
Does Reckoning (or other counter attack melee skills) apply the effects of your equipped melee weapon or gloves? E.g. weapon causes bleeding on hit, will the Reckoning counter-attack apply the bleeding?
So nobody knows, not even GGG?
of course it does, and all you had to do was try it out in between the last 20 days between your post!

equip a shield, a melee weapon, reckoning gem, and asenath's gentle touch or something and have >0 block and stand in front of twilight strand zombie.
Hey I'm in 3.2 using a Gladiator with Spectral Shield Throw with the new Ascendancy updates. Was thinking it would be a real nice change to have reckoning's damage based off the shield you have equipped just like shield throw. The updated node for painforged in the gladiator has your counterattacks damage doubled but since it's based off mainhand weapon damage it does almost nothing while using your shield for Shield Throw. Seems like a shield counterattack gem should get it's damage from the shield defenses and not the mainhand weapon. Just a suggestion. Hope someone at GGG sees this, lol. Cheers.
A lot of attention went to Champion this expansion. Can we get some synergies with Gladiator and Shield Skills / Reckoning next go round? Gladiator could become a true sword and board build if shield skills, esp. reckoning, triggered an endurance charge via outmatch & outlast. It would also make sense imo for shield related damage to scale off shield defenses (armor/evasion/ES).
Can we have this skill count as attack done with off-hand weapon, just like Shield Charge now does?
Can we have this skill count as attack done with off-hand weapon, just like Shield Charge now does?

Indeed, seems inconsistent with how the other shield based skills currently works. Epecially when the attack aoe graphic is a shield bash. Would be really cool for counterattacks and attack builds using shields to get some more love.

I'm also really interested in seeing how counterattacks will get updated in the patches leading up to 4.0.0. Now that we will get more skill gem slots for some interesting synergies in builds.
Last edited by Cdr_Rainbow#1393 on Dec 9, 2019, 6:51:27 PM
Can this skill be made to work with wands? It is possible to have physical damage wand builds.
I think this skill's Damage should be based on the shield like SST and Shield charge - would make more sense.
Songs are like knights. They need to be covered in metal.
I wish this skill will be still in the game. Was not a good idea to remove it.

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