[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

jackals1234 wrote:
I'm going to try the Uber version of the build but wondering which parts of the passive tree to fill out first? Also, do you use lightning strike the entire way? Thanks.

You definitely can use LS all the way. However, you may like molten strike better early on in particular. It depends how much you enjoy killing off screen packs.

Progression for uber tree isn't really supported because most people will use the normal build then respec at level 90 or something to kill top end stuff. You can do it though if you want, just fill nodes in however you like, but I would try for most of the block and life nodes first, with a little damage then get stuff like MoM and overload last. You'll want deadly dilettante and by the blade in that order before all other damage nodes as much of the DPS with uber tree comes from that.

I am making the switch to your uber approach and have a couple questions and just to be clear I am probably over thinking a bit:

* By using "Elemental Focus" ie... supported skills cannot inflict elemental ailments are we negating:

Blade of cunning & Splitting Strikes or parts thereof?

Or am I out to lunch?

Hopefully the lunch thingie..

* Second Question/Clarification: In my six sockets, 5 match your suggested approach (the sixth I will change once i am clear on the first question) My question centers around my tool tip damage #'s:

In hideout no buffs & switching one with another all with 20% quality:

With Ancestral call dps = 13,114.7
With Melee phys damage dps = 22,376.2
With Added fire damage dps = 19,919.4

In your comments regarding Lightning Strike you commented:

Suggested supports are Elemental Damage with Attacks and Multistrike, then flavor to taste with Ancestral Call, Physical to Lightning, Added Fire Damage, Physical Projectile Attack Damage, Faster Attacks, Elemental Focus.

With such a large difference in dps with just this one gem - I felt the need to ask.

** any/all suggestions are appreciated and wanted.

I currently have 75/71 block
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969
Last edited by Ishkabibble#7519 on Apr 25, 2018, 1:28:43 PM
Ishkabibble wrote:

* By using "Elemental Focus" ie... supported skills cannot inflict elemental ailments are we negating:

Blade of cunning & Splitting Strikes or parts thereof?

* Second Question/Clarification: In my six sockets, 5 match your suggested approach (the sixth I will change once i am clear on the first question) My question centers around my tool tip damage #'s:

In hideout no buffs & switching one with another all with 20% quality:

With Ancestral call dps = 13,114.7
With Melee phys damage dps = 22,376.2
With Added fire damage dps = 19,919.4

Since we don't ignite with those gems I don't think it would make any difference. If you'd like a chance to ignite and shock, swap in added fire, faster attacks, or physical projectile instead of focus. I would go for the consistent damage of focus over a chance to shock. Either way is fine.

As to gems, with lightning strike we use the projectiles not the melee hit, so melee physical is useless. The point of this skill is to kill from across the screen. If you are toe to toe might as well just use earthquake or molten strike or ice crash.

Added fire is OK, but ancestral call generates an additional attack for targets out of melee range so it is more powerful. Also gets around objects a little better which is the only weakness of lightning strike.

By the way,

Open options/input. Scroll down to 'attack in place'. Bind attack in place to a key on the numberpad (I use 7). Turn num lock on, then hold down your num 7 and turn off num lock, then release 7. You now always attack with the ranged attack.
Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Apr 25, 2018, 2:25:11 PM

Your suggestion to use the # pad 7 is nice - but my left click on the mouse will no longer allow me to move. LS is on my right click and works as you indicated, buy now my left click has no use.

I am inclined to use it if I can get the left click to work the way I'm familiar with.

Note: I only have the use of my right hand so I can see great potential there with my situation - my mouse is used for all skill functions.

Yes, ---> I do die more than most

Thank you
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969
Last edited by Ishkabibble#7519 on Apr 25, 2018, 7:01:51 PM
Ishkabibble wrote:
I am inclined to use it if I can get the left click to work the way I'm familiar with.

This also requires having walk only on otherwise you wont be able to move with your mouse.

So just click on the setting icon for the left mouse button and set it to the move icon (the feet).

Thank you for your service.
Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Apr 25, 2018, 8:24:49 PM
Dropped the Elder for the first time ever.. on a really low tier map. That was exciting. Could just barely get to the second phase when he respawned on a T9 map though. That was frustrating.

Map clear speed is amazing though, compared to anything I've tried in the past. Shield charge alone is popping entire packs. Fun stuff.
Hey there

First of all just say that im new in the game, just 2 weeks around

Ive been reading the guide and it seems really nice , its what i was looking for... for my scion.

Its something similar to this for playing a scion??

if not, could you please adapt it for scion ?? (at least the first levels) or give me some tips about how couls i do it??

thx in advance
Hi, I´m kinda new to the game and manage to come to level 73 now. And I dont really know why i should put some points in critical strike, Ive taken some points in attackspeed etc. which he does later in his leveling. In this writing time I´ve just played this game for like 5 days and I really want to know which build I should go. Should I play molten strike, should I use hatred, whirling blades and with what supports etc. Please someone check my character and from my gear what I can do, if I need to like reforge a color on a socket I´ll do that or if I need to fix a new weapon etc.

All help is thankfull!

/ jorreB
melnibone247 wrote:
Its something similar to this for playing a scion??

That standard build can be made as scion

All you have to do is look at the completed level 95 tree and see that you can just take off the three nodes from templar start and spend them on the +18 resists nodes from scion instead and it connects right up to the same path.

The only trickier thing that I'm not really qualified to answer is the ascendancy but I wouldn't worry about that, I'm sure there is something that's just fine there.

As to what to get first I would head down to testudo and retaliation, then solidity, then disemboweling. That should hold you for a while.

jorreB wrote:
Hi, I´m kinda new to the game and manage to come to level 73 now. And I dont really know why i should put some points in critical strike, Ive taken some points in attackspeed etc. which he does later in his leveling. In this writing time I´ve just played this game for like 5 days and I really want to know which build I should go. Should I play molten strike, should I use hatred, whirling blades and with what supports etc. Please someone check my character and from my gear what I can do, if I need to like reforge a color on a socket I´ll do that or if I need to fix a new weapon etc.

All help is thankfull!

/ jorreB

See the budget setup example build and follow it exactly. That's your best bet. (the stats on the jewels and ring will vary a little which is OK, and yes, you can level up blade flurry and whirling blades more)

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