GGG, spark is too OP it's broken, need to be Nerf!!!

Scryer16#5746 wrote:
Nerf Like doing 90% less damage

Any idea on what to buff then? Because Chronomancer is apparently not that good, which means Sorc isn't OP by a long shot without Spark + Archmage. A class built on interaction of 2 broken skills and one ascendancy is not a well-designed class. So please be so kind and provide any ideas on how to redesign it instead of adding to a millionth thread of "nerf Spark", which is a bandaid, not a solution to the problem.

From my understanding lightning setups and spark in particular are massively OP, cold skills are roughly in with intended power levels but feel awful by comparison since they’re an order of magnitude weaker. And fire skills and ignite setups need buffs and TLC. Chronomancer being built around their unique skills needs buffs to those skills, both in terms of them individually and in the types of interactions possible with ascendancy skills. Not an expert but that’s my surface level understanding of where things are at.
meanwhile monk and LA ranger doing pew pew pew
IGN: UgaBugaMajkaFaja
Last edited by dynia6666#0969 on Feb 1, 2025, 2:49:46 PM
It is interesting game design to allow one archetype to fly around with Superman speed and lightening obliterate everything screens away, while having every other type slowly walk around and aim at each monster. Bold move Cotton...
Direfell#7544 wrote:

literally don't need defense as enemies are frozen/dead before they can begin attacks.

LOL that's literally POE. First defence is kill them before they can attack.
Direfell#7544 wrote:

literally don't need defense as enemies are frozen/dead before they can begin attacks.

LOL that's literally POE. First defence is kill them before they can attack.

Okay true.
But that should normally require getting gear first. like any gear.
I'm running around 1/2 naked using 4-5 items from act 2 cruel and my brain-dead bugzapper build still goes "brrrrrrrr".
"Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype."
Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Feb 1, 2025, 10:20:48 PM
old players already know how this works

skills and ascendancies that are overused will get a present in the next patch
You know what's more wild? Few weeks ago deadeye was 31.7% on the leaderboard, infernalist was 23.7%, Storms were only 19%. I suppose spark was the problem yeah?

Making a claim because you saw an image of CLASS distribution, and on reddit to boot. Maybe it might have escaped you that there are skills beyond spark that SW builds run too, especially as a main DPS.

Moreover, I'm quite convinced the mass majority of that spark users aren't having that great a time after getting clickbaited into it, considering how many cries for help I see on the POE2 official discord regarding spark builds.

Quantity = popularity != OP.

The upper echelon players who are capable at making builds work at a high level, don't represent the average folks like you, and contribute far less to your statistics of what's OP for everyone

LOL. You mean the builds that got nerfed like LA?

This entire post is a massive cope. Then followed with hilarious stupid comments like this:

"Average folks like you"

I'm a 98 pathfinder with 600 hours in this game. My bow is worth your entire account. I'm 15 million xp away from the top 1000 ladder, and if I cared I'd be on it. As evident by wasting my time responding to your incoherent babble. Actually, if spark sorc was nerfed out of existence like pconc/GA+explosions/etc in .2 seconds, I'd be on it because half the spark sorcs on the ladder would've quit at lvl 93 after dying 300 times because they don't actually know how to play the game.

My buddy rolled a spark sorc after the CoF nerf. He doesn't even have to play the game. Walks in, holds a button, eats a sandwich on his couch while talking with his kids and deletes anything on his screen. He didn't even realize demon mobs spawn after killing regular mobs until he hit lvl 96 and did a 100% delirium map. Why? because he never sees any mobs. His breaches look like barren wastelands. We don't even play the game when we group, just follow behind him and crack another beer.

There is no universe -- parallel, alternate, or otherwise, that spark isn't nerfed into oblivion. Sticking your head in the sand and making excuses for why almost 40% of the ladder is playing a single build won't change that. It is by far the worst build that's been in the game yet because you don't even have to control your character. Every other build that was OP and nerfed you at least had to target a mob and kill them. Spark you don't even do that. You hold a button, and you hit everything on your screen and 2 screens over. Doesn't matter where you're aiming, standing, what mobs you're attacking. Literally zero interactive gameplay whatsoever.

So enjoy it while it lasts because it ain't gunna be around much longer.
Last edited by suchacrisis#2704 on Feb 2, 2025, 1:12:10 AM
I can't say it better than that! Very good feedback on how spark interact with the game and why should be Nerf!
GGG do something about the spark! It deserve heavy Nerf!
The Holy Bible
Because fire spells are almost trash like and actually crash computers. There is no other spirit that scales harder than archmage.
No need to be moronic, sorc has like what spark and fireball and then fireball sux you cant see the screen and its weak so get lost with nerfing only working build

Untrue. I have an eye of winter build that can kill +4 Xesht in under 5 seconds.

Without guides from popular streamers on YouTube (or other platforms) - your build does not exist.
Last edited by Parrrr#5360 on Feb 2, 2025, 12:05:23 PM

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