0.9.3g Patch Notes

Not cool.. I was having a rough time with reflect mobs as it was. Why change it back so drastically? Are you guys trolling us? Rare spitter with dual reflect aura.. the ultimate in annoying.
Last edited by demonik187#1554 on Nov 22, 2011, 12:13:17 PM
Just skip them.
I dont ecounter this myself yet but i may tell you one thing: Insta-gibs ARE NOT FUN. EVER. NEVER. Especially insta-gibs on decent character with decent gear and with no possibility and time to counter the insta-gib mechanic.

Its very bad design choice.

I read that GGG want ingame monsters that will be simply unbeatable no matter what. This was annoying and frustrating in D2 (with some classes) and will be here apparently. Bad design i tell you. :)

Recently Darkspore has similar problem and design (overpovered "Regen" and "Carapace" monster auras).. monster taht heal faster that decent geared DPS char wuld damage them or oneshot kills from buffed monsters.

Guees what? There is nothing like that now. All removed and balanced. Because its not fun. Its not even hard (insta-gib its not hard because its basically unavoidable). Its frustrating.

I aggre than game must be hard... especially on higher diff lvls.. but this is nt the way to achieve that. This is the same thing like Knghts that casts Iron Maiden in Diablo Sanctuary and insta-gibs powerfull chars - LAME. :)
Last edited by Kabraxis#1526 on Nov 22, 2011, 12:24:35 PM
Kabraxis wrote:

I read that GGG want ingame monsters that will be simply unbeatable no matter what. This was annoying and frustrating in D2 (with some classes) and will be here apparently. Bad design i tell you. :)

That is one of the BEST things about Diablo 2. It forces you to adapt your play style to hurt things, and be more well rounded.
Riney wrote:

That is one of the BEST things about Diablo 2. It forces you to adapt your play style to hurt things, and be more well rounded.

I agree. The reflect auras seem to be rather hit or miss with the adjustments, though; people are either complaining about how they insta-kill themselves, or they can essentially ignore the reflect and just potion spam/es tank through it. Perhaps a more D2-like system should be adopted with reflection auras being replaced with damage immunity auras. Of course, this presents the issue of encountering overlapping physical/elemental immunity auras (which could still be killed via chaos damage, although at a painfully slow rate). Perhaps the enemy possessing the aura could be unaffected by its own aura, making potential insta-gib fights more strategic in nature?
Sorting us out through Gateways while letting us play together will be hugely appreciated in the Amazon Basin community where I rest my head. That's very sweet news to us.
That is one of the BEST things about Diablo 2. It forces you to adapt your play style to hurt things, and be more well rounded.

Also known murdering build variety.
konfeta wrote:
That is one of the BEST things about Diablo 2. It forces you to adapt your play style to hurt things, and be more well rounded.

Also known murdering build variety.

The problem behind players' mind is no one would want to make an all round character to survive, even one is already aware of this from the start. If one does not sacrifice, lets say by taking damage-nodes only instead of vitality-related nodes, he/she could end up a loser easily in the end. That simple.

tpapp157 had said this stuation thousands of times before.
tpapp157 wrote:
PoE is a game and it's intended to be a very difficult game at higher difficulties. That means there are good choices and there are bad choices. While an effort has been to ensure that a few bad choices don't permanently gimp your character, many of them over time will. There are proper ways to build characters and there are not. If any crap build that someone thinks up is just as viable in Merciless then that wouldn't be a game at all. It'd be a sandbox like Minecraft and that is absolutely not what PoE is intended to be. There are good builds and bad builds by necessity.

I've said this a ton of times. In PoE it is necessary that you invest points in defense and support passive skills. If you refuse to spare 10 passive skill points then I don't know what to tell you. It's like a player complaining that naked characters aren't viable in higher difficulties. Gear is a necessary part of the game but I don't see you complaining about GGG restricting your freedom to not wear gear. Gear is just as necessary as defensive and support passives.
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take"
Last edited by BrecMadak#3812 on Nov 22, 2011, 2:20:38 PM
permaximum wrote:
a_fanatik wrote:

There is no way to achieve this. ;)

OFC I do know that. I was simply asking why did they choose it instead of different realms for EU and US.

Because I don't like the possibility of PvP with 250ms ping because of this reason. If POE was only a co-op game it would be fine. But in a competitive environment realms should be seperated. There's a reason most of the game companies take this route.

The PvP rankings and match making systems could be split based on gateway. This system would vary from Diablo II in that it would allow for:

* a global economy
* the option of playing with people in other gateways

There are pros and cons associated with a global economy, but I suspect a majority of the people will prefer PoE's system.
Chris wrote:

[li]Increased the drop rates of Orb of Alchemy by 50%, Orb of Chance by 25% and Chaos Sphere by 100%. They're still quite hard to find.[/li]

+100% of 0 is still 0 =P.

This is honestly my only gripe with .93. I felt like orb drop rates were in a great spot last patch, where if you devoted a lot of farming time you could expect a decent amount of orbs (though augs and transmutes were definitely overboard).

However, in this patch, drop rates are such that it barely even feels rewarding to play anymore. This is also partially because of the lack of rewards from Act 2 quests, but mostly the orb drop rates. Game just doesn't feel rewarding enough anymore.

Using orbs is fun, don't make them so restrictive that people don't get to use them! It's a very fun mechanic of PoE.

I'm level 62 and I have yet to find a single GQU, I think I might've found one chaos and an alchemy.

I leveled from 48-60 in ledge exclusively and found maybe one alchemy, a handful of transmutes + augs, and 3 jewelers.
Last edited by Covertghost#3458 on Nov 22, 2011, 2:36:29 PM

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