1.1.1 Patch Notes

Thank you, nice =)
LadyXYZ_ - Crit Tornado / Ranger 84
BlaueNudel - Crit Cascade Waller / Witch 70
SchwarzeNudel - Flicker Dual Strike Leap Slam'er IIR/IIQ / Duelist 70
SchnittlauchMitKetchup - GH / Marauder 58
the patch notes are nice but the bosses in corruption zones are still one shotting from off screen unless you farm way overlevel and kill drop rates. The promised fixes are not working in ambush to point I not wasting any more time in corrupted areas until they actually fix it instead of just empty promises. I rather they take time and get right than a patch every day that fails to do what promised.
Also the fix for souls on Vaal gems failed in cruel still with most areas still not charging gems with full clear and a lot of merciless areas with similar problems. What is point on displacing skill gems for a skill you can use once per zone if you lucky and by time charged cleared all the tougher mobs in zone? Is no way to use in corrupted zones where they actually be useful with the ridiculously OP bosses.
One good thing about corrupted zone bosses is I wont be complaining about rogue exiles been OP after the repeated one shotting.
Is clear they having major problems trying to fix this as the race season that was meant to start right after release not even mentioned since and the old season stats not even cleared. They realise that even though they saying everything fixed the massacre in races will just piss off way to many players.
I just encountered my very first completely empty strongbox even though I used an alc orb on it as it was normal to begin with! Not funny!
Really happy about balance changes. Was having very very difficult time in invasion(which is good), but got somewhat frustrated when the drop rates very so bad compared to effort and rerolling the characters :D. I hope ill have difficulties still, but no more cheap 1 shots and some epic lewt!
The drops from bosses are still terrible and still a complete waste of time.
Yes, of course Flameblast was op with a 6 linked searing touch and all quality 20 Gems.
The changes will not tickle these guys a bit.

But with "normal" gear it is a huge nerf and a pain in the ass...

This is why POE is the game of the decade for me.:)
BoswerLK wrote:
Burgingham wrote:
@Bowser: They could have just nerfed it on lower levels. I agree it was too good for leveling.

The problem is the later game especially in party play. Solo the skill is probably still viable, but when there is other people around shooting stuff you hardly ever get a shot in in the first place. Then I at least want to make it count when I do. They removed that now.

P.S.: You usually do not use CE on FB. I mean you can and I often switch it in at bosses, but the bigger area for once is actually important with FB.
Kiting is meh at best with this skill, there is skills much better at doing this so why would I make my character's life hard on purpose?

P.P.S.: I made an FB build by myself the second the server got on, not even knowing anyone was gonna play that. But nice job judging everyone without any inside knowledge.

so use less charges........just because the window only has avg damage doesn't mean it doesn't have a dps...why would you even use 10 charges when the damage was glitched. that's just a great way to kill yourself on reflect repeatedly

CE is the gem of choice for short charge burn prolif type flameblast builds. one of the biggest strengths of fb are the short charges. otherwise you're better off making a discharger anyways

flameblast kiting is amazing, youI don't know what you're talking about. it's one of the best kiting skills in the game if you have any idea what you're doing

Thank you for judging my playing skills from your point of view. I am sure you watched me for hours and came to that conclusion after a deep analysis.

FB can be used as a kiting skill, no problem. Anything can be...
It just is sub-par then compared to other skills that have a lot more utility doing so and now are also on par damage wise again. Short stack FB are not nearly as good as other skills that achieve the same.
What makes them good is the diversity since you can alternate between small stacks and big stacks. (I am hardly among the black and white kind of whiners, I acknowledge the skill still has uses and is still absolutely playable. The major issue is party play imo)

FB has an advantage shooting stuff off screen to other skills, but that situation is hardly always applicable or reproducable.

That all aside though my actual point was another one. It was already questionable to use FB in a full party that plays fast and well. They will not wait for you to one shot things. So you hardly ever get a good situation to blast stuff. Then it should at least count, but now it is just average or a little above.
Solo the skill is still fine, yes. I am open to the opinion that maybe with this kind of skill a balance for both kinds of play is not possible, dunno.

One last thing. To those claiming the balancing was to foster diversity: You know this lessened the diversity of builds, yes? Now all the FB builds revert back to Searing Bond/Desecrate, which is already the majority of the field. Yay...

DestroTheGod wrote:
Well, it's official. Corrupted all my gear and gave away everything.

Thanks a ton for the great game GGG and it was a lot of fun and exciting content. I really enjoyed myself playing Ambush. I look forward to the next 4-month league.

Until then, will be trolling the forums ^^.

just take some time off, cool down a bit and restart fresh.

when i learned something from the game it's that you can rely on overpowered things getting balanced sooner or later.
as a consequence i played melee when melee was boring and powerless, now i started a cold witch with ice spear and ice nova as main spells cause they're not that fancy at the moment.

it's more exciting and challenging to make something viable what nobody uses (and fail often) then hopping on the train of momentary op skills.
but i must admit that i was initially fascinated of the searing bond video i saw before the league started...
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
err..guys I think I have found the new vendor recipe
weapon+blacksmith's whet+chain belt = weapon with +% spell damage

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