Mirror Arrow

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Last bumped on Apr 16, 2024, 6:13:26 PM
I am level 30, was gonna try a mirror, blink arrow build.

Have not yet received a Mirror arrow gem.
Just found out that there is a 3sec on the gem. What is the purpose of the gem?
I thought when I read about it the first time it was meant to be a niche bow build with a crazy amount of clones due to fast attack speed but the cd ruins my plans for it.

What is the purpose of the gem?

Any build ideas?

I tried blink arrow and it is quite nice, finally a leap slam / warp for bowmens :D
But I cant really find a usable situation for Mirror Arrow.

The 3sec cd really blew my mind, negatively speaking.

How come multiple trap gem works with it and not LMP / GMP? ( It does work for the clone, but I mean the initial shot )
Trap builds are old and boring

Maybe make Mirror arrow as Flicker strike ? Spend a frenzy charge to bypass the cd?

Last edited by drixor#0911 on Dec 15, 2014, 9:06:28 AM
It's... very clearly a survival trick, designed to use with Trick arrow to survive PvP. In PvE, you're looking at something to tank for you and make your life kiting easier than ever. A decoy totem that doesn't require strength and deals damage to boot. I see nothing to complain about, here.
At present, blink and mirror arrow can be used with traps and multiple traps to create a mini army of clones. Are there any plans to change this / is this intended. Wanting to know if its safe to make a build around it or if its gonna be removed quickly. (please let us know!)

Also, you should alter blink / mirror arrow to have increased duration of 0.16 per level. this results in 6.04 duration at gem level 20 rather than 3. Or some small duration increase. That or reduce the cooldown time by 0.1 per level (or an amount of your choice) so that it reaches 1.1 second cooldown. Either would be awesome and other than that, great gems.

If you are going to remove trap functionality, i got a backup of self cast duration clone army.
State of Beyond Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568084

State of Blight Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568078

State of Harbinger Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568062
"The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver".

Initially I thought that means it only uses skills that are actually in your bow.
Unfortunately after some tests it seems that it only uses the default bow attack.

I guess otherwise it would have been much too OP (looking at you, 6L Tornado Shot), but... oh well.
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Last edited by Jadran#7994 on Dec 18, 2014, 5:29:08 PM
Got some question about the skill:

1. After some testing it semes like heralds doesn't work with it but auras do, can you confirm this?

2. While the skill is classified as Minion, skills such as flesh offering does not apply it bonus stats, is this intentional? if thats the case its a pretty poor design.

3. While it state that it uses your bow as weapon, does this mean that "Weapon elemental damage" support gem will apply its bonus to the minion and not just the initial hit of the skill?

4. What is the base hit rate of the summoned clone?

edit: After some testing, neither "faster attack" "flesh offering" "minion attack speed nodes" effect the spawned clone, is this intentional?
ign: DreamsofIllusions
Last edited by polo2005#7129 on Dec 18, 2014, 11:23:27 PM
Is there an effective way to extend the duration of this skill?
Is there an effective way to boost the damage output of this skill?
i'm running a summoner build and use Mirror + Blink arrow as supporting gems to increase my Minion's Damage and more life also. But they're not working,nothing change with or without them,Life isnt increased, same thing with life??? Plz check it out GGG!
toriorion113 wrote:
i'm running a summoner build and use Mirror + Blink arrow as supporting gems to increase my Minion's Damage and more life also.
Skill gems are not support gems. You cannot support a skill with another skill.
But These Gems have Increased Minion's Life and Damage!!! how can i launch those ops???

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