1.2.4 Patch Notes

GGG_Neon wrote:

[li]Knockback no longer affects targets which are Leap Slamming. It resulted in cases where they could get trapped inside objects if knocked back while leaping over them.[/li]

Damn king of the hill was pretty awesome vs leap slammers.
Quite a nerf there.

At least the courtyard guy got nerfed too.
was hoping to get some master favour points from microtransactions, so i dont have to farm my masters lvl 8 to afford my dream hideout

+somehow making that waypoint part of decorations instead of tileset would be cool also, mb next time
Slayertip1 wrote:
would anyone know the tags on lightning tendrils? im curious so i can make a build around it.


My guess is it's the exact same skill Dominus uses with his lightning hose channeled spell. The tags are probably Spell, Lightning, and Projectile.
Bring back race seasons.
Thanks so much for the totem update as I have two Ancestral Bond chars, though my first one wasnt end game valid, my second one was built like a tank and solos maps, but those totems currently die too fast.
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- PoE TOS.
TIL: People consider a blatant exploit in map generation a "farming technique"...lol.

Shits/Click on strong boxes? CHECK!
Ctrl/Click for map device? CHECK!!
Hideout Micro? CHECK!!!
New skill? CHECK!!!!

Fantastic QoL patch with a little content sprinkled in. Good way to handle it, imho, just as races come online and while approaching the end of a league. Amazing job, as always!

"Minion and totem resistances have been standardised. Raised Zombies now have 35% and all other minions and player-summoned totems have 25% Fire, Cold and Lightning resistance in all difficulties."

Wait, is this a nerf to Zombies?? Please say that 35% each is for Level 1 Zombies, or something....
ventiman wrote:
Baldrick47 wrote:
How sad....
For the first time ever i have a character that can "sometimes" kill Atziri (1 kill in 7 attempts)
To be able to have a go at Atziri i farmed the Archives
And now you take that away...
Why the uck do you push end game content away from players?
At level 88 wtf do i want to be farming low level content for, just to stand a cat in hells chance of finding a corrupted area, and then a double cat in hells chance of actually getting a midnight....
Why do you developers insist on turning your games into a job...
Today i have lost interest....

reloading an area over and over again till a specific dungeon template appears which shows you that there is a corrupted zone in the area

IS NOT FARMING its exploiting glad it got fixed

mrtannerwold wrote:
TIL: People consider a blatant exploit in map generation a "farming technique"...lol.

Both of you are missing the point completely.

Those of us that worked hard to have a character that can do Atziri and really enjoy doing it.... just want to be able to do it, the entire reason people took the time to figure this archives thing out is because they keep pushing this part of end game content further and further and further away from us and gating behind luck.

We do not care much about the archives trick, we care about having access to this enjoyable end game content.

Even with this trick (or farming sarn in the past) it still took quite a while to acquire an entire full set. We are not fighting for this trick, we are fighting for easier access to the content we enjoy doing, why was sarn corrupted zones even removed? Why does this content have to be about luck?
Last edited by MrDeezy#4313 on Oct 21, 2014, 8:32:48 AM
Lots of good stuff in here! Favorites:

-flattened hideouts (I wonder how this will affect the current look of my Lush hideout)
-Zana price adjustments (except the Onslaught increase)
-3D art (always like to see new art, although those are not the items I would have prioritized)
-default party drop option

I'm a bit confused about Herald of Ice. I thought the explosion damage could be increased with spell damage. Is anything changing about the way damage is dealt/increased, or is it simply a nomenclature adjustment?
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Dont understand why they put the Atziri map behind an RNG wall, need to collect four map segments, one of which is kinda hard to obtain and then lessen the occurance of corrupted areas. Havent seen corrupted zone in maps which would be an interesting addition and giving us a better chance of obtaining the map segments but as it is now, Its very boring to do act 3 areas over and over hoping to get all segments.

Additionally you could just run the different map segments in hope of getting a sacrifice at nightmare but this could and should've been handled better imo
Allnamestaken wrote:
"Knockback no longer affects targets which are Leap Slamming. It resulted in cases where they could get trapped inside objects if knocked back while leaping over them."

Why not code so that they won't get stuck? Instead of nerfing an alredy not too powerful support? Reeks of laziness almost as much as "new" hideout decoration MTXs.

Yeah, same thing i pointed out, really disappointed. I dont give a f**k about skins and kids shit, give me a smooth game first

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