Poe Price Check – Check Single Item and Stash Tab Items with Ease
" Hey, please try the following and hope it will help: (1) Don't change 'tabs='. Instead, change "tabIndex=0" to "tabIndex=1" or "tabIndex=2", etc.. (2) Paste the above URL into a NEW browser tab, and you will get a whole page of text (3) Copy this whole page of text (all of them) and paste into the 'price each stash' box (4) Hit the 'SubmitStash' button and wait (it could be very slow if you have a lot of items)... Hope you this will work for you. |
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Bug Fixed:
(1) Breach ring search (added this item Base Type) (2) Divination card search error (due to poe wiki page break, using its separate lists) |
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" Hey, thanks again for the suggestion. I have corrected the search for breach rings. For the 'increased fire damage', I have quickly enabled the search criterion. However, it is by default not selected for now. This means by default it still search for high spell damage, but ppl can opt for fire/cold/lightning damage if they prefer so by checking the check box, and reprice again. I know this is a temporary fix. Do you think ppl will always prefer fire/cold/lightning damage over spell damage eventhough the number is much higher? For the crafting option, I really like the idea. I will spend some time to see whether it is easy to do so. Also, option for 'corrupt' and sort by listing time are on my to-do list. |
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" Thanks a lot for that ^^ I noticed it and already used it a couple of times. I have another suggestion, lab enchants can greatly influence a pc to become inaccurate, if I pc a helmet without lab enchant it could get compared to one that has. So I think it probably is a good idea to also make comparisations to items with lab enchantments optional, or some other way to (be able to) prevent this from happening. About your question, if I have a ring with: " I absolutely would want to pc it on fire damage, not fire spell damage. The value of an item is determined by how well the item fits into a certain build, in combination with the more that certain build is used the higher the demand for it the higher the value of the item. The ring is just an example, not sure if it's possible. So the answer to your question is that it's entirely situational depending on the other mods of the item, namely whether the other mods make the item more suitable for an attacker or spell caster. A spell caster wants spell damage and optionally elemental damage unless it's fire damage since it can double dip making it more desired for fire damage dealing builds than spell damage. An attacker could want elemental damage but wouldn't would want spell damage. There's also Avatar of Fire to consider but I don't think it's used much. EDIT (don't want to double post):
Rarity: Rare
Oblivion Scar Cobalt Jewel -------- Item Level: 80 -------- 8% increased Damage 16% increased Spell Damage while holding a Shield Minions have +10% to all Elemental Resistances -------- Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. Minions have +#% to all elemental resistances doesn't seem to work. Last edited by World_Destructor#4649 on Jan 4, 2017, 9:14:39 AM
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" Fixed. There might be other mods like this not being included properly. Please let me know if you see any:-) " Added this option. |
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" Thanks, I did notice that in the results with any pricecheck the corrupted items are included which I don't think is what you intended to happen. But if it's intended, a pricecheck based on similar corrupted items makes the pricecheck inaccurate so I wouldn't recommend keeping it like this. |
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The 'corruption' should be functioning more like intended :-) This function is also working when searching by name.
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Is something wrong with the website that it's offline?
I need to pricecheck quite a few items and i don't trust anything else to be able to accurately price things except for doing it manually with poe.trade. |
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Sorry about the server being offline for quite some time today due to hardware malfunctioning.
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Awesome tool!!!
But you need to adjust. Yesterday i sold a facebreakers(breach near to max roll) for 19c and the web told me to sell it for 3c. Otherwise the web told me to sell a cauterizer for 10c when the real price is 4 or 7 chaos. Your are near to get a very interesting userfull tool. Anyway nice job. Good luck. |
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