GGG, spark is too OP it's broken, need to be Nerf!!!
" Before anything, please understand that I am in no way throwing shade at what you've achieved, I am measuring objectively now on the statement and video submitted. I watched the whole vid, it's decent for SSF, but I can tell it's not anywhere near justifiable that "spark is OP". 1. You take a couple shots for whites to down, and you'll take a lot more for rares 2. You'll will really struggle at anything with an average deli modifier or odd mods on breach rares. 3. I also don't think high level rituals are feasible for that either considering your current effective life is so low. 4. Tiered Bosses are out of the picture for sure. Map bosses should be alright with some work to bring them down. Looks like a combination of scaling infernalist with some overly tuned crit damage, probably should have been tuned down and balancing with other stats would bring your effective dps at a much higher state. (Should work on yoru defense layers as well.) I can't make any clearer assesment as I cannot see anything else other than that brief view over your main dps spark page and nothing else. It's decent/average for farming general maps, that's about it. Beyond that I don't see you being able to do any other content with higher difficulty - Unless you're showing me a simulacrum run (Even at tier 1) and you're comfortably clearing it completely with no danger, we have a case to discuss. IF this is the baseline for "Oh a skill is op", we should all be playing zdps and taking 30min to complete any map at a slow pace. T15s for most builds should be the bare minimum, T16/17s are nothing to shout about. It just shows your build is able to scale decently to some extent, which is a good thing. For those of you arguing that showcase is OP, have to start venturing outside and realize there are many many many MANY builds that have much more impressive clear speeds and boss clear speeds as well. (I suppose we should start labelling them all as OP and broken and requiring nerf?) If your benchmark is only titans on stampede, please look further. 1. LA/LR deadeye 2. Explolding arrow 3. Galvanizic Shard 4. Essence Drain 5. Hexblast 6. Stormwave/Tempest These are just some example of builds that don't really utilize really high end budget to perform really well (many even better) than what's currently showcased. (Do your own search, plenty of places to view them) Also, some of ya'll actually need to take your own advice and go touch greenery. Please come to a realization that responding to this is not my first priority or anywhere on the top, anyone normal has life outside of this forum. I would have recorded a video on what OP spark actually means, with proper minmax, but I don't think it would make a difference anyway because those tunnel vision'ed into the original premise will skip over the fact that there are amounts of investments (and build tuning) required to get to that point of deleting everything on screen. Assess your thoughts next time and actually quantify what OP actually means before posting something this blatantly average and calling it broken. I expected so much more to back that up. Last edited by spaznaz#0311 on Jan 31, 2025, 7:26:19 AM
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" I think you're moving the goal posts. My claim was that spark is too efficient at clearing maps. Did you see the second video i made? im clearing a t13 while missing half my gear- and the gear i am wearing is unremarkable. None of my other builds are capable of clearing such content while basically naked. If you know another skill that can do that, make a video of it of it or it doesn't exist A lot of the criteria youre trying to hold me to is stuff i admitted the build could not do, eg it cannot do bosses (my entire point was only about clearing maps) As for higher difficulty- This is in my MF gear. literally only 1 ring and my wand are giving me more damage. My claim was never about Spark being super-duper op and can clear all things instantly with a gigajabillion damage. I said it was too efficient at mapping and i still stand by that. *My mistake- i did say spark was overpowered because it opens all the jars on the map. but you never brought this part up in your response :( **Thank you for your response, you clearly put a lot of thought into it. "Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype." Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Jan 31, 2025, 9:57:49 AM
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" Do you have any idea, what give the spark the DPS to be OP? |
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" From the random nerfs (gas grenades) and the random buffs (siege cascade), it is more than clear that this is not the case. The boys are totally clueless what is happening. And honestly, if you believe in the opposite, so are you. |
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" GGG said they will nerf OP builds later, let them cook. Tech guy
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" The goal post hasn't been moved, I'm pointing out your misuse of "OP" and equating it to some ok-ish map clearing. If that's OP, then I really wonder what is not op in your ideal world, with consideration to all the content available in the game, on top of mapping. As a suggestion towards the right direction, I also gave you an alternative of what proper assessment of OP would likely be like. I have also given you a list of builds that can do at bare minimum, same or better at low currency budgets. By your measurement, efficient at map clearing and some are good at bossing too. Are they also all incredibly OP then? And all should be nerfed right? Your premise was already questionable because your measured scale was poor. This part I hope is clear. Your showcase was far from anything "OP" in my humble opinion. In fact, it's a good start to scale up, so if any, keep min-maxing. If you really want OP, a quick search for videos would show you plenty, especially those that have already been patched. " Some of these guys here don't, and it shows quite clearly. Frog in well, nothing else I can add to this. Last edited by spaznaz#0311 on Jan 31, 2025, 10:36:00 AM
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" Okay, I feel like we're just talking past eachother now. Can you please tell me where i misused the term "OP". Unless im mistaken, the only aspect about spark i said was OP was the ability to break every pot/jar in a map without effort. The entire premise of my videos was that spark is "too efficient at clearing maps" compared to other skills. With barely any investment at all a spark build is capable of skipping straight to t13+ maps after finishing the campaign... with only 5 items equipped- acquired during the campaign! (could have taken boots off as well, but wanted the movespeed) It was never, ever about the top-tier builds obliterating everything. You've fixated on the term "OP" and are reserving it to only apply to pinnacle content, but that's literally not what i was demonstrating or ever talking about. Do you think every build should be able to clear a t13 map with only 4 low-level items equipped at lvl ~65-70? Also, you did call me a liar- thanks for editing the post to say i wasn't being truthful- I backed up my claim with video evidence and then you created you're own framework of how it didn't demonstrate a bunch of things i never claimed it would. "Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype." Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Jan 31, 2025, 1:46:35 PM
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" " There. t16 28% delirium with 3 suffixes that are bad for the build. Had to log out when i got frozen one time (can't rely on thawing charm - poison far more deadly for this build). And being mana starved slowed things down a lot. But let me guess, the goalpost is no longer proving that my build exists right? "Beidat honored the pact, though Mancy wouldn't take off Doryani’s prototype." Last edited by Direfell#7544 on Feb 1, 2025, 1:01:09 AM
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" If this build require any skill to clear map in your opinion, you just have skill level quite below average, but for average player such build should be categorized as OP. |
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Seeing people in this thread acting like a build that is over 35% of the top 1000 of the ladder isn't OP is hilarious.
Spark is currently the most broken, dumbest, most brain dead build in this game and it's not even close. Wild to see 3 pages now of people trying to defend it lmao |
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