What's Being Kept from Torment/Bloodlines?

I'll comment on the bloodlines mod.

Bearers of the Guardian (Requires monster level 60)
The guardian is too fast. The guardian can continue stalking you the entire map because the last mob was hidden in a corner. Make him considerably slower or remove the immortality when the last mob is out of sight.

Bond of Chaos
I like it, we need more chaos dealing enemies so chaos resistance is actually necessary.

Corrupted Bloodline
Mostly irrelevant, double how many stacks each death gives.

Cult of the Elements
It's a nice addition. Very dangerous at times.

Flame/Frost/Storm Bearers
I think it needs to hit harder. But there needs to be a limit of how many can be stacked on top of each other. This might be better as a rare affix, since the explosion can be scaled higher without them stacking up on each other. Would solve the FPS issues the explosion has as well.

Flaring/Rime/Static Pulseblood
Irrelevant, never noticed it. Quite boring as well.

Heralds of the Obelisk
Very anti melee. Needs to have some versions where it's nice to be close to the enemies.

Keepers of the Trove
Loot is always nice.

Legacy of Vigor
This mod can quickly get out of hand with quick mobs. And highlights the desync issues when the movement speed gets absurd.

Living Blood
Great addition. However Congealed Mud's chaos bombing skill is very anti melee since it's easy to take them all in the face and it needs a wind up for that skill so it's possible to react, and maybe use Far Shot with it?

This is the good version of p-link this one is actually possible to deal with, without wasting so much time. I would not mind to have this in the game.

Order of the Frozen Sky (Requires monster level 61)
I think this needs to hit harder. But there needs to be a cap of how many can be stacked on top of each other. Might be better as a rare affix.

I like that they do chaos damage. However I think it needs to needs to be explained what type of damage the do.

Phylacteral Link
Awful. Remove it from the game. They're invulnerable most of the time. This means we need to use the kiting strategy (tm), which leads to the mob being scattered across the map. Due to Murphy's law the vulnerable one is always hiding in the corner. So it takes ages to actually find one that is vulnerable long enough to kill it. It's also impossible to leech from them which makes it even more difficult to keep them together. Just awful.

Shared Boon
I loved it with Claws of the Magpie. But dischargers can get absurd with it. I don't mind this one.

Irrelevant, does not do anything interesting besides clogging up the screen.

Voidspawn of Abaxoth (Requires monster level 61)
This is a cool one. The fear of what might spawn from them is nice.

To summarize Phylacteral link needs to be removed and forgotten. I can see that they want to slow down the game play a bit but p-link is the wrong way. Then there is Corrupted bloodline, Pulseblood and Shrouded that are just boring and doesn't really add anything new, these can also be removed. The rest are rather nice, but might need some tweaking.
Last edited by Illviljan#6833 on Mar 10, 2015, 5:17:31 AM
Awesome! Both mechanics will be a solid addition to the core game. :D
Nutius wrote:
Some players want the game to be slow, dark and dangerous. They want to sometimes have to stop to consider whether the fight is worth the risk or not. They want to be killed if they make the wrong choice.

rarely seen in the forum. not sure if they exist.

Nutius wrote:
Some players want to explode screens by holding down the right mouse button, and clear 20 maps per hour while watching TV.

... but want the game to stay difficult for others. because if every noob facerolls the content where is the honour in succeeding in this game?

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Cool news!!! Can't wait to see bloodine mods in standard/hardcore, but lower rate of tormented spirits? RNGeesus, let me find my 6 missing ones...
I really enjoyed BL mods up to a point.
Then plink and obelisk just got tedious because they create situations where you can't seem to do anything at all.

You split up a plink pack and the other half is unreachable down a corridor?
Fester in your impotence as you wait for the linkbearer to be one of the monsters in your half of the pack.

You killed half of the obelisk pack in a cave and now the rest is unreachable behind the next corner? Feel the frustration as you backtrack to reset the instance.

These mods don't just slow down the game. They amount to creating deadlocks. A bad thing.

Plink could use a rework like:
Phylactery Link now works as an aura (so it only makes pack mates invulnerable when somewhat close by, can be a rather large radius), and transfering the Phylactery requires line of sight (except when there is no pack mate in view when the carrier dies).

Obelisks could be fixed like that:
Every, say 5 seconds all unkillable totems lightning warp to a living pack mate. They all LW in sync, not every 5 seconds after their respective deaths.

Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
AWSOME keep bloodline magic monster is really nice, its so much better for the game to fight vs some nemesis/bloodlines monster, more diversity more challenge...

Keep the ghost its also really cool.
Its sad some ppl QQ its look what they want its just run and one shot everything with 0 dificulty(play in HC but in easy hc with 0 chance to die)

You said Bloodline can be a map mod, but can we still get some bloodline monster in a map if we dont have roll bloodline ? (something like with the mod every magic have bloodline but without few mob have it)

And same for Ghost if we dont put the zana mod tormant can we see a ghost aswell ??
Last edited by Dazoul#5456 on Mar 10, 2015, 6:38:09 AM
Adding Bloodlines to the core game makes the game worse.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Gonna add to the general sentiment of disappointment at Scold's Bridle not making it to the main game. Such a cool and unique ability that opens up a wide variety of applications (I personally wanted to try out a self-immolation build with Cloak of Flame and Mokou's Embrace), it just feels like a massive waste to see it rot in peoples' stashes in Standard coming from someone who prefers fresh leagues.

Maybe a buff to Zana map mods is in order to allow these uniques to be grinded for without breaking the bank?
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Please don't change the spawn rate of strongboxes. They are super fun and are perfectly balanced at the moment.
Imo p-link should be changed that more mobs are targetable at the same time, others are ok and can be very dangerous(yes, i have not yet done anything above 72).

There might be some tears, when people lose rest of their maps due to Obelisks/Voidspawn.. but then again who tells them to kill stuff offscreen? :D

Living Blood is perfect.

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