How POE1 felt after coming back from POE2

poe > poe2
Huliooo#2179 wrote:
poe > poe2

Don't step in the Deuce, Exile. =~[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
sjeshin#3367 wrote:
This is a weird take dude. 2 days is an insane time to get to maps. My 11 year old has gotten to maps in 12 hours tops when he's distracted af... You're entire point is invalidated by your lack of effort.

You're really overestimating the speed of the playerbase here.

Not to mention that «2 days» is very vague anyway : it might mean 4 hours to some people, 32 hours to others...
sjeshin#3367 wrote:
This is a weird take dude. 2 days is an insane time to get to maps. My 11 year old has gotten to maps in 12 hours tops when he's distracted af... You're entire point is invalidated by your lack of effort.

i have a challenge to issue you or your 12 year old.

get them to choose a strike skill. commit to that skill. get to maps without referring to any build guides.

tell me how it works out.
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297 pages of posts since 2013 (100 since September 2024)

100's of complaints

40/40 challenges

0$ in supporter packs

You may be the most interesting player in POE history.

sorry i didnt realize supporter packs were important.

but thank you for ssaying i m interesting.
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Huliooo#2179 wrote:
poe > poe2

Don't step in the Deuce, Exile. =~[.]^=

i typically avoid responding to these people as they could be trolling around.

its like saying a burger tastes bad but refuses to elaborate.
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exsea#1724 wrote:
Huliooo#2179 wrote:
poe > poe2

Don't step in the Deuce, Exile. =~[.]^=

i typically avoid responding to these people as they could be trolling around.

its like saying a burger tastes bad but refuses to elaborate.

I've never felt compelled to explain my opinions. If asked, sure, I'll prolly answer, but it's not as if he said something about someone else's opinion. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
The first thing after returning to phrecia was simple joy. The joy of actually moving faster on the twilight strand than with 30% movement speed boots in poe2.

everything comes at a cost. in poe1 you can potentially reach crazy amounts of speed. but every power you get, will force the devs to react and make content with consideration of that power.

we can see this in poe1 endgame bosses, where shaper slams have a short react time and has a huge aoe. having the ability to get a lot of movespeed and movement skills necessitates harder content.

by doing so, the amount of player skill required rises dramatically where in the end the best way to play is to forgo skill and just have good gear to be able to either tank/survive slams or outright burst the boss down.

sure we move like a snail in poe2, the caveat is most of the boss encounters are much more beginner friendly where we can actually avoid damage.


The joy of actually being able to plan a craft. A better story too, sure poe2 is more shiny and does have better scenes, unfortunately the story itself is weak, maybe with 3 more acts it will get better.

i would say story is subjective. poe1 has a lot of lore but its all in tiny bits and pieces. i would say it has a ton of DEPTH, but its lacks drive and interconnectivity.

i personally prefer poe2's campaign. to me it has a better pace. i've been on these forums for a long time. there's many times a newer player would actually ask. "whats the story" for poe1. to me i feel thats a failure in story telling when no one knows whats going on.

if we go back thru the annals of time and remove our love of the game. try and analyze poe1's story.

in the very first iteration, we are rather briefly told that we are being exiled. we are on a ship and choose our character in the ship. in the current iteration, we are in oriath and we are being sentenced. but in both theres a big disconnect. we suddenly awake in twilight strand and require an npc to tell us that our ship got wrecked and our only objective is to head to town.

From the town npcs tell us to help them out. and you travel inward. why? ask yourself. why are we "chasing" brutus/peity? revenge? or do we want to go back to oriath? theres no strong why. the story does not exactly push us forward. and many other newer players end up asking the same thing. why?

in poe1 its just a string of bad things happening and the player helping the npcs out. only in act 4 does things ramp up when we need to stop malachai. but even then "why?". most players do not know who malachai is or how bad things would get if he succeeded. the whys are not answered.

in contrast, poe2 has the game show the player they are being sentenced. the game shows how we actually escaped and got washed down the river. the npc that we first meet in poe2 also tells us about the town but also gives a LITTLE urgency by making a request for us to go there.

similarly we help the townfolk out but we discover sin and things pick up. but here is where i want to point out. players are HYPED to discover whats going to happen because in the very beginning of POE2 installs, we get the sin capture cutscene which also showed the beast. and for newer players "who is that hooded guy"? they're invested. they want to know. this is something diablo used to do well which was to lead players by breadcrumbs that made players hyped to progress thru the game. we also know that the beast is likely bad news. near the end of act 1 we are able to find the count and actually get revenge.

if the player "forgot" who the count is, the game reminds the player by having the count taunt the player saying he should have executed you themselves back then.

it revs the player up. i m hyped. fuck this guy. he tried to get me hung? i m gonna murder him regardless of the beast!

i wont go too much more into that as it just serves to show my pov on why i think poe2's story is better. the player has a lot of drive and also a lot of why's are answered in game.

as for crafting, i would prefer if players had a little more power for crafting in poe2. but i would not want players to be able to craft too deterministically. it goes back to what i mentioned about everything having a cost. if players can have good gear easily. the game does not reward you for having good gear and instead demands you to have good gear as a requirement.


And endgame? poe2 endgame was not fun. Not because of the one death mechanic or something, but because the atlas tree is worthless, the side trees even more so.
What do you call a set of nodes with a clear optimum? surely not fun. Poe1, even with the crappy idols is more fun. You actually have progress, the pinnacle bosses are not one shot fests, defense is "kinda" meaningful.

and sanctum > sekhema xD

100% agree. poe1> poe2 in the end game side. but i would say i really like how in poe2's atlas, league specific trees exist separately and can only be improved on if you engage with them.

I could go on.
Also, this game was never friendly to new players, hell poe2 isn't friendly to them either. But thanks to optional lockins to class builds early on, people don't realize they can make wrong choices. In poe2 you don't really need to specc into defenses during the early story, you get clearly defined palettes of skill shown which synergize well with your starting position.

there are many things i appreciate in poe1. but i would only say that whether one is better than the other boils down to personal preference. poe1's package of features can be appealing to many, while to me i prefer poe2's package despite its flaws.

the game "never friendly to new players" to me is something i find as a flaw of the game. i would argue poe1 is unfriendly to newer players by a very large magnitude.

i would agree that poe2 is DIFFICULT to newer players. but i would disagree on saying its "unfriendly".

in poe1 youre stuck with your skills based on RNG. no items with links/sockets/colour? too bad. enjoy your 2L. zero experimentation. vendors also rarely sell anything worth while and in many cases, for newer players its very likely that even if the vendor has something good. you cant afford it. which new player has 2 alterations lying around? theres no proper way to farm them up either.

also as we progress to the end, we get to merveil. have you tried merveil using a strike skill? its simply maddening. you need tons of cold resists or else she'll simply chill/freeze you all the time. you can also easily get stunlocked. and for most players, their movespeed is not too fast that they can dodge her ice attacks too easily. it is a huge barrier for new players that most newer players would just win by virtue of zerging her down utilizing infinite retries.

as for poe2, you gain access to gold which smooths out the newer player experience by leaps and bounds. as a 10 year poe1 player i usually get to town with the idea that its very likely i cant afford anything much in my first "go". but in poe2 usually you'll pickup some gold here and there that you can actually by some shit gear to get you geared up on your first go.

as for the count? he's quite interesting. he is PUNISHING. he is difficult. but he can be overcome by newer players and actually get them to improve their skills. i've watched an unknown streamer play poe2. he attempted the count. his skills really sucked so much ass. theres so much telegraphing that he refuses to get out of the way from. he died and died and died. but he kept going at it. every new attempt, he got better. he recognized that he needed to avoid certain things. he learned to stop being too greedy. after attempting over 20 times, he killed the count but got killed right before landing the killing blow. but he took that as a win. i dont know him but i cheered him on all the while.

this is something you can NEVER get in poe1.

poe1 has a lot going for it, but in my personal opinion i prefer poe2 much more. i am not saying poe2 is better than poe1 as a fact. but as my personal opinion.
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exsea#1724 wrote:

because in the very beginning of POE2 installs, we get the sin capture cutscene which also showed the beast.

Has the bug where the cutscene never shows up been fixed now ?

i would agree that poe2 is DIFFICULT to newer players. but i would disagree on saying its "unfriendly".


as a 10 year poe1 player i usually get to town with the idea that its very likely i cant afford anything much in my first "go".

As a non-new player though you know (on top about buying items with linked slots), also about buying movement speed boots (or just boots that you can transmute for a chance of movement speed) and +skill items, as well as increased rarity items and cold resistance.
enjoy :
"mov|to le|:.*(?=\S*r)(?=\S*g)(?=\S*b)|rare|d rar"

As well as how you can upgrade currency.


as for the count? he's quite interesting. he is PUNISHING. he is difficult. but he can be overcome by newer players and actually get them to improve their skills.
this is something you can NEVER get in poe1.

Yeah, I keep having this experience with the Count, twice now.

But then I also had a similar (but of course not as great) experience on my first time of most of PoE1 bosses, because in Ruthless they regenerate 40% of their life if a player dies.
Last edited by BlueTemplar85#0647 on Mar 5, 2025, 2:28:18 AM

Has the bug where the cutscene never shows up been fixed now ?

i didnt realize this bug existed. then again with all the pre EA hype, i tend to believe most people who wound up buying EA have already seen the cutscene on YT.


enjoy :
"mov|to le|:.*(?=\S*r)(?=\S*g)(?=\S*b)|rare|d rar"

lol thats definitely a helpful search!


As well as how you can upgrade currency.

just a lil tidbit. i once pointed out in the forums that some players were trading jewellers at more than 4 jews per fuse. iirc back when poe trade site was a thing. the site owner added a warning to jew/fuse trades not too long after as old players would know to trade fusing with npcs 4:1 but newer players might end up trading with players at bad rates like 5:1 just because they dont know any better.

speaking of "hidden knowledge" i really did enjoy the idea of vendor recipes. but nowadays i see it with disdain. if i knew how to make a mirror from a vendor recipe i would NOT tell anyone about it and keep it to myself. this actually happened with some minion support or jewel during one temp league. the players who figured out the recipe made huge amounts of profit. but they did divulge the information near mid-end league.


But then I also had a similar (but of course not as great) experience on my first time of most of PoE1 bosses, because in Ruthless they regenerate 40% of their life if a player dies.

lol actually that reminds me of how diablo used to be. its even in the diablo manual iirc "if you die, monsters will regenerate some of their health".

but nowhere near up to 40% health.

now that i remembered this d1 tidbit, its amusing how GGG didnt implement this penalty even after all these years.
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