One Month Flashback Event (Hardcore)

Raiz and Nugi should change their team name to TeamFortune ...
I've hit a wall in A3 merc, I'm level 70 and I can't complete any of the quests because it's too scary to go anywhere except docks, and even docks take forever to clear safely and the drops aren't really worth it

I did manage to kill spinesnap in the sewers but of course i run into a tormented invasion boss right after..... game pls

prob gonna take a break until all mods is over because it's just not worth the cost benefit ratio right now...
RIP Havoc!
Take care out there.
Last edited by Lagruell#1960 on May 17, 2015, 1:31:05 AM
Best league ever.
Last edited by BurnedInEffigy#6328 on May 19, 2015, 12:56:47 AM
Rank 1-3 REEEEP
Im loving this league! Its so cool!
This would be AWESOME if permanent all modes and solo no party no trade.
IGN: Gonorreitor
I enjoy this league so much. "all mods weekend" is the best thing ever. thank you GGG for making this happen. I'll give you more of my money as soon as I get paid :)

ps: even retarded necrovigil and heralds of the obelisk can't ruin the fun
Best league so far... sadly I am no longer playing it after my first RIP oO
I really want to play this league, but I am sick of leveling a char to endgame ... the whole process level 1 to maps (only "exciting" in the first hours of a league).
Have a problem with something I said? PM goetzjam don't derail a thread.
'There's plenty that needs to change. And back in my day we had real game devs.' - TheAnuhart
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on February 30, 2016 0:61 PM

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Was a fun league, seems pretty dead now to be honest. Leveling AGAIN just to die to something cheeseball just as build is coming together doesn't sound fun. I think the grim realities of a rip league has made the gimmick wear thin.

Was a fun coupla weeks, I'm out. Stay safe folks and I'll see you on the Beta/next league.

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