You know, I WAS excited for torment LLD pvp

A222 wrote:
If he doesn't come back = 1 more whiny rage quitter gone from the potential pvp community.

Wow. Next time someone accuses me of using hyperbole by spreading the "20 elite PvPers exalt-only club" narrative, I'll be able to direct them to this quote.

Everybody benefits from a larger PvP community? NAH BRAH GIT GUD OR GTFO.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
gilrad wrote:
A222 wrote:
If he doesn't come back = 1 more whiny rage quitter gone from the potential pvp community.

Wow. Next time someone accuses me of using hyperbole by spreading the "20 elite PvPers exalt-only club" narrative, I'll be able to direct them to this quote.

Everybody benefits from a larger PvP community? NAH BRAH GIT GUD OR GTFO.

Again the 2nd time someone used that quote in the wrong way.

If I stomp on someone, two things happen. He either says gg, asks questions, and shows interest in becoming a better PvPer, or he rages, says shit like "maphack, zoomhack, RMT, pvp is a gear game", and just complains and complains and complains.

Yeah if you're doing the 2nd and not even TRYING to be better at PvP, by all means GTFO.
A222 wrote:
gilrad wrote:
A222 wrote:
If he doesn't come back = 1 more whiny rage quitter gone from the potential pvp community.

Wow. Next time someone accuses me of using hyperbole by spreading the "20 elite PvPers exalt-only club" narrative, I'll be able to direct them to this quote.

Everybody benefits from a larger PvP community? NAH BRAH GIT GUD OR GTFO.

Again the 2nd time someone used that quote in the wrong way.

If I stomp on someone, two things happen. He either says gg, asks questions, and shows interest in becoming a better PvPer, or he rages, says shit like "maphack, zoomhack, RMT, pvp is a gear game", and just complains and complains and complains.

Yeah if you're doing the 2nd and not even TRYING to be better at PvP, by all means GTFO.

give me your Exalts then, I promise to "get better".
because apparently neither me nor other PvPers - no matter how skilled - don't deserve a place in your private LLD queue, without dem Exalts to buy 'em some of that corrupted, Elreon-crafted shit with da 5/6-links, to "earn" da right to duel da level 28...

you said it yourself: you don't care about skill. Exalts or GTFO. bling is all dat matterz.
or did I read it wrong?
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Quote me where I said "exalts are the only thing that matters".

I said willingness to learn, and being humble are way better than people who rage quit and complain about things like "PvP is just a game of 'Exalt Mongers'".

All I'm saying is, if your first reaction after being stomped on in a LLD match is to complain in the forums and blame the current player base, then you're scum who shouldn't be playing PvP.

How did we go from gamers who play around the system to gamers who want the system to revolve around them?

Actually I just realized, this entire time I kept saying it isn't all about gear, and it's you, john, who keeps saying that PvP is nothing but an exalt-fest where only the rich can thrive.

So please do not force your misguided beliefs on me, it's already been proven wrong.

Let me give you a prime example of my first point. I have a guildmate named ZenithStar. Little background on him, he wasn't a low level dueler before 1.3 hit, and a week before the patch he made a Goddess Scorned build that, quite frankly, was terrible. I met him in Sarn Arena and stomped him hard, similar as to how top tier people stomp on low tier people. What he did was say "I'm new to LLD", asked a couple of questions, joined the guild, and overall showed a huge interest in getting into the scene even though his entry was him getting shit on.

And now look at where he is, dudes good enough that I'm now using a version of his season 1 build for season 2. If he acted anyway like how you are acting now, complaining about the gear disparity and the overall imbalance of PvP, then I'm sure as fuck he won't be anywhere as good as he is now.

This is why I believe people who whine after they get stomped should GTFO of the scene. It won't bring anything productive overall to the health of PvP if our community becomes toxic as fuck, no matter how big it is.
Last edited by A222#5299 on Feb 14, 2015, 8:35:51 AM
A222 wrote:
Quote me where I said "exalts are the only thing that matters".

I said willingness to learn, and being humble are way better than people who rage quit and complain about things like "PvP is just a game of 'Exalt Mongers'".

All I'm saying is, if your first reaction after being stomped on in a LLD match is to complain in the forums and blame the current player base, then you're scum who shouldn't be playing PvP.

How did we go from gamers who play around the system to gamers who want the system to revolve around them?

Actually I just realized, this entire time I kept saying it isn't all about gear, and it's you, john, who keeps saying that PvP is nothing but an exalt-fest where only the rich can thrive.

So please do not force your misguided beliefs on me, it's already been proven wrong.

Let me give you a prime example of my first point. I have a guildmate named ZenithStar. Little background on him, he wasn't a low level dueler before 1.3 hit, and a week before the patch he made a Goddess Scorned build that, quite frankly, was terrible. I met him in Sarn Arena and stomped him hard, similar as to how top tier people stomp on low tier people. What he did was say "I'm new to LLD", asked a couple of questions, joined the guild, and overall showed a huge interest in getting into the scene even though his entry was him getting shit on.

And now look at where he is, dudes good enough that I'm now using a version of his season 1 build for season 2. If he acted anyway like how you are acting now, complaining about the gear disparity and the overall imbalance of PvP, then I'm sure as fuck he won't be anywhere as good as he is now.

This is why I believe people who whine after they get stomped should GTFO of the scene. It won't bring anything productive overall to the health of PvP if our community becomes toxic as fuck, no matter how big it is.

Zenith here. Ignorance is Bliss, but Knowledge is Power.

why are we still talking about this.

The que is not saturated enough with players of all gear levels to provide fair matching to all.

As a result the casual pvpers get shafter more. Not much that can be done about it other than ggg providing a sandbox mode where ability to trade/run mf chars in mudflats or normal dom/piety are not a factor. And I don't see that happening.

PvP is the endgame of PvE. You use what you find through pve to improve your pvp builds. If you can't get get enough crafting materials/trade for them w/e... then its not the fault of the people that can
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
andkamen wrote:
why are we still talking about this.

The que is not saturated enough with players of all gear levels to provide fair matching to all.

As a result the casual pvpers get shafter more. Not much that can be done about it other than ggg providing a sandbox mode where ability to trade/run mf chars in mudflats or normal dom/piety are not a factor. And I don't see that happening.

PvP is the endgame of PvE. You use what you find through pve to improve your pvp builds. If you can't get get enough crafting materials/trade for them w/e... then its not the fault of the people that can

not much can be done about it, except players themselves taking responsibility where GGG didn't provide a cushion system to land on.
players should encourage others to PvP, and take responsibility. that's what I'm saying all along.
if you are "stomping" someone without giving him a chance, it's your responsibility to for example switch gear, or go slower, if GGG's system matches you two again.
you'll still win - most likely - but the fight will be more interesting to both sides.

losing a good fight, makes one ask questions and want to improve.
getting repeatedly one-shot by someone's Exalts, makes one rage quit and never look at PvP again.
that's the difference.

and if you still don't get it, I can happily put on mah Legacy Gear from Open Beta and wreck you, then laugh in your face "lol y u no Open Beta liek me? git gud bros!".
sounds lovely, doesn't it? much fun PvP, right?

well then why the fuck are you doing it to others?

and I sure as hell won't. my Legacies stay in stash for fairness sake.
because PvP is for fighters, not thugs.
you guys took the noble sport PvP (and especially LLD) was back in Beta, then shit Exalts all over it.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 14, 2015, 9:36:25 AM
if you are "stomping" someone without giving him a chance, it's your responsibility to for example switch gear, or go slower, if GGG's system matches you two again.
you'll still win - most likely - but the fight will be more interesting to both sides.

losing a good fight, makes one ask questions and want to improve.
getting repeatedly one-shot by someone's Exalts, makes one rage quit and never look at PvP again.
that's the difference.

No. It's my responsibility to end the fight as fast as possible, which is also a sign of respect (the act of not holding back, or giving it your all). Then I say GG and wait for his reply. If I see him reply something stupid (pvp just gear check, no skill involved, stupid hacker), then I nope the fuck out of there and forget about him. If he says GG back, then I start giving my input. What I think of his build, his damage, his skills, his movements, etc. I give him tips and offer my help if he so wants it. Usually it ends with a friends list add and me giving as much as I can to help him become stronger. The same behavior from me is also seen when people fight me in Sarn Arena, and sometimes even when people just buy PvP gear from me.

and if you still don't get it, I can happily put on mah Legacy Gear from Open Beta and wreck you, then laugh in your face "lol y u no Open Beta liek me? git gud bros!".
sounds lovely, doesn't it? much fun PvP, right?

well then why the fuck are you doing it to others?

Except I don't recall any PvPer ever having such an obnoxious attitude as to make fun of people they stomp. Again no one is making fun of you for being stomped. Based on how you phrased this bit, I can imagine you taking offense from people stomping you, when they themselves almost always will NOT insult you for being inferior. I also don't recall any time where I personally have insulted someone after beating them 4-0.

and I sure as hell won't. my Legacies stay in stash for fairness sake.
because PvP is for fighters, not thugs.
you guys took the noble sport PvP (and especially LLD) was back in Beta, then shit Exalts all over it.

Again have you ever stopped and considered, maybe its not all of our faults that PvP has a higher top end, but rather your fault for not keeping with the times? It's not our fault we min-maxed something in a game that basically encourages you to min-max.
Last edited by A222#5299 on Feb 14, 2015, 10:12:59 AM
A lot more popcorn in this thread then I thought there would be.

Anyway, new day, good mood, time to start.

Is my Templar's tree.

What do you think I should change with my gem setup exactly?

Assuming I swap reverb wand I can put Arc on the 5link

Arc - empower - added lightning - lightning pen - Culling/Added Cold/Stun?
Last edited by Waves_blade#0878 on Feb 14, 2015, 10:24:37 AM
Waves_blade wrote:
A lot more popcorn in this thread then I thought there would be.

Anyway, new day, good mood, time to start.

Is my Templar's tree.

What do you think I should change with my gem setup exactly?

Assuming I swap reverb wand I can put Arc on the 5link

Arc - empower - added lightning - lightning pen - Culling/Added Cold/Stun?

Gear's far more important than your tree, though you could use some more damage in that tree. Link your gear (if you're willing to disclose that).

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