[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
Grats on BOTW, S0vyn!!
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Interesting quote from the developer FAQ:
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(I apologize if this has been asked/dealt with previously - there are 350+ pages to this thread)
Sovyn, as far as gear goes, what specific gear and stats/attributes (on the gear) should be prioritized while leveling? For instance, should I be mainly focusing on armor rating or evasion or have a mix (i.e. should a level 1 Templar be wearing a Plate Vest, a Shabby Jerkin, or a Scale Vest?) While leveling, should I just keeping trying to acquire the shield with highest block chance or wait until better gear with better implicits become available? Generally speaking, while leveling is there a particular weapon or weapon class that should be prioritized over others? Also, what specific skill gems should be absolutely prioritized while acquiring quest rewards? Or, perhaps a better way to ask that question: what skill gems does this build absolutely positively have to have in order to work or be viable? I read your build after it was posted in BotW and was very interested in giving it a try. The reason why I'm asking questions that predominately focus on the leveling/progression aspect because after I'd like to eventually test this build in hardcore and want to increase my survivability while leveling. You guide does a good job about detailing skill progression, but doesn't really have anything in the way of gear/stat prioritization during the early and mid (level-wise) game. |
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" Sounds promising :) |
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" Hi Razormaid :) Gear for leveling - I mention a few good starter uniques in the guide, none are expensive and those will take you fairly far. Other than that, I'd just focus on life and elemental resists. Crest of Perandus is good for starting out, if you are self-found, highest block shield you can get and then add some evasion there as able to take advantage of the shield defense nodes. All the useful gems are mentioned in the guide and getting them as able is probably good enough.... static strike, then tempest shield, then weapon elemental damage, enduring cry, added fire damage, immortal call, increased duration, melee physical damage (important), reduced mana (important). That's pretty much the order you will get them in by the end of Cruel from the quests. Hatred you'll have to buy or find as a drop, or get it from one of your other characters. |
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" I should've clarified. I meant non-uniques. I also meant non-unique gear (in terms of leveling) in the context of staying almost completely self-found with little to no trading. Should this build mainly use gear that has the dual armor rating + evasion rating? |
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" You can use hybrid armour/evasion gear but a mix and match of evasion and armor gear works too. I'm just using the armour/es chest because it's the only 6-link that ever dropped for me. While leveling the goal is to maintain around 30% damage reduction and 30% chance to evade on your character sheet, whatever combination gets the job done. :) It's not that critical, while leveling new characters I've killed normal dominus without dying with basically nothing on but my underoos. :) The armour is doable self-found, your dps will suffer a bit though as good weapons and rings with flat physical + life or leech don't drop that often. I did it for 18 months and I think the best I found in all that time was around 180 pdps or something like that..... oh wait I still have it....: Now with master crafting I think I have self found weapons that I could tune up to around 240 pdps. As I recall my last hurrah with solo self-found was the mid 70s maps. If you are happy with that as an end-goal you can do self-found. :) The defenses on the tree will carry you that far. |
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Added new full Apex of Sacrifice clear video to first page. It's only my second try ever so I really have not had any practice at this. I did OK and it was a win but made some serious mistakes, namely forgetting to remove the curse gem from my Curse on Hit setup before entering the queen's chamber. My dodging skills need work too. Those factors made it pretty close a couple times. So, there will probably be a third video eventually when I perfect this. Incidentally in the prior attempt I did try 75% spell block on Atziri (vs. my 60% regular setup) and did not notice much difference.... still have to dodge manually to be safe. You can see the 20 quality static strike has a good aoe size in this one, also shows the trash clearing, don't forget those are all champion packs. :)
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Played this build way back in Ambush, glad to see it's still going strong. Congrats on BOTW!
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" Thanks friend :) |
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