Lightning Tendrils
I liked this when it came out. It wasn't as good as the other lightning skills end game, but it was a nice change of pace from Arcing and Balling.
Then the AOE got nerfed. Suddenly it felt terrible to play without snagging all the AOE you possibly could from the tree and on gear. It still felt bad, just not terrible. Then the AOE on the tree got nerfed. Now it's just terrible. I'd love to see this not only reverted to its original AOE, but buffed to make up for the reduced AOE on the tree. This is not a skill that was breaking the game. This is not the skill that caused the nerf to AOE on the tree. It does not deserve to be punished for how ridiculous skills like Discharge are. Please show this skill some love. |
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At least Blade Vortex rewards melee range spell casting, this skill doesn't even compare and is much harder to use yet the power level is abysmal compared to BV.
[2.2] The Vampire - Tanky 2H Axe Slayer Duelist - /view-thread/1611662
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Tendrils need to triger Storm Orb per cast, not per use.
Over all - Disappointed. "Отрастил скилл - имеешь право ногибать" СерБ
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" from wiki: Lightning is released from your hands four times in quick succession, damaging all enemies in an arc in front of you. which means that this 47-461 damage hits enemies 4 times per cast, so basically its 168-1884 per 0,8 sec which is on average 1026 per 0,8 sec with damage effectiveness 140% per cast. Damage is decent, but shock duration is not. |
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Well tendrils is my fav spell based build by far and for my build actually i fell like it has just been buffed. first Orb of Storms, okay it takes a while at first to get acostemed to cast OS before you use Tendrils but after a while it just comes naturally, then you just link it to a simple curse on hit with warlords and power charge on crit and you get all the leech youll need + free end and powercharges + the Bonus dmg from Orb of storms wich you can just add to your average dps becasue youll always use it.
Then comes the fun part, you simply equip call of the brotherhood and guess what 2 Doryani Catalist you activate Herald thunder and ice you put an ice bite linked to the 2 + some other added dmg jewel and well you just have to kill a shocked enemie to proc the thunder herald and basicly you just have to run around whilr everyhting gets perma frozen and killed ez, for higher hp mobs you just finish off with tendrils, OFC Elementalist ascendicy. Overall you can expect about ez 150k tooltip dmg just the tendrils and insane aoe and crowd control. |
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In the current state of the game and the new "channeling" descriptor why is lightning tendrils not labeled as a channeled spell? It behaves like one, locked in place while casting in a continuous cast animation that does not repeat, can't be used with CoC or CoDT. Yet it can't be used with the new cast while channeling support. (Obviously lacking the "channeling" descriptor, which it should have)
Also with skills that can easily clear mobs screens away why is lightning tendrils AoE still suffering from the 18% reduced AoE that it received in the 2.0 patch? |
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Because it's not a Channeling Spell; instead, it inherently Repeats. Repeat and Channeling are mutually exclusive: that's why Blight cannot Echo, but Lightning Tendrils can. They're two distinctly different mechanics.
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Well they could rework it to be channeling but we likely will get a lightning channeling skill anyway which will be similar. I mean it would be a buff it it worked with the new CwCh.
Anyway when I do not know what to play I just start selffound, hardcore, scion and stick with lightning tendrils to see how far I make it, going with stun gem and the stun cluster, life/armor as defense. Permastunning is fun but fighting Izaro not. Last edited by merchantmudcrab#2954 on Dec 10, 2016, 12:15:53 PM
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I would have to say, I agree with a lot of players who think Lightning Tendrils should get a buff to at least its AoE a little or turn it into a channeling skill. I thought the other day LT CwC Spork would've been fun but then I remembered that LT isn't exactly channeling... shame. I really hope it gets some love, like a lot of other skills did.
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This skill was too old and low dps. No one gonna use that anymore with high risk : " Get closed to enemies when u r caster class - squishy " It's completely 1 way suicide in Breach League.
Lightning Tendril, Glacial Cascade got serious problem with hella low dps. Then our new Blight skill AOE is super tiny when debuff duration and dmg is average just like the time Glacial Cascade released. I think GGG bring too much power to weapon build like Blade Flurry and many unique weapons with extremely high DPS. I think GGG should change this skill to channelling and improve AOE |
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