Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change
" derp LL doesnt change at all you can still run 12 auras As long as you have 3 lvl 4 enlightens Its simple maths more res you get less change effects you and LL always got lots (or all) of reservation. It's the 99% who get wrecked. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on May 8, 2015, 10:57:31 PM
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" wtf lol. And why would you need clarity when using BM? Purity of Elem is probably not needed either. And Ichimonji can't support minions. e: Man, after using that site, I gotta low life summoner build got fucked pretty hard. In order to retain all the auras I currently have, I now need 3 level 3 Enlighten gems instead of RM gems....yea freeing up sockets is not happening for us low life summoners. Here's the problem: GGG says they want to remove reliance on RM gem. The newly lowered reservation costs are STILL higher than the current aura + lv20 RM combo. How does that remove any undue reliance? It only makes it harder for us by requiring multiple lv3 Enlighten gems. They did not lower it enough. My summoner guide: My shop thread: Last edited by Kaz2ndChance#7554 on May 9, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
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these chaneges are only makeing it harder for no op builds so stay aflot. im not a hard core builder never have been i like to make jenky builds that are hard to level this change is gonna make it so i have to play a meta build just so i can get to higher levels. enlighten empower and enhance are so hare to level as it is enless i pay the extra currency just to enhancethe gems enough to gain the extra xp and get lucky with my vaaling (i have the worst rng ever) i simply cannont get my gem s to work with this. if this change becomes eprma pls change the level process for the gem or els e they are still usless
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Between this change and the change to EB Rory has proven himself to be dangerously incompetent at balancing the game. Hopefully someone better suited for the job will take the reins and salvage 2.0 before the beta is finished and Rory's horrible design decisions reach the live realms.
Keep PoE2 Difficult.
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Why not just make the reduced mana gem a blue gem instead ??
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" Nah, it's Neonspyder's fault again, grab the torches and pitchforks! 8) Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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Generally speaking removing Reduced Mana gem is nice change, because now this gem is mandatory fo everyona, like Phase Run skill few years ago. BUT...
It is not good idea. It is not good idea at all. You just want to replace cheap and easy to get gem (Reduced Mana) with extremely rare and VERY expensive one. Geme is not about lvl 45 as you written, it is about lvl 80+, and at this stage EVERY one will need Enlighten. Only reasonable way to mess with Reduced Mana is to put reduced value effect (like Elron rings) instead of reduced % - and allow players to get a chance to build 0 mana cost skills. In other wat it will ALWAYS be better to link Blood Magic instead of new Reduced Mana gem :/ Last edited by s3t#0254 on May 9, 2015, 7:08:55 AM
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" At this point, I'm in the same boat. I have beta access and was going to start playing more heavily once the end of act 4 got implemented. Now? I don't even want to increase their usage statistics because that would make them feel like this change was somehow positive or justified. |
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" Honestly, unless they see sense on a lot of these changes, I cant help but feel the same way. I dunno if I even want to hang around to play this game when act4 launches with the way theyre changing things. Change is good, when its good change, its not good when you start destroying your game for the sake of it, when you make changes with vast, destructive consequences you dont even understand and simply have the attitude of "I dont care its change deal with it somehow". Whats get me is... I made this suggestion, I made the suggestion to remove RM from working with auras to reduce socket stress... look how I feel about how its been done. Zeno was the guy hammering the point about CoD AA EB being way overmeta, he fucking hates the change to EB, so do I, and he hates the change to auras too... the suggestions came from an understanding of the game, a desire to tune whats there to make it better, these solutions are just smashing the game to pieces without care, the very people who suggested them are saying "please dont do this for the love of god dont do this"... what the fuck? the problems we were trying to solve were small, the problems now caused by the way the solutions were put in are so vast, so unthinkably bad that for me, I feel like Ive lost faith in the game, where its going, why its going there. Nothing makes sense, the reasoning doesnt make sense, the changes dont make sense other than indiscriminate change for changes sake. We wanted to reduce socket tax... yeah ok, but you just fucking butchered and radically changed more builds than you are even aware of the existence of, wheres the reasoning for that? Is there reasoning? No, but theres a philosophy of "dont care, change is good"... how are we supposed to have faith in design like that? How are we supposed to have faith in where this game is going when the devs attitude is we dont know or care where this game is going as long as it goes somewhere? Gods help you Theon Greyjoy, now you are truly lost. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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sry if that sounds harsh btw but its honestly how I feel. whats keeping me with this game atm is the amount of myself I have invested in it up to this point, thats the reason Im still here hoping things can be done to bring this all back from the brink. This was a truly great game, what is on the live realm right now is truly great, I have a lot of respect and gratitude for the devs and the game they have given us so far. If this was any other game I would just laugh and go play something else, if it went live like this id uninstall. Very glad I didnt buy one of the new supporter packs right now tbh cause its unclear for me if this will all find a way to come back together, if it will go live in a complete mess and Ill try and live with it because of how much time Ive already invested or if it will finally be time to just say yeah it was a good run but see you later PoE. I really hope not chaps, seriously.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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