When are we fixing broken cornercamping EA

Actually mulla, speaking of experience and fb is harder to hit with than other spells due to low proj speed
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
MullaXul wrote:
Oats_PT wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
Just want to add, that masters of arena tournament or whatever. I quit after I beat ventor, 2 matches after that are 100% troll.

ok, so my caster build was troll? I didn't even use molten shell once. I didn't even have max block at that time. I threw that build together in one day. You got countered by immortal call buddy.


(Removed by support). I was aof that entire tournament, IC did nothing. Troll as in "I" was trolling. You think you really beat me? Like I was legitimately sitting there casting ec and fucking off as part of a strategy? Or was really throwing bear traps at hege like it was going to win me matches? Hahahahahsvsvsvsvxbvjgnbcncnckv!!!!!

I don't believe you were aof at that time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's a distinctive sound when phys dmg hits IC. (I'll test this when I get home) And I can hear that sound in our match. Oh and you were just trolling during our match? Would you like to have a couple of matches with me? I'll get it recorded and upload here
MullaXul wrote:
hauntworld1 wrote:
Casters are balanced now, our biggest defense got dropped to ZERO.

From 75% Block to 15-20% block, what else are you people asking for lol ?

Molten ? okay i agree but i really dont care about molten i dont even use it. . .

Casters SHOULD deal higher damage then melee does, because you have the upper speed advantage, tremendously high attack speed ( cyclone,HS,flicker,whirling or anything ) with high damage, huge regen flasks, and the possibility to make use of dodge and armor. Where the only defense casters have is their energyshield.

A good caster will not need molten shell to beat a melee opponent, it will make good use of LW and his spells and use his range to kill them, this is what i do. And Dont tell me i'm standing still lazy shit tanking everything, if you'd pvp me more you'd see that i move a shit ton and probably more than you do. Ever tried to aim fireball or even TRY to chase someone with fireball ? Fireball is probably the skill that requires the most aiming in the fucking game atm, is requires timed lightningwarps and enemy movement prediction to do well, it's probably the hardest skill to use in the game atm, it's far from an easy task to use. No casters dont need another nerf they finally came to a balanced point. Good geared casters should deal high damage, it's your job to find a counter to it because it's the only thing casters have now, HIGH DAMAGE.

Fact this is how you see things pretty much cements everything I thought about you. Fb hard to aim? Casters have nothing but DMG? Pseudo masterful skill requirements and mind reading to land a hit? Damn bro didn't know caster was so hard for you to play...maybe you should go back to rf. Which you too said was hard to play......hahah. What isn't hard for you? What counters are there to 4+ forms of half life-full life killing auto DMG? Other then RNG block/dodge rolls and range? Life's hard for some ppl...its be ause they suck. Other ppl make life look easy because they are smart, made good choices or just flat out have experience. Poe doesn't currently provide the tools to properly deal with some imbalances. There's options, bad ones. What poe does provide is as many hand holding ass wiping mechanics it can for ppl that think ....caster is hard. Have a nice day

I see the pain in ur eyes mulla, let's see you build up a caster a do good with it. Oh and btw i liked the way u started called me names in game for no reason when i killed your build with nothing but firestorm and u claimed i had a cwdt setup when i did not, i even had to remove fire penetration because you cried it was op. I removed the penetration and yet i still killed you, maybe it's just your build that is outdated, you use nothing else but cyclone and leap slam, very hard i must say. No build is hard to play in PoE, but some requires aiming, your build requires nothing but leap slam lock and cyclone lockdown. Fireball requires aiming atleast, you cannot just autolock someone. you're talking like everyone's build is easy to play but yours is no harder if even one of the easiest. i tried to have decent convos with you but it always end up by you starting to QQ over everything, you're always bringing up the same excuses everytime ''Not worth it''. Who the fuck are you even pvping anyways to refuse to try to counter my build, i have yet to see you even try to challenge me to actually make an effort to own me which i would love seeing. Really mulla ?, You say you're a competitive person, but yet you only log on to poe to faceroll random pvp starters, a competitive person will try to counter someone that beats him, thats not your case once someone beats you youre alwqays QQ'ing no matter what the build is. You cannot accept defeat, your build should survive all, youre complaining over what beats your build. And everyday you're whipping your ass off pvping i dont know which noobs to satisfy ur easy pvp needs. I do sometimes lose to some builds, but im not shooting my tears everywhere on the forum, im trying to counter it.

Oh and dont make me write a fucking roman again, i'm done with this shit. Come ingame and counter my build like a real tryhard or keep whippin' ur ass off on little noobs. Maybe one day you'll gain my respect back but right now i really dont give a f*

That is all i had to say for this thread.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Dec 25, 2014, 8:48:46 PM

you have to understand that you can't counter all builds (casters/rangers/melee) with 1 single build and keep complaining "oh GGG i can't beat every one with my build" that is ridiculous

some skills are OP right but not all skills are OP and most of them are balanced

Casters got huge nerf in defense (no more block/high damage) so there only defense is to get the highest damage possible combined with high life/ES pool and Capped res // most casters got low Armour if its not zero.

Rangers got low life comparing to melee builds and need good crit to make the build works however their evasion is useless against RT melee builds dodge/spell dodge got killed in pvp by the 1.3 update.

Melee is upper hand in pvp (crit/RT) both are great/ high damage/high life pool/ unwavering stance/life reg .. etc and other builds has low physical damage reduction so that the damage is delivered fully. the only working defense against melee got hugh nerf which is block

If the game goes the way you like and melee become the only possible to pvp then the whole idea of PVP will be destroyed and it will be boring.

I had played pvp alot as caster/max block/blind/molten shell/ with 6-7k ES (zero Armour zero evasion) I tried (Arc/Fireball/incinerate/Freezing Pulse/mines) and guess what I was killed with one shoot by melee builds or by Stacked EA

Molten shell , Immortal call, traps, Mines all not helping

You have high tier gears right so you think you should win against all builds guess what?

you will not :)

Have Fun its just a Game and you will lose :p
Last edited by alshabibi7#7881 on Dec 24, 2014, 11:02:05 PM
No one is asking for any one build to be the best. What were asking for are viable ways for all builds to handle others.

If one build hard counters another it's not good for the game play. If (this is all hypothetical) casters always counter melee and melee always counter bows and bows always counter caster your basicly wasting your time PvPing. What were asking for is if casters counter melee give melee a way to win by out playing their opponent and do the same for all play styles.

If I wanted to play rock paper scissors I wouldnt waste my time with this game. I want intelligent pvp where all main playstles casters,melee,bow,trapper ect are all viable choices against any other build because they have the tools they need to not be hard countered.

I play all melee types 1h dagger 2h sword 1h sword critical rt ect. If I had the currency id play caster trapper and bow as well but I don't so I provide my feedback on melee play styles and I hope that people who play other styles try to keep the biases to themselves and provide intelligent feedback as well.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
Last edited by Dethklok#2196 on Dec 24, 2014, 11:24:13 PM
lllllDethkloklllll wrote:
No one is asking for any one build to be the best. What were asking for are viable ways for all builds to handle others.

If one build hard counters another it's not good for the game play. If (this is all hypothetical) casters always counter melee and melee always counter bows and bows always counter caster your basicly wasting your time PvPing. What were asking for is if casters counter melee give melee a way to win by out playing their opponent and do the same for all play styles.

If I wanted to play rock paper scissors I wouldnt waste my time with this game. I want intelligent pvp where all main playstles casters,melee,bow,trapper ect are all viable choices against any other build because they have the tools they need to not be hard countered.

I play all melee types 1h dagger 2h sword 1h sword critical rt ect. If I had the currency id play caster trapper and bow as well but I don't so I provide my feedback on melee play styles and I hope that people who play other styles try to keep the biases to themselves and provide intelligent feedback as well.

You are asking the same thing that I just posted my builds should win against all other builds, guess what? not possible

you better play

3 vs 3 or 6 vs 6

so other builds will give you high chance to win against all builds as a team

Regards :)
Last edited by alshabibi7#7881 on Dec 24, 2014, 11:30:03 PM
I'm trying to imagine a Pvp tournement they way you want pvp to be. I mean no matches ever need to be played except mirror matches. Make the line up cross out whoever got hard countered let the mirror matches play and tournement over. 80% of people would never even need to play because unless their opponent is asleep at the keyboard your going to loose.

Please explain to me why this is OK....how this is fun and why you continue to support this type of PvP system. All builds should be hard countered....how does that make any sense?

Imagine if starcraft worked that way. You log onto the ladder....oh look I got matched against a race that hard counters mine GG don't even waste your time playing just log out until you find someone you hard coubter.

I guess you want all your wins to come with very little effort or something that's the only thing that makes sense either that or you've got nothing better to do than troll the Pvp discussion forums.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
Last edited by Dethklok#2196 on Dec 24, 2014, 11:35:01 PM
lllllDethkloklllll wrote:
I'm trying to imagine a Pvp tournement they way you want pvp to be. I mean no matches ever need to be played except mirror matches. Make the line up cross out whoever got hard countered let the mirror matches play and tournement over. 80% of people would never even need to play because unless their opponent is asleep at the keyboard your going to loose.

Please explain to me why this is OK....how this is fun and why you continue to support this type of PvP system. All builds should be hard countered....how does that make any sense?

Imagine if starcraft worked that way. You log onto the ladder....oh look I got matched against a race that hard counters mine GG don't even waste your time playing just log out until you find someone you hard coubter.

I guess you want all your wins to come with very little effort or something that's the only thing that makes sense either that or you've got nothing better to do than troll the Pvp discussion forums.

By the way I had played against you your crit dagger in Sarn Arena most of time you 1 shoot me with your 1 press finger flick strikes. I did not come here complaining about flicker striker dagger I used blind against you with possible block since i can't get high evasion as CI I manage to kill you 1 time for maybe 5 times you 1 shoot me/ you use flick striker 1 time then you run to recharge that skill again

Mirror is the worst thing in PVP

I think PVP need defense buff to make every build have a chance but again you can't win against all builds with your crit dagger :)

Last edited by alshabibi7#7881 on Dec 25, 2014, 12:08:35 AM
Yes I know who you are

Previously I was 1 shotting people with ease in an attempt to call attention to how op critical multiplier and daggers were. I went on to write a few threads about it in the alpha forums and in the end critical multiplier was nerfed and so were dagger nodes. I also wrote about flicker strike and how it was a 1 size fits all tool that needed to be adjusted and later flicker wad nerfed. So tell me if I am so biased why do I keep asking for the build im playing to be nerfed?

lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
lllllDethkloklllll wrote:
Yes I know who you are

Previously I was 1 shotting people with ease in an attempt to call attention to how op critical multiplier and daggers were. I went on to write a few threads about it in the alpha forums and in the end critical multiplier was nerfed and so were dagger nodes. I also wrote about flicker strike and how it was a 1 size fits all tool that needed to be adjusted and later flicker wad nerfed. So tell me if I am so biased why do I keep asking for the build im playing to be nerfed?

Well this is count positively to you thank you :)

I hope you post a topic in how to buff defense.

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