PvP popularity and other random thoughts

so new people are supposed to be able to win events?

are first time racers able to even get in top 20 or win demis?

No they are not. I'm all for making things easier but are you surprised that people that just start don't do well without reading some guides like fightgarr's and talking to people and learning from them?

cheap and effective gear is all over the place. Elreon jewellery is nice but not mandatory and its existence has made just regular rares even cheaper. There are many builds that new players can use to do well above average on low budget if they bothered reading some of the already made guides.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
Last edited by andkamen#5405 on Mar 21, 2015, 4:06:02 PM
New players should be able to be competitive with it and work towards high placements in events. Since they are lacking pvp experience, they will not know what gear they have too look for, heck they probably will not even know about the meta builds. So it is really far fetched to claim that new players can do well in pvp on a 2 ex budget.
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
if they had any sort of interest in pvp they'd visit this forum and see the lld builds lists and check some of the guides (some are super descriptive) they will also see the pvp beginners and crafters guide.

There is a lot of information available if you actually look or ask for it.

Free mades should be viable but not competitive if by competitive you mean "place in top 5" if played skilfully for example.
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
Last edited by andkamen#5405 on Mar 21, 2015, 8:44:36 PM
andkamen wrote:
Free mades should be viable but not competitive if by competitive you mean "place in top 5" if played skilfully for example.

So according to your definition 90% of the PvP players do not play competitivly since they have never placed top 5?
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
candoerfer wrote:
andkamen wrote:
Free mades should be viable but not competitive if by competitive you mean "place in top 5" if played skilfully for example.

So according to your definition 90% of the PvP players do not play competitivly since they have never placed top 5?

No, he's only said that the premades shouldn't be capable of placing top five.
Stop trying to pick fights over nonsense.
Last edited by jcostello1#4592 on Mar 25, 2015, 1:28:48 PM
andkamen wrote:
if they had any sort of interest in pvp they'd visit this forum and see the lld builds lists and check some of the guides (some are super descriptive) they will also see the pvp beginners and crafters guide.

There is a lot of information available if you actually look or ask for it.

Free mades should be viable but not competitive if by competitive you mean "place in top 5" if played skilfully for example.

(from a lld perspective)
no premades should be competitive in that they can provide more of the base components needed to get to a position of being a threat to the top 5.

there are pretty obvious examples of gems and items that are considerably rare and otherwise not worth the investment in conventional play

such as +1 corruptions on gear with slots at or greater than 4l
weapons that do competitive dps ,

multiple empower gems which are leveled

enough life and resists on gear to be capped out with a decent life pool.

Many can agree at minimum all those things mentioned are base line requirements to make even a semi competent pvp build. yet most premades are shipped with pathetic items that arent even half of what is needed.

for normal play most if not all of these things are luxury items. but in pvp they are quite the necessity.

most players i face who are noobs lose to me simply because they cant get enough dps to kill my zombies. think about that for a second , my zombies in LLD at best have 2500 hp and 51 resist all. that is all they have the average good player can kill 7 of these zombies in low level duels in seconds and or kite them / freeze them solid in seconds .

the very idea that my summoning build is winning the majority of its fights with such gimped mechanics as minions is a pretty telling example of how woefully under equipped pvp noobs are.

Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Mar 26, 2015, 6:31:34 AM

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