[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

major_Redneck wrote:
hi I like this build, but I have trouble try to gain what u have posted I have 75% ctb but only like 33 damage reduction with agies I really want to get into this game for end content could u perhaps give me some advice on what I am doing wrong. I have read over the forums several time and even tride u ber set up. plz help.

when i look at your character in PoB it shows that you have only done 2 labs, it really helps to do merc and uber lab also, your character has enough hp and damage so those 2 should be fast and easy done. but 4.7k hp aint enough to survive in incursion league even with 75% block.

i use blasphemy with either warlord's mark or assassin's mark instead, the 3 counterattack skills are almost useless so get other skills that help you survive. I still try our counterattacks alot, with curse on hit/blind but they are just not triggering often enough to be useful.
40% chance to trigger with 20% quality vengeance sounds good, but it just dont stun,blind or curse enough.

Get a good shield, 1.8k+ armor shield with offensive stats would help, if you can reach 2 endurance charges and find a shield your phys dmg reduction should easy be 70%+ without flasks, sure you lose damage since your shield is good for dmg.

and if possible get positive on chaos resist in incursion league without flask so you can survive temple/incursions, so another ring might be worth testing.
Ok im going to go back and try aegis shield again and will finish labs soon. Also i am looking at dropping bob for good 6l armor with high life and es. But the ring is for int and im shy on it. I am pushing tword your premium set up. And droping those skills are still tryin coh in shield setup or do i get blashemy and wm or am. Is it ok to contact u in game? Im only home on weekends and play some during the week tks so much for repl9y and build.
major_Redneck wrote:
hi I like this build, but I have trouble try to gain what u have posted I have 75% ctb but only like 33 damage reduction with agies I really want to get into this game for end content could u perhaps give me some advice on what I am doing wrong. I have read over the forums several time and even tride u ber set up. plz help.

I looked at your character and it isn't geared like an endgame character yet, so naturally there will be problems if you push into harder content before you are ready. I would suggest following the budget setup exactly, both the tree and gear, since you can afford that and it will be a big upgrade, and then start getting better at trading the things that you find and save up for the uber setup which can do endgame easily. It really is just copy/paste here. Best wishes.

Edit, tip: prioritize brutal blade / fatal blade when you respec to budget setup tree.
Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Aug 1, 2018, 1:05:36 PM
Ok but i respect for uber and still tryin for a ring and armor but can u tell me what else is wrong im stil having trouble reach 70 estamated dr.
Last edited by major_Redneck#7707 on Aug 3, 2018, 8:36:15 AM
major_Redneck wrote:
Ok but i respect for uber and still tryin for a ring and armor but can u tell me what else is wrong im stil having trouble reach 70 estamated dr.

I wouldn't use blasphemy as you need mana available for mind over matter. That's a big part of the defense.

You don't have the big damage yet from deadly dilettante and by the blade. You would kill much faster with those. I know it's hard to get everything. I see you took the defensive stuff, which is fine, but you'll find that killing monsters quickly makes the game much easier.

Also uber tree is pretty much relying on having the expensive red nightmare jewel. It's not uber without that.

Bottom line, keep plugging away at finding stuff to sell until you save up enough. That's why I suggested budget setup because you can afford that. However, it's too late now.

You could aim toward a hybrid chest and block corrupted amulet and life on ring. Rainbows can have 25% spell block. Do the uber lab for Pious Path.
I will probably be trying this in Delve. Currently im leveling a SRay Based Templar and im using Reckoning and Vengeance, its pretty fun but I dont think I get the full potential out of it because it isnt recommended by the build im following at all.

Thank you for the super detailed build guide and fun build. I really appreciate all the hard work that you've put into it, great job!

Here's my version of your build. I have a few questions. First, let me give you some context for my questions. I've been playing PoE for about 5 years. Most of that time I've actively traded and so I'd probably be placed in the fairly rich category. I'm not really into clear speed, generally preferring more tanky options. Although perhaps a bit contrary to that statement, I've been playing more evasion builds over the last couple years. So, I'm not as familiar with melee builds in general. It might be nice to eventually go for some very high level bosses with this build like Elders and maybe Shaper?

Anyway, here's my equipment then some questions.

I'm thinking maybe I should get some more armor at the expense of ES? The gloves were just something in my inventory that seemed to fit well but maybe I should instead get some good spiked gloves or something armor based instead?

I'm liking the claw right now but I'm wondering if I might need more DPS to tackle Shaper and some of that highest level of endgame bosses?

The body armor was the cheapest 6L with the armor and ES that I was looking for, only 6.5 exalts. I don't like the lack of life though. How important is it to get some good life there? The next level up would run 20 or 30 exalts maybe. If I was going to spend that much do you think that this would be the right place to spend it?

I got the below shield in my inventory. At first I was thinking of using it, but instead went with the Aegis Aurora. I was just a bit worried about getting the max block chance and went with Aegis. I could maybe get some gloves or something with block chance to add to it? Perhaps I should consider the shield in my next version of a Lazy Pally, what do you think?

I was wondering what to do about the amulet. Maybe a corrupted The Anvil with "21% block chance applied to spells" or "4% block chance" or what would be best?

edit: I was also wondering about the support gems for blade flurry?
Anything else you see that you'd like to comment on would be much appreciated.

Thank you again!

edit2: right now at rest (in hideout, no flasks)
1640 ES
4200 life
6000 armor
39% estimated physical damage reduction
15% chance to evade attacks
75% chance to block attacks
34% chance to block spells
3370 damage per use on blade flurry
86% chance to hit
15% chance to crit
225% crit strike multiplier

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Aug 20, 2018, 12:47:40 AM
Turtledove wrote:

Anything else you see that you'd like to comment on would be much appreciated.

The only thin g I can advise is to take a close look at the uber build. You can afford it, and it will be a massive survivability and damage upgrade for you. You can stay with blade flurry if you want. Just omit the two points spent on iron grip.

Yes, the chest could use an upgrade to deal with stuff that puches through ES but otherswise it's fine. Since you are standard, get a legacy aegis.

Also, you'll need max spell block, again, see the uber example in the guide. Gear not shown on uber example, refer to premium. However, your gear is OK except the amulet, just need the jewel and rework the tree, so buy some regrets.

You could stay with the claw until you reach a high enough level to get deadly dilettante and by the blade.
Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Aug 20, 2018, 12:46:48 PM
Sovyn wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

Anything else you see that you'd like to comment on would be much appreciated.

The only thin g I can advise is to take a close look at the uber build. You can afford it, and it will be a massive survivability and damage upgrade for you. You can stay with blade flurry if you want. Just omit the two points spent on iron grip.

Yes, the chest could use an upgrade to deal with stuff that puches through ES but otherswise it's fine. Since you are standard, get a legacy aegis.

Also, you'll need max spell block, again, see the uber example in the guide. Gear not shown on uber example, refer to premium. However, your gear is OK except the amulet, just need the jewel and rework the tree, so buy some regrets.

You could stay with the claw until you reach a high enough level to get deadly dilettante and by the blade.

Great tips, Thanks!

edit: 701 pages!! :-)
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove#4014 on Aug 20, 2018, 5:13:16 PM
Turtledove wrote:
Great tips, Thanks!

edit: 701 pages!! :-)

You're welcome

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Yeah, 701, whoo!

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