Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100

What I'm Looking For:
Looking for a casual and mature guild to chat with.

About Me:
I'm a NA player who mostly plays after I get off of work. I play SC Trade and play a lot during the first month or so of a League start. I've been playing this game for ages now and most likely have over 1k hours played.

My Gameplay:
I love playing Trappers/Miners. Currently playing a lv 100 Trickster Hexblast Miner. However, I might switch to a bow build since they look fun this league. I've been pushing to kill some Ubers this league (3 down so far) and running random league mechanics.
What I'm Looking For:
Casual yet active guild, with mature players :) Ill help when I can, you help when you can.

About Me:
I'm a casual player. I'm playing Cold DOT Elementalist, right now on level 79. I feel like I'm missing many key parts of this game, I always seem to fall short when it comes to earning currency. Could use some help as the guides always seem to be talking over my head.

My Gameplay:
I'm following tripolarbear guide but not very lucky on stats, too squishy... So far completed 40 maps (yeah that's how squishy I am).

P.S. Sorry for plagiating you post Nemos_Greyhame
Looking for guild to join in trade league

i nearly gone as far as i can in ssf without any build guides and in a few days i will migrate to trade league. i wanted to complete the atlas but a couple of bosses are too tough with a limited number of maps to practice on, its a lot of fun but progress is slowing to the point i have to migrate.

i want to learn as much as i can (crafting/mapping) before next league start and very keen to try out endless delve (if that happens this year)

prefer a guild of adults who dont mind answering a few questions from a newish player.

edit.. australian time zone GMT+9.3 hrs

cheers, Grim.
Last edited by grimpoetemp3#0751 on May 28, 2023, 12:36:38 AM
I would like to join your guild so I can help and so I can have a new experience

Looking friendly, social, helper, English speaking and active Guild.

I'm very active player. Trying to make my Tanky build. But, I really need lot help(Especially for levelling character). Mostly playing Hardcore Crucible.

Current Time zone: GMT+3 & Language: English

Last edited by Vorzach#5951 on Jun 26, 2023, 6:11:16 AM
What I'm Looking For:
A casual guild with active people to chat with.

About Me:
I'm an NA player who plays every other league or so. I usually play some flavor of elementalist. I'm a semi-regular at PoE so I'm not looking for help, just some folks to chat and hang out with while mapping or doing other league stuff.

My Gameplay:
Slinging spells. Going for an ice DoT build this time for a league starter. Not sure where I will end up.
Hi folks, looking for a guild.

What I'm Looking For:
Active guild. Freindly. Helpful.

About Me:
EU player, I'm a returning player on PC (I used to play on Xbox). I like to play leauges, but can help out on standard if needed. I don't have a build, I like to experiment. I am mature and dislike toxic. Have a mic and discord and not scared to use it.

My Gameplay:
Clearing maps asap.

Invite please: Nimnom

PS: I swap between PoE and LOTRO (I am in a wonderful kinship in LOTRO and raid alot)
What I'm Looking For:
Active guild with mature players. Would like to group with others. Happy to contribute where I can.

About Me:
NA player who is new to POE as of Crucible but am on everyday. I orignally played a necro hardcore to level 60 before rerolling the Necro and maxing out in the mid-80s. Currently playing a RF Juggernaut now into the 90s.

My Gameplay:
Been playing solo. Currently getting through Atlas maps and Delve. Trying to min/max builds but need advice. I need to learn crafting beyond the basics as well.

What I'm Looking For:
Active guild with players that are willing to help new players.

About Me:
SG player picking up this game after a few years of not being able to get past Act 8. Currently playing level 79 Boneshatter Jugg trying to get past atlas.

My Gameplay:
Following POE Vault for non-hassle low budget builds to get past atlas and start farming.

What I'm Looking For:
A guild that is friendly and we can help...

About Me:
Hi there! I'm a returning player on PC. That I am not really into a leauges player. kind of standard lord. like to share items and some times.

My Gameplay:
well, there are two things ı can do Ranger and Slayer. One of the best.

Character Name: POEPlayTest

Thank you!

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