[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" Get Spectral Throw, Lesser Projectiles (and whatever else you like). The skill is so retardedly overpowered right now you can use that for AOE even without gearing for it. |
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" Thank you mpoulos, good feedback! Save travels, friend. |
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" That's why I like heavy strike with multi and no splash. One thought, if you are only using 4 links or less currently, you could have two heavy strikes, one for bosses and one for AOE. One on the left mouse button, one on the right, for convenience. A little boring I guess, but effective. :) |
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" Yes, I am going to pick that skill up myself on a throw-away scion. Looks great, at least until the nerf. :) I like to play around with new skills. So far I always go back to heavy strike but maybe not this time, we shall see. |
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Hi fellow tankyblocktemplardudes,
Earlier this week I started a blocktemplar myself and I'm really liking the defensive nature of the build, picked up a suuuuuuper lucky Perandus but around level 35 I started struggling a LOT. Mostly I just couldn't get things to die. While I know this is not the kill-fast type build or playstyle, I am getting bogged down in early Cruel difficulty. Some info: Build Status Gears:
Now, I think it's my gear's fault. The hat is wrong, the amulet is wrong, the weapon is bad. Skill-wise I also don't know what to do. Lightning Strike just sucked all my mana (using ÖNLY Determination, sometimes Tempest Shield but then manaproblems are even worse). Heavy Strike with Melee Splash and Multi-Strike is currently the best setup I have (and I still guzzle manapotions like mad!). I don't have many options to be quite honest. What am I not understanding about this build? |
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" Hail Frizz_za! First, scepters are a no-no. They do basically no damage. You need a good axe. What currencies have you found? You can get a waaaaay better weapon for 1 chaos if you are willing to trade. :) You need a mana leech item. Slitherpinch is cheap. Consider dropping splash for melee physical damage support. Your mana drain will go down, and your damage will go UP. |
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Lots of good information and the character is so tanky, so thanks for that but doesn't look very fun to play.
IGN: Farmerino
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" I suppose that would be a matter of opinion as I have a lot of fun when I play, and others have commented how much they enjoy playing their lazy pally. However, I understand if it's not for you. :) Some customization is possible in the choice of attack skill. About the only things this would not work well as is a spell caster or totem user, or archer. Thank you for posting though. :) |
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Hello there.
After 1.00 launch, i decided to use the full respecc possibility to make some totally new kind of char. So i searched the forum an found this thread. There was that lvl 61 unused templar, who wanted so much to be tanky. I found a Perandus in my stash, a good corsair sword and some other nice gear. Now i am cruising through act 2 in merciless (i stopped playing the old templar there) with very much fun. For solo mobs i use heavy strike, but for aoe i switched from a second heavy strike with melee splash, to infernal blow. It works very fine so far. I run purity and grace atm, and have like zero mana issues, using mana leech items and gems. I tried The Anvil too. It boosts the defense a lot, but the attack- and runspeed issues stopped making it fun anymore for me. First i feared about too less damage, because of using so much defense nodes. But it is ok. So i can say, the char really can be fun to play. It is tanky and does a good amount of damage. The clearing speed is far away from my one hand + shield cycloner, but it is moderate. I love it, to stand there, surrounded by mobs, taking like no damage and hitting down everything around me. So thank you for that build! (excuse my bad english, but it is not my 1st language!) ;-) people make mistakes, but to get real chaos, you need a computer.
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" Yes. Find a fast attack weapon, atleast 1.50aps. Doesnt matter if its a dagger, sword, axe, mace, claw. If it has +% physical damage, and 1-4 extra damage and attack speed you are in heaven. all your gear that can have +damage should have it. The hat aint so bad actually. but your rings and amulet are. %-damage or elemental damage is almost pointless for us (atleast in the start). The attack should be supported by multistrike, faster attack, melee physical damage, melee splash or weapon elemental damage. If you find a mana leech gem, then you can easily use lightning strike also. Then add either fork or lesser multiple strike and you clear the screen before the mobs are entering. Make a scion, steal its spectral throw, find a LMP and kill faster then ever, that skill just needs to be nerfed... We use passive nodes to survive, and when we can survive we can re-focus the gear to damage. Having extra resists rings/shield to switch for the cold/fire/lightning specific areas are also very helpful. In cruel, its worth taking a bit of time to level up in "The Ledge" before continuing or doing the extra side areas. |
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