Lightning Tendrils

WillisTheWillis wrote:
Kagari wrote:
All that being said, i'm currently at the end of cruel, and i must admit that i'm blasting through everything.

5L setup is tendrils, echo, fast casting, empower (3), light pen.
6th will be at lvl 55 and it will be inc AOE.

Damage is really strong, when it doesn't desync ^^

I think using Increased AoE + Concentrated Effect will be stronger than fast casting + light pen.

Might be, but i hate small range. Matter of choise and preference at this point.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
I know that it doesn't work with CoC and other triggers, but -

Does this gem work when supported by the Trap gem?
i just try skill so i didn't play much, however i got two things to notice;

flat/unsatisfying sound
animation doesn't do what skill description say; it doesn't comes from hands
PLEASE change it so that you do NOT move to mouse then cast unless the skill is on M1. The range may be short, but nothing is more annoying than stutter walking around between casts. I like not having to use shift-click every single time I attack, while is why not moving on M2 casts is so important.

The cast time is also very slow, meaning you cannot adjust your aim or turn around very well at all, or will be stuck standing for a half second casting at nothing after killing an enemy, instead of being able to move and carry on.

Please, vastly increase the cast speed and adjust the mana cost to match. And remove move-to-location casting.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Ill try the skill when I'm home, concept:

3D, lots of cast speed, lots of AoE (Carcass & Nodes), Chance to Shock, Chance to Freeze, HoI, HoT, Pyre.

Idea is to get such high cast speed together wth freeze chance and longer freeze and chill duration nodes to make everything permanently frozen/chilled. In order to get shocks still Ill try added cold and HoI with pyre. If the damage for that is to low, ill invest the points somewhere else.

Yeah, another char concept to try out! ^^
Is the damage listed in the gem's tooltip per cast or per hit?
Vipermagi wrote:
Opinionated wrote:
Life leech doesn't have much synergy with this spell though. For starters, low damage effectiveness and fast hits does not help.

But it doesn't hurt either.

1 Hit/sec, 1000 Damage, 5% Leech = 200 Leech per second
10 Hits/sec, 100 Damage, 5% Leech = 200 Leech per second

High hit rates don't magically make Leech weaker. The only thing that matters is whether you can land another Hit before the previous Leech effect ends, and this is easier with staggered Hits (Spectral Throw) than with simultaneous hits (Melee Splash).

With sufficient Attack/Cast Speed, any amount of Damage can provide constant Leech.

It is fast hits and low damage combined though.

1 Hit/sec, 1000 Damage per hit, 5% Leech = 50 Leech per second , 50 total
10 Hits/sec, 100 Damage per hit, 5% Leech = 5 leech per second , 50 total

So you are saying the leech is being done per cast instead of per hit? That wouldn't make sense to me because what if the monster dies on the third hit of one cast?

<3 Free Tibet <3
Last edited by Opinionated#4840 on Oct 23, 2014, 1:48:23 PM
Opinionated wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:

But it doesn't hurt either.

1 Hit/sec, 1000 Damage, 5% Leech = 200 Leech per second
10 Hits/sec, 100 Damage, 5% Leech = 200 Leech per second

High hit rates don't magically make Leech weaker. The only thing that matters is whether you can land another Hit before the previous Leech effect ends, and this is easier with staggered Hits (Spectral Throw) than with simultaneous hits (Melee Splash).

With sufficient Attack/Cast Speed, any amount of Damage can provide constant Leech.

It is fast hits and low damage combined though.

1 Hit/sec, 1000 Damage per hit, 5% Leech = 50 Leech per second , 50 total
10 Hits/sec, 100 Damage per hit, 5% Leech = 5 leech per second , 50 total

So you are saying the leech is being done per cast instead of per hit? That wouldn't make sense to me because what if the monster dies on the third hit of one cast?

if caster's hp is relatively high, then doesn't quite matter how strong or fast the hits are, the leeches are near instant. if cast speed was enough for 10 hits per second, healing 5 damage each hit, it might as well be life gain on hit, every hit is going to count/work. the issue only comes into play if the damage is TOO high and the hits/sex is more than one a second.
Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Oct 23, 2014, 2:26:52 PM
My final feedback after reaching 65 :

Damage potential is insane i think. i had 13K dmg at lvl 65 with not optimal lightning gear.

tendril+echo+fast cast+light pen+empower 3 + inc aoe.

With the proper build/gear/gem setup, might be possible to reach 100K tooltip dps if playing crit.

However, i'll never play this skill again. 90% because of incredible desyncs 5% because of the small range which is a personnal taste, 5% lack of power feeling.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
Opinionated wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
Opinionated wrote:
Life leech doesn't have much synergy with this spell though. For starters, low damage effectiveness and fast hits does not help.

But it doesn't hurt either.

1 Hit/sec, 1000 Damage, 5% Leech = 200 Leech per second
10 Hits/sec, 100 Damage, 5% Leech = 200 Leech per second

High hit rates don't magically make Leech weaker. The only thing that matters is whether you can land another Hit before the previous Leech effect ends, and this is easier with staggered Hits (Spectral Throw) than with simultaneous hits (Melee Splash).

With sufficient Attack/Cast Speed, any amount of Damage can provide constant Leech.

It is fast hits and low damage combined though.

1 Hit/sec, 1000 Damage per hit, 5% Leech = 50 Leech per second , 50 total
10 Hits/sec, 100 Damage per hit, 5% Leech = 5 leech per second , 50 total

So you are saying the leech is being done per cast instead of per hit? That wouldn't make sense to me because what if the monster dies on the third hit of one cast?

Life leech recovers life at a fixed rate based on your max life. It does not recover faster from big hits - it recovers at the same rate, it just lasts longer before it expires. Each hit that leeches life basically creates an invisible buff on your character that restores 20% of your life per second for X seconds, with the duration varying so that you recover the correct total amount of life from that hit. These buffs don't stack if you leech again before you finish recovering the life you leeched from a previous hit, but if you're dealing DPS at constant intervals then it doesn't really matter whether you do your DPS in big/slow hits or small/fast ones - if you're leeching enough that the buffs end up overlapping, you've basically capped out your life leech.

A lot of people seem to think the leech nerf made it bad on small hits, but that's a misinterpretation. It was a nerf to leeching off of AoE hits, because when you hit a bunch of stuff at the same time only the biggest single hit will leech anything. It can also end up being a bit less efficient than expected with multistrike or spell echo, since you're not attacking/casting at a constant rate - getting multiple hits with very short gaps between them, then a longer gap before the next set of multiple hits, is worse for leech than the same number of hits over the same length of time spaced out evenly - you could end up wasting leech due to overlap with each set of hits, then having the leech effect wear off briefly in between sets.

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