PvP characters??
what shadyC is missing is the fact that this game is build around the gear grind.
This is the core of the game and there is no way that pvp will just be separated from this. Im all for more accessible gear but I dont see GGG making it drastically more accessible than it is now. If OP wantes a pure pvp experience there are a number of different games like that where he can enjoy that. PS. Im sorry that you felt im an ass to you but you picked a questions that has been debated to death a bunch of times already by a bunch of people. I wouldn't have reacted as I did if it wasn't for your second post too :P Also considering you have one char that is just starting maps you are just in the beginning of the game. PvP is not something you jump in straight away and immediately have a chance to win events. PvP in this game is the real endgame. After you have built up your character you can start investing your currency in some pvp gear. Untill you learn how to either play the trade game without leaving town or get some solid farming characters you are unlikely to be able to afford to make a competitive pvp character. This doesnt mean that you can't make a character that you can use to play for fun. Take a look at fightgarr's beginner crafting guide in the pvp discussion forum (stickied). You will see how to craft gear with limited budgets that way. Pick a build (melee or bow based since casters are expensive to get going) and use some of the budget options to craft some cheap but effective gear. ??? Enjoy LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1133731
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Op shouldn't expect people to put effort into a thread that he himself put 0 effort into. If you want better responses write better threads this goes for any forum anywhere.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 |
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Pvp in this kind of game. Is an end game hobby. People are always complaining about the rich and well geared. How did they get rich and well geared? There are only two ways I know of. And one of them is cheating and will get you banned. If they got 50 exalts playing the game, and want to blow it on LLD, good for them. Giving away top gear to anyone that wants, makes all that time spent worthless, and removes a great deal from the sense of achievement .
I have about 5 exalts invested in my torment character. I win about 1/2 to 2/3 of the time. I have seen a lot of people that just don't understand game mechanics. I have explained to numerous people that dodge and block are not evasion. Usually after I beat them, and they complain about my op over priced build, and want to know why thet cant hit me, when they have rt. One guy even told me he was reporting me to GGG for cheating. The most expensive item I bought were boots for 10 chaos. Then they go on reddit and forums and complain how bad pvp is. When what they should be doing is reading the wiki. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dodge God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth Last edited by ripnburn69#0202 on Mar 11, 2015, 7:20:07 PM
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Amen. I don't know of a single decent PvPer who doesn't have good, if not complete, knowledge of all the game mechanics.
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