[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

xythian wrote:
j0zef wrote:

While yours is a good ideas, you're missing the main reason I mentioned my setup - it's so you DONT have to waste time spamming an alternate skill first. On maps without curse immunity, it's the best 6 link IMO - better than FA, Added fire, faster proj, pierce or incr crit strikes.

I see what you're saying now and I agree that it's a very viable alternative 6L for people without Drillneck. You're basically dropping Faster Attacks (roughly .2 APS) for the ease of applying +150% global crit chance, +9% global crit, and the 30% more crit multiplier. And, the loss in attack speed is mostly made up for by not having to cast a curse every pack or every other pack. For curse immune maps, you either reroll the mod or drop CoH+AM for PCoC+ICS. Also, this setup frees up a 4L for more general utility (vaal haste/grace, smoke mine, frenzy charge generation, 2nd cwdt, cws, culling ability, etc).
Yup - exactly. I also took Alira's power charge and another power charge above mind drinker, since I pass right next to it on the way to "Written In Blood" health cluster. So at the cost of 2 points, I'm grabbing a sustainable 100% more crit chance.
Current gear


I havn't really played a life build in 2 challenge leagues and i'm not sure what to get on my flasks

I have 20k tooltip with my power charges(get them from attacking ;) 3) I don't really have any 20q gems yet like tornado/phys proj etc. And 4.6k life

And for atziri runs, the desync is much less than my lowlife ST using whirling blades to get around, which is fantastic. Mostly a breeze. However, I feel when I come to the queen herself, on my other character I would facetank with purities+ flask, for the regular flameblast and stormcall. Can't do this on my character ofcourse. But everytime I run out of it, im half a screen away and still hits me and im quite certain I'm clear from it. even did a recording, I have no packetloss 30-40ping on aussie server. and because im prepared and think i've evaded it it hits me for a large chunk w/o flasking. Not really sure what else to do lol.

EDIT: Meh just tried another run and was fine, although wouldve died twice in uber due to silly mistakes that i don't normaly do. Maybe it was the server was being poopy when I tried a couple days ago..anyway
Last edited by Malum95#3190 on Oct 2, 2014, 6:21:08 PM
Beyond, 78, RIP. Just bought a good bow and 5link, doubled my dps to 9k TS with GMP, doing temple map for first time, almost one shotting piety, but no. I get one shot first. 4k life and 85% Lightning Resist with flask... I guess Im done this league.
Malum95 wrote:

I havn't really played a life build in 2 challenge leagues and i'm not sure what to get on my flasks

There's some wiggle room, but basically you want some combo of the following on health flasks.

* Instant Recovery (Seething)
* Increased Recovery on Low Life (Cautious)
* Partial Instant Recovery, Increased Recovery Speed (Bubbling)
* Removes Bleeding (of Staunching)
* Removes Burning (of Dousing)
* Dispels Frozen and Chilled (of Heat)

The various instant recovery options are extremely potent when combined with Profane Chemistry and Herbalism. You're looking at flasks that heal 1/2-2/3 of your HP per use and refill almost instantly on the next pack of mobs.

Health Flask Examples

Utility flasks are a lot more flexible. Surgeon's is nice for quick refills, increase evasion on a Jade flask, increased charges, etc.
Last edited by xythian#6511 on Oct 2, 2014, 6:30:10 PM
I would like some question on how to proceed with this bow. It has the %Physical Damage mod as its only Prefix. I know I can master craft either the %Phy/Accuracy or the Adds 14-18 to 26-31 Physical Damage. My question is should I eternal (if it is worth it?) before adding the master craft to it and try an Exalt on it to see what I get? Also, since it has 2 prefix's left could I do the "Can have multiple crafted mods" or does that actually use a slot? Obviously I would 6-link it before eternaling..

Thanks guys!
Last edited by zoytoyb#7558 on Oct 2, 2014, 8:07:36 PM
zoytoyb wrote:
I would like some question on how to proceed with this bow. It has the %Physical Damage mod as its only Prefix. I know I can master craft either the %Phy/Accuracy or the Adds 14-18 to 26-31 Physical Damage. My question is should I eternal (if it is worth it?) before adding the master craft to it and try an Exalt on it to see what I get? Also, since it has 2 prefix's left could I do the "Can have multiple crafted mods" or does that actually use a slot? Obviously I would 6-link it before eternaling..

Thanks guys!

You have no suffixes, you can't use multi-mod. If you add on flat phys and quality, you can get it to about 290-305pdps, but no higher.

Phil82 wrote:

Thanks man. I'm mostly worried about her Spears..Pretty sure 3.5k life won't cut it so it looks like I'm gonna have to reshuffle things around. Was she able to one shot you? How many ports did you end up using?

I was left with about 300 hp whenever I got hit by a spear, it's quite painful. That said, they always travel in a straight line, so if you are always moving you should never get hit.

I used all of my ports, shitty desyncs in trash putting me a whole room away hurt.
Last edited by DySeaL#3873 on Oct 2, 2014, 10:56:46 PM
Hi guys, first of all I must thank the creator of this awesome build. I didn't have so much fun levelling since ages.

But I have to ask two questions:

1) How can you cap the res at lower levels? I'm at cruel at the moment, and it seems I can't find items for 95% res. It's good to spend some passive in nearly res skills?

2) Very noobish question. How can you see the critical strike chanche with bows? Do I have to calculate by hand?

Thanks in advance :)
Umbral_Sky wrote:
zoytoyb wrote:
I would like some question on how to proceed with this bow. It has the %Physical Damage mod as its only Prefix. I know I can master craft either the %Phy/Accuracy or the Adds 14-18 to 26-31 Physical Damage. My question is should I eternal (if it is worth it?) before adding the master craft to it and try an Exalt on it to see what I get? Also, since it has 2 prefix's left could I do the "Can have multiple crafted mods" or does that actually use a slot? Obviously I would 6-link it before eternaling..

Thanks guys!

You have no suffixes, you can't use multi-mod. If you add on flat phys and quality, you can get it to about 290-305pdps, but no higher.

Phil82 wrote:

Thanks man. I'm mostly worried about her Spears..Pretty sure 3.5k life won't cut it so it looks like I'm gonna have to reshuffle things around. Was she able to one shot you? How many ports did you end up using?

I was left with about 300 hp whenever I got hit by a spear, it's quite painful. That said, they always travel in a straight line, so if you are always moving you should never get hit.

I used all of my ports, shitty desyncs in trash putting me a whole room away hurt.

Really appreciate all the info, thank you.

Hi guys, first of all I must thank the creator of this awesome build. I didn't have so much fun levelling since ages.

But I have to ask two questions:

1) How can you cap the res at lower levels? I'm at cruel at the moment, and it seems I can't find items for 95% res. It's good to spend some passive in nearly res skills?

2) Very noobish question. How can you see the critical strike chanche with bows? Do I have to calculate by hand?

Thanks in advance :)

1. You don't have to be res capped as you rarely get hit if you kite properly. I think i had less than %50 res for each element when I finished merc. alternatively, you can roll a quicksilver/granite flask with up to 30% res all and just pop those for real sketchy situations. Only died once before I started mapping and it was bec of phys reflect.

2. Go to the character screen then select the offensive tab.
Phil82 wrote:

Hi guys, first of all I must thank the creator of this awesome build. I didn't have so much fun levelling since ages.

But I have to ask two questions:

1) How can you cap the res at lower levels? I'm at cruel at the moment, and it seems I can't find items for 95% res. It's good to spend some passive in nearly res skills?

2) Very noobish question. How can you see the critical strike chanche with bows? Do I have to calculate by hand?

Thanks in advance :)

1. You don't have to be res capped as you rarely get hit if you kite properly. I think i had less than %50 res for each element when I finished merc. alternatively, you can roll a quicksilver/granite flask with up to 30% res all and just pop those for real sketchy situations. Only died once before I started mapping and it was bec of phys reflect.

2. Go to the character screen then select the offensive tab.

Thank you very much, kind sir.
Thanks for the build.

Downed atziri for the 1st time this morning. Yesterday got rekt 6 times on clone phase so I wasted a set. Got the hang of it now, secret was not getting too greedy with the puncture, just shoot her once and move the fck away.

stats: lvl 82 / 8k ts / 16k puncture / 4.3k life / capped res.

And the first wasted set was totally worth it, second one earned me:

tnx again.

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