry)
Forgot to show map mods in video (enfeeble is only one affecting the build):
"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Jan 30, 2025, 2:56:08 PM
Made another video that I think better demonstrates what I meant by "Spark is too efficient at clearing maps"

It's only a level 77 map but i've taken off half my gear, and the gear that remains on my character was/can be found during the campaign. (highest mod on wand is ilvl 55)

*I also had to unspec 1 of my ascendancies so i wouldnt ignite myself to death, dropping my damage by another ~20-25%.

"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Jan 30, 2025, 10:09:10 PM
It is not just spark - game balance is just way off kilter and the developers said as much.

In the interview they did recently with ghazzy/dmt, they pretty much said too many builds are "completely off the reservation" with damage output.

The also said they want character power to be at a level where boss fights take a few mins when bosses are first encountered.

Eventually you should be able to have a character that one shots everything but not during the levelling process.

Hopefully, they will make some big balance changes in the next update.
Direfell#7544 wrote:
Made another video that I think better demonstrates what I meant by "Spark is too efficient at clearing maps"

It's only a level 77 map but i've taken off half my gear, and the gear that remains on my character was/can be found during the campaign. (highest mod on wand is ilvl 55)

*I also had to unspec 1 of my ascendancies so i wouldnt ignite myself to death, dropping my damage by another ~20-25%.

Where are these guys apologizing for basically calling you a liar? You prove them wrong and suddenly they don't say anything. ROFL
For sure, but Deadeye and all bow skills need to be nerfed first, hard. Then minions, and then after that Cast on X, and finally spells like spark and all spells that have projectile / auto-aim function that can cover the entire screen.

Where are these guys apologizing for basically calling you a liar? You prove them wrong and suddenly they don't say anything. ROFL

Ya, it's fine. lol. People need time to work/sleep/touch grass outside of poe. I am tempted to PM them "I showed you my build - please respond"

With how popular demonform / minion builds are for infernalists im not surprised most players dont know the benefits of the ways of Beidat...

"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
Why do you care so much about Sparks OP??

This is a Alpha-State-Game and not final release.

GGG knows about what to do.

btw. i dislike Spark, its a stupid spam skill that needs no brain to work.
Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Jan 31, 2025, 2:04:59 AM

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