Bow characters have too much mobility for their damage

Sorry, but multiple INSTANT teleports is just unbalanced.

Anyone who says otherwise is just biased because lets face it, instant smoke mine +20% movespeed then instant lightning warp is rediculous.

Plus, you don't even need to stop to attack because all those fucking puncture traps do 10x more damage than my melee puncture.

Auto target, auto hit, MASSIVE bleed damage with insane mobility against melee or close up is just so broken.
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You can use lw and sm too, and you have flicker to the ranger's blink.
You can also use arc to destroy traps, leap slam to get to her, flicker, wb, shieldcharge, lighting warp, quicksilver flasks.

I agree that the trap dmg is rediculous (not only puncture) but dont whine about mobility issues your character might have.
Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions
Leap slam and shield charge are both unreliable to catch, they are waaaay to slow imo, but yeah flicker all the way... Stupid spell
Skyforth wrote:
Sorry, but multiple INSTANT teleports is just unbalanced.

Anyone who says otherwise is just biased because lets face it, instant smoke mine +20% movespeed then instant lightning warp is rediculous.

Plus, you don't even need to stop to attack because all those fucking puncture traps do 10x more damage than my melee puncture.

Auto target, auto hit, MASSIVE bleed damage with insane mobility against melee or close up is just so broken.

Jeez you know, its funny how MullaXul has been saying shit like this for years. It takes ppl finally pvping to figure it out. Lets see how much more obvious shit he's already written months - years ago yet was ignored.
IGN: LordAsutarosu
Can we stop suggesting players with trap problems to use arc? it's a prehistoric method that was only viable when block was half decent. Taking the time to properly arc is just the opportunity a top tier bower needs (what bower isnt top tier? is there a defining point?) to 2 shot you.
pointless complaining about traps and mines for pvp ,, and the most ppl complaining want everything smooth for them as melee so they can kill other squishy builds with their physical sword/hammer/dagger

the game will be so boring if its just melee pvp

As I have said before, the top players currently are Melee. If they can find a way to beat bow, so can you.
IGN: Beardedwizzard
Last edited by mrmagikboy#4099 on Dec 23, 2014, 9:53:28 AM
Melee beats bow at top level with bis gear. I would say quite convincingly as well. Im fairly certain my melee char beats every single bow character in the game if Im allowed to choose my pots. I would go as far as to say melee is hardcounter to bow.

I do think though that bow is a lot cheaper to build than a proper melee is. Rangers seem to be too powerful with tier2-3 items.
Last edited by lapiz#7973 on Dec 24, 2014, 11:23:03 AM
lapiz wrote:
Melee beats bow at top level with bis gear. I would say quite convincingly as well. Im fairly certain my melee char beats every single bow character in the game if Im allowed to choose my pots. I would go as far as to say melee is hardcounter to bow.

I do think though that bow is a lot cheaper to build than a proper melee is. Rangers seem to be too powerful with tier2-3 items.

melee is hardcounter to bows if you play your cards
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