
Is there a leveling restriction such as with CWDT where the linked gem can't be above the level of Vengeance perhaps?
puviel wrote:
Just to be sure, the life was recovered instantly and did not come from life leech?

Yes. It's a caster build (VRF = Vaal Righteous Fire), there's no Leech involved in Vengeance.
Are you sure you're not simply taking more Damage than you receive from Vengeance? That is the reason I went to Normal Mud Flats to test the Life recovery - monsters only deal 1 Damage :P

@Aldora: Nope. The restriction would be listed, plus the LGoH Support would not show up if it didn't link properly due to such a restriction.
I'm currently running a Facebreaker build that's doing upwards of 20K damage per Infernal Blow swing at level 78, and Riposte and Reckoning have been a godsend to this build. Hooking them up to Life Leech, Added Fire, and Physical to Lightning means that anything that takes a swing at me most likely explodes instead.

However, Vengeance isn't measuring up, and I don't know why.

I had Vengeance linked up to Added Fire and Phys to Lightning, and since the Facebreaker damage bonuses apply to the other two gems, I expected it to apply here, as well. It does--sort of. Something strange is going on; while Riposte and Reckoning make things explode, Vengeance...doesn't. Spectacularly so. Enemies that the other two skills kill outright are only taking a third to one-half of their health when damaged, even with the gem at level 17.

Am I the only one seeing this disparity?
I thing vengeance need adjustment, it have quite long cooldown and low change of trigging. I have seen it sometimes trigger once in 5 sec, making it worthless when compare to other trigger skills. Maybe lower cooldown or raise trigger change?
GGG nerfed facebreaker again....
No vengeance for FB anymore. What s the reason behind this?

low level pvp?
If pvp was a problem you could just change the skill to level 30+

High level pvp?
Cmon, skills like exploding arrows or traps are millions times more powerful. I can t imagine it got nerfed because of high level pvp.

CWDT+discharge can melt full screens doing 2millions dps.
How is vengeance in need of a nerf then when it could do 20k max with little AOE on facebreaker?

Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jan 27, 2015, 5:07:40 AM
My vengeance is not working at all , I run facebraker.Not 1 single proc!!!Help me pls.I have no gem linked to it.

Nvm I see now.Ty GGG.
Last edited by JKlupper#0281 on Jun 16, 2015, 9:49:31 AM
Noperative wrote:
Decent idea, however I feel the implementation is underwhelming. It seems to be meant for 2H builds relying on unwavering stance to maximize the number of hits in melee. My build is exactly this, Res tech + unwavering + static strike running in a doomsower with vengeance as a utility link.

I've tried vengeance in 3 ways:

1) Curse-on-Hit + Curse - In general the curse does not apply that often. You have the advantage of running a high level curse unlike in codt but the aoe and proc rate of the vengeance are too low for satisfaction. I am often killing the mobs near me before it even goes off, wasting the activation since most of the mobs are already dead. In order to make this more viable, I suggest higher aoe or proc rate.

2) Endurance Charge on Stun + Stun - It's worse than enduring cry by a lot more than the autocast can justify. Again, proc rate is too slow for good charge generation and it doesn't work as well as any other method we have now.

3) LGOH/Leech + Damage - Immortal call and flasks save me way more than an extra bit of health every second or so. In general it is not effective for sustain in tough fights and in all other scenarios it contributes nothing.

So in conclusion the current numbers of vengeance are too weak. Feels like it would work better in pvp where players are attacking often and quickly. In PvE the proc rate and aoe need to be increased. Feels like you are punished for making a good build, if you can stun mobs due to high damage and clear them quickly it's basically dead weight. Even CODT links on a strong clearing build (bow, wander, dagger) will proc fairly often.

30% proc rate is not enough to reliably accomplish the goals in PvE, probably because a single mob's attack speed is too low and the only situation where it procs a lot are when you are already swarmed in mobs and are in a tough spot.

In addition, the coverage is too low. I attach increased AOE to my vengeance and the range is still very small. For example if you were to run a sweep build you would not even be in range to hit anything with vengeance if it ever procs.

Skills it needs to match up to:

Vaal Spectral Throw - Similar uptime, the amount of them you can throw in a map is similar to the vengeance uptime, approximately once every 2-3 white packs. You chuck one when a pack gets hard, vengeance usually only activates in these times since the mobs actually have a chance to hit you enough times. Range is way higher and it scales off your aspd so the delay is not bad.

Leap Slam - attaching end. charge on stun or curse on hit means you get travel and also utility comparable to vengeance. You don't really miss out during the application time since you can leap into the pack. Base aoe is about the same and you get to control it perfectly too.

Codt - easy enough to get an ice nova with a high level curse to hit everything. Almost 100% applies on everything and procs constantly too. A level 5 enduring cry generates charges faster too.

Self-cast - Highest coverage obviously. Even with no improved cast times a melee character can probably get these off before he can expect vengeance to proc similar effects.

Pretty much sums up my experiences with vengeance also
I am Dual Wielding and at the moment I have Bleeding on hit on main hand to apply bleeding with Leap Slam and get advantage of Bloodlust with main atk. However, whenever new enemies approach the only convenient way would be vengeance to apply the bleeding through the main hand (instead of the off-hand which is currently). Otherwise I have to leap slam for every new enemy that comes in my area of attack. 2Hand weapons have advantage here, since they can use vengeance as a utility to apply bleeding every 1.2 sec while DW cannot.

I don't see any reason that the off-hand is chosen. Even random selection between main and off-hand wouldn't make sense. I suggest that it's changed to main hand always. In any case, Vengeance is a utility skill.
IGN: Gollelio
So vengeance doesn't work with ranged weapons, right? Can you please state in the description of the gem? All there is right now is the "melee" tag, but since those tags are not 100% reliable - there are now more a few exceptions - can u add a line where u say it clearly (e.g. ST says "throws out a copy of your melee weapon")

The point here is just to make it 100% clear.
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
Last edited by Wazz72#5866 on Dec 16, 2015, 3:01:32 AM
Anyone know if when you block, vengeance can still proc ?

If when you block you are still hit or not ?

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