[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
hey guys what is better:
1) 300 PDPS + 8.5 Crit 5l Harb with 4L chest or 2) Near perfect 4L Infractem + Thief Ring + Drillneck with 4L chest or 3) 6L Chest for 6 linked Tornado Shot with added Fire damage and Near Perfect 4L Infractem + Thief Ring Not sure how the DPS would be and which would actually be better. If I put down 10 exa for a harbinger bow, I can get a 350 dps bow but perhaps the other two combinations might be better? Thank you! Is it really worth it to put down 10 exa for a harbinger or should I get a 6L chest instead? |
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Hi, reading the guide, Im still quite confused about 4L puncture set up. OP said a strong variation is the trap setup, by that does he mean that actually puncture-phys proj dmg-increased crit dmg-faster attacks still outdps trap setup? What about puncture-phys proj dmg- increased crit dmg-add fire dmg? I figured since crit bleed is what we are aiming for and bleed doesnt stack, we want the crit bleed that gives most dmg possible, since faster attacks is merely stacking dmg on the initial hit and not on the bleed unlike add fire.
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Thanks for the great build , leveling been really easy to 79 and was running at level for most of it
can solo dominus merciless real easy and just blap threw 66-70 maps real fast . I am not sure how to work out my dps using the calc for tornado shot http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAF4DHgW1BiMILgiJCpsVIBa_GY4fQSF2IuIj9iT9JpUqCypNLOkwcTB8MpQ2PTnUOkI6sz8nR-JKfUrIS3hNklFHUUxVS1b6W69daGHiYqxnoGyMbWxuqm-eb_JwUnb3d9d4631bfXV_An8rgwmGzod2jDaNfY2_kAqVBZrxm42dqqCfpDmm4Kc0q9KsR6_rtMW1SLXywJzBM8LsykrKqdCB037UI9aK2cbajd0N3ajjhOcK51Ttg-968-r8xf66_94= Tooltip says 6200 on tornado shot and 11500 on puncture , not sure if I can just multiply the 6200 by 5 and call it roughly 30k or what Please help , thanks Last edited by Rogueweapon#2320 on Nov 15, 2014, 10:54:39 PM
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" please someone reply! |
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" Anyone? :\ |
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What about Power Charge on Crit instead of Faster Attacks for Tornado Shot? :o
I've been using that and it raises my DPS and puncture also benefits from it when you have 3 stacks.. Which you can easily get :) Thoughts? |
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" Don't get drillneck unless you can get a 6-Linked armor. Option1 + 5 link armor would likely be the best thing to do. I can't say for sure however, I highly advice you to use the calculator. I'm sorry guys, but I can't provide you with exact answers on what's better to upgrade. That highly depends on your playstyle, build and I need to get a feeling for your character + it takes at least 30 minutes to provide a objective answer. Please use the calculator (you'll find it in the main page)! " Tried it. Decent. However, while the DPS is comparable, your mobility goes down significantly. You spend more time in between shots before you can proceed moving, slowing down your clear speed and kiting capabilities. Throwing in a single assassins mark on every second-third mob group keeps your power charges up 99% of the time. Don't forget about the more multiplier on assassins mark+crit chance increase. This provides a massive DPS boost, while keeping your mobility from faster attacks. " 1) Puncture+Trap+PB+CritDamage (+PhysicalProjectileDamage or Pierce) 2) Puncture+CritDamage+ProjDamage+Pierce (+Faster attacks) 1) First setup should be providing higher DPS. The drawback is slower attack/throw speed, limited charges, no pierce.. and it feels somewhat anti-climatic for me. I have to say I'm not 100% clear on some calculations here, I might add a puncture calculator over the next weeks. 2) Is the setup I'm using. The DPS is a bit lower, but it has a easy time hitting anything inside of a mobgroup while oneshotting pretty much any moving target in the game. Personally I like the fact that the non-trap setup is very intuitive to use and also provides some AOE clear in areas like doorways, where tornado shot is a bit non-optimal to use (especially handy while clearing uber-atziri and high difficulty 78-79 trash). However, once again, I think it's a matter of personal preference. " I suggest not concerning yourself with "practical per-shot" tornado shot DPS. This needs including things such as mob size, mob pack distribution, your aiming, statistical calculations etc. I think focused mobs take around 4-5 times your DPS under a typical tornado shot barrage (if aimed right). So ~30k is likely correct. However, it depends on too many parameters here. Usually when I'm talking about DPS, I'm talking about the tooltip DPS here. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Nov 16, 2014, 7:50:43 AM
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" Really appreciate you keeping in touch with this thread and the build. Thanks man! btw, do you guys like pierce over added fire damage? Last edited by sighlight#4723 on Nov 16, 2014, 7:54:27 AM
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" You're welcome, I don't abandoning projects or people. With tornado shot if you have drillneck: pierce With tornado shot if you don't have drillneck: don't use either With puncture: pierce Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Nov 16, 2014, 9:06:31 AM
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UPDATE: I added the following section to the guide. These 42 answers should answer pretty much all questions in the universe or at least most gear upgrade related questions (I'll format it a bit more later):
1) Prioritize defense. You want at least 3200++ HP and capped resistances by level 70-80. Upgrades to get to that point are cheap. Use Poe.Xyz and get there. 2) Don't be afraid to use a +30 str/+30 int stat points from the skilltree. It's better than trying to get a perfect piece of jewelry 3) General rule: more unique = better rares. Maligaros/S&D + RatsNest + AtziriStep + Drillneck + your bow provide 0 resists. So don't attempt to get there until your rares are good enough to allow you to do it. You likely want to upgrade 2-3 items at a time. "I'm going to replace my belt and left ring, to switch my boots to atziri's step". 4) The only reason to use drillneck before having a 6 (or at least 5-link) is Infractem+Thiefs torment. Drillneck can provide a huge DPS boost, but it takes a pierce gem link to do so otherwise and there are equally good options for the first 4-5 links. 5) Lionseye and Infractem/Thiefs/Drillneck trio are good options but not "final" upgrades. I can't tell you what's better. 6) Never, never, never forget about upgrading your flasks. By level 80-85 you want each single flask handcrafted with the perfect suffix/affix. By 90 you want all of them (including atziri's promise!) with 20% quality. These upgrades are much cheaper than anything else and provide insane boosts. 7) When picking between two "luxury" upgrades, try picking the more permanent one. If you can pick between a insane ring, the would easily help you cap all your resists and allow you to use a drillneck later and a bow with 15% more DPS, go for the ring. You'll want to replace the bow again anyway later for something even better. 8) Get a 5-Link armor and a 4-link bow first. That's more links than enough until you can afford a 6link AND a drillneck at once, while keeping all your resists capped. 9) Keep leveling 2x Increased critical damage, 2x faster attacks, 1x pierce and 1x GMP in your offslot. Those gems benefit a lot from quality. Worst case you can sell them for a lot of currency. 10) If picking between 2 bows with the same DPS, prioritize the slower one (lionseye is a bit of a special case) 11) If picking between crit chance and attackspeed with a otherwise equal bow. Go for crit chance. 12) Get those damn 2-4% mana leech from rings/amulets. 13) Focus on "weakest links upgrades". A wise strategy is to always upgrade your worst item to the best item you can find. You don't want too many "small upgrades". 14) It takes 534 chromatics to create a 4-red maligaros ( on average! ). If you get a 3-red stop until you can afford safely proceeding with this madness. 15) Don't vaal things for no good reason! Don't vaal your equipment! Never vaal harbingers! Only vaal boots/gloves/helmets you're going to use if you got replacements! Get a item to 20% quality+right links and colors before vaaling! 16) Think of crafting as of vaaling (I mean complete white->rare crafting, with mass alterations). Unless you are ready to take the risk of losing mass currency, don't do it. I've spent over 7500 alterations + mass regals, without getting a upgrade. 17) Create yourself a fancy hideout and level your masters. 18) Weapon elemental damage doesn't improve your DPS quite as much as you'd think due to the way how Hatred DPS is calculated. Prioritize other stats 19) Try to get 300-500 accuracy from gear. 20) When searching for upgrades, consider what your masters can do for you and craft the missing stat. 21) If you're new to crafting and you're asking yourself "should I buy or craft gear". Usually you're better of buying the gear. 22) You can attempt crafting your own chest piece if you find a 6-socketed high level evasion armor. It might be much more cheaper than buying one. 23) Acuity are hands down the best gloves for this build. Also the most expensive item. Don't try saving for one until you have everything else. (I can't believe I need to say this) 24) 6-Linking yourself is a very very frustrating process. One can sometimes be lucky, but most of the time you will be really disappointed. Unless you know what you're getting into, I highly suggest buying or mastercrafting a 6-link. 25) Added fire damage is pretty much always a worse choice than pierce+drillneck on tornado shot. As for puncture: just don't do it. 26) You can also use split arrow or ice arrow instead of tornado shot with this build (with some chances). You can also replace puncture with a utility shot (split arrow/frenzy+cast on crit+assassins mark... lot's of options here). 27) If you're playing on standard there are some extra gearing options, such as "The Taming" ring or insane mirrorable equip, such as the Glyph Mark bow. 28) A super-end-game option is to switch to a 6-link windripper. The elemental version of this build is a bit tricky, but provides an equal or higher clear speed, while adding more magic find (one day I'll write a extra section!) 29) Atziri's step are hands down the best boots for the build 30) Rat's nest is hands down the best helmet. I don't recommend alpha's howl 31) Daresso's is a decent chest if you can get your resists elsewhere 32) With enough DPS you can replace your heralds with haste for even more and faster farming. However, we're talking of 20000+ tornado tooltip shot DPS 33) Vaal haste is amazing. So is assassins mark and portal. Optimizing those and your flask usage results in a huge clear speed increase. 34) Optimize your flasks for atziri/uber-atziri! Check the flask section if you intend to do those runs 35) Not a ingame item, but get a SSD. Your load times will be super fast, you'll save a lot of time and have more fun in general (much more satisfying and cheaper upgrade than better GPU/CPU) 36) Don't use queen of the forest, without alphas howl. Don't use alphas howl without grace. I don't recommend using grace. Don't use all 3, unless you're playing on hardcore. And even then, think twice, before doing so. 37) If you get a blue harbinger with a single "tyrannical" mod you can regal it (don't augment) and ask a player with Elreon+Tora level 8 to multimod the bow. Usually the result will be a 300+ DPS bow and very sellable. With a lot of luck it can reach up to 480+ DPS (we're talking 1:200 luck though) 38) Vaal level 20 hatred and reduced mana. Don't vaal any other non leveled/qualitied gems or you'll have 20/20 hindsight 39) You can level the increased duration in the CWDT cluster. CWDT only limits the level of active gems 40) Meginords is a very strong choice during the beginning of the league and should only be replaced once you have a very strong bow and decent equipment. Ideally only replace it for a really good rare belt or doryanis (in order to use one more unique, usually atziri/drillneck) 41) +Mana is a pretty strong attribute that especially helps if you have low accuracy/crit chance or run 50% mana regen maps a lot 42) Use the calculator to answer any remaining DPS related questions! Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Nov 16, 2014, 9:02:58 AM
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