Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

Aim_Deep wrote:
Still doesnt change paradigm though unlike what Rory said. Enlighten is just new reduced mana. Just as desired just as helpful.

Yeah, like I said before, I'm strongly against tampering with enlightment. If we need to fix our RM habit let that turkey be as cold as a witch teat.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

tmaciak wrote:

Calm down and roll proper build.

My low life Shavs builds are unaffected by this change, and due to Discipline cost reduction and possible new reservation reduction passives, can end up having even more auras.

Well, If this change goes live, I'll probably just do a shitty giveaway - everything I have is probably barely worth 30 exalts - and just play DotA 2 all the time.

Maybe even actually purchase Diablo 3. Better to pay one off and log in whenever and have some fun than to have amateur balancers on top of my head.

Time to go to work. Make the money that will buy myself D3. Spend my time making money to buy food instead of farming 1 million mirrors to keep up with the GGG "balance team".
Love the games. PoE1 way more so than PoE2, but still enjoying both.

Hate the company. The scummy, lying, fake and shitty facade, the excuses, the failures, and most of all, the "Vision".

Keep both of those in mind when reading my posts.
Last edited by PrimordialDarkness#3913 on May 8, 2015, 8:08:34 AM
I will be EXTREMELY surprised if this makes it into the live client.
Absolutely does not seem well thought out at all.

Done with this thread.
Make Things For Smile!
PyleWarlord wrote:

And think about the new leagues.. to min-max (some)builds, you (possibly) need to level you that nice goal to aim for (btw which is faster, level 100 or level Enlighten, if you carry it with you from level 1 and run only 77/78 maps?).

This change could meanthat you must now choose your auras/gear/skills more carefully and switch them depending what you are facing, this kinda situational gameplay has been slowly fading away, most people just 1-click spam something and use CwDT(yeah this is fun too).


So, lets do some check for BS in this quote.

Having Enlighten from lvl1 in temp. league. [Check]

Rolling with all auras, available, leveled and with available sockets to tackle whatever randomly generated game throws at you. [Check]

We got a positive finding, Bullshit alert!
Rory wrote:
We're trying out a change to aura costs, the Reduced Mana support, and the Enlighten gem on Beta. This change involves reducing the base mana reservation on reservation skills, changing the Reduced Mana gem to only apply to costs but with a much greater reduction, and having the Enlighten support gem reduce reservation and cost at lower values than Reduced Mana gave.

These are the intended results of the change:
As they no longer work with Reduced Mana, we can make reservation costs less mana intensive for characters that previously wouldn't have access to Reduced Mana, and reduce socket pressure for players that previously would have needed a Reduced Mana support to reach the same reservation levels.
Enlighten becomes a much more desirable support. It now gives an option for end-game builds that are willing to give up sockets to reduce reservation, without the support being so impactful that every build that uses auras feels that it's absolutely necessary.
Reduced Mana can have much higher values than previously, making it a better choice for reducing skill mana costs.

It's worth noting that a very high level Enlighten gem can reduce aura reservation costs to the point of the old Reduced Mana support and below, and that aura reservation costs are now often lower than otherwise possible until player level 45. We're also planning to increase the power of Mana passives in the tree that will give mana constrained builds more access to larger total mana pools.

Sorry but your statements are conflicting with each other.
First you say this:
we can make reservation costs less mana intensive for characters that previously wouldn't have access to Reduced Mana

Enlighten becomes a much more desirable support. It now gives an option for end-game builds that are willing to give up sockets to reduce reservation, without the support being so impactful that every build that uses auras feels that it's absolutely necessary.

Then you state this:
It's worth noting that a very high level Enlighten gem can reduce aura reservation costs to the point of the old Reduced Mana support and below

That less impactful statement is just wrong if two sentences later you suddenly point out that the gem can get the the point of the old reduced mana support and below.
You basically completely negated your intention with that.

On top of that your "characters that previously wouldnt have access to reduced mana" just got new members.
Instead of 1% of the playerbase not having access to it, now we have 99.9% of the playerbase not having access to it because you decided to put its effect on an almost impossible to create gem (enlighten level 5).

All you did is increase the pressure to party up because now its even harder to run auras, while partys can have as many auras as they want.
Anything that nerfs solo play and buffs party play even further is a bad change.

If your intention was to remove socket pressure without increasing the pressure to party up, you could have removed reduced mana, but lowered reservation accordingly. You did not do that.
You kept everything the same but made solo play worse.

Overall your ideas are conflicting and the intentions you suggest arent achieved.
Instead you achieve more pressure to party up, and at the same time you keep the socket pressure problem through enlighten (because it is NOT less impactful).
At the same time you increased the amount of people that did not have access to reduced mana, by putting it´s effect on an insanely expensive gem.

Not liking your design decisions and your explanations of your intentions right now.
To me it looks like your actual intention was to make auras more of a party oriented buff (thus increasing party pressure), but you didnt like calling it that way and instead came up with other "pseudo" intentions that unfortunately conflict with each other.

Not digging it at all.
Last edited by gh0un#3019 on May 8, 2015, 8:22:06 AM
PrimordialDarkness wrote:
tmaciak wrote:

Calm down and roll proper build.

My low life Shavs builds are unaffected by this change, and due to Discipline cost reduction and possible new reservation reduction passives, can end up having even more auras.

Well, If this change goes live, I'll probably just do a shitty giveaway - everything I have is probably barely worth 30 exalts - and just play DotA 2 all the time.

Maybe even actually purchase Diablo 3. Better to pay one off and log in whenever and have some fun than to have amateur balancers on top of my head.

Time to go to work. Make the money that will buy myself D3. Spend my time making money to buy food instead of farming 1 million mirrors to keep up with the GGG "balance team".

D3 deleted the two most popular builds in the game Perma WOTB barb and CM wiz. I think you'll find no solace there. Try D2 for permanence.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on May 8, 2015, 8:20:38 AM
My build will not work in 2.0 unless I have Enlighten at level 3+. Not bad, I don't mind the change at all. I am currently working on leveling both of my Enlighten gems to level 3.

As long as I get to keep my 4 reservation skills or maybe even adding a fifth reservation skill in 2.0 then I am okay with this change. I am glad to see that its harder to get auras now, which means only few players are able to run like 4+ auras.

GGG, I am looking forward to this change.
annnnnnnnnnnnnnd everyone who invested in the previously worthless crap that is level 4 Enlighten is now rich as hell
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
lulz so true tackle you can actually see them jumped ~400% overnight.

Guys offline still selling at 18-20ex

Guys online 90ex
Git R Dun!

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