Filtration ♦ Item Filter Script Editor ♦ [ v1.2.2 ] ♦ Updated 2019-09-11

DracoArgentum wrote:
Just tested 0.9 The encoding issue is fixed! Thanks AtomYcX. :)

vortex315 wrote:

Sorry I thought it was applied im using filtration v0.9 because this is that forum. But tell me if that pic works, I have all flask on quality of greater than or equal to 1 set. So far the ones I have listed do not show up at all but the others do. go all the way to bottom are the qaulity flask lines. If you wanted to see it this way instead of picture. But all I did was load etup and add quality flask to his. They were not working during all of leveling(the ones I listed) So idk if it is something he added that is not allowing them. Thanks for help!

EDIT:!!! I think I figured it out, deleted one line and made a few new ones that read quality >= 0 so it would show plain ones a different color than 1% and up and it worked so far!

Looks like you figured it out. But just in case it looks like the issue was these blocks being above the flask section:

ItemLevel >= 75
BaseType "Divine Life Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Hallowed Life Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Granite Flask" "Jade Flask" "Topaz Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask"

BaseType "Divine Life Flask" "Eternal Life Flask" "Hallowed Life Flask" "Quicksilver Flask" "Granite Flask" "Jade Flask" "Topaz Flask" "Ruby Flask" "Sapphire Flask"

ItemLevel >= 60
Rarity <= Magic

Those three will all apply to flasks and therefore override the flask quality section at the bottom.

I moved the lines down to the bottom, so now flask in ilvl60-74 show up im pretty sure. I feel like I did it right just not 100% sure, here is link if anyone wants to tell me something I should change or add that they see is wrong!
This far surpassed my expectations, thank you so much! I even love the .exe/shortcut icon. So perfectly concise, just like your program. Bravo!
XvomTheMad wrote:
If You Cant Get Filtration to Open a Script
Put Filtration in XP compatibility..
That Worked For Me...

To configure the compatibility mode for an application, just locate the installation directory and right click on the .exe, selecting Properties from the menu.

Select the Compatibility tab:Then choose to run the program in Windows XP compatibility

have Fun Hope This Helped

Thanks works for me
when i ctrl c (copy) the programm crashes
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Alexlulz wrote:
when i ctrl c (copy) the programm crashes

Please raise an issue on GitHub here including a link to the Filration_*.log file from the installation directory if one is generated at the time of the crash, and as much information as possible to help reproduce the error.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Great program.
Last edited by ngoof1#6540 on Jul 20, 2015, 6:22:47 PM
After a few people reported crashes when copying, I've figured out why it happens thanks to moozooh's help on IRC. When you copy within Filtration, it uses a Windows API to access the clipboard - this can throw an exception if the clipboard can't be accessed for some reason. In the next release of Filtration, this will be handled and an error message will be displayed - the most likely cause of the error in the first place however, is AutoHotkey. It does something weird with the clipboard that prevents it from being accessed in certain ways. So if you're experiencing crashes in Filtration and you've got AHK open, closing it should prevent the crashes.

Version 0.10 will be released some time this weekend, which will include several bug fixes and minor features that have been requested.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
New Release 2015-07-26 - 0.10

♦ Implemented asynchronous saving and loading of filters and themes. Loading large scripts (I'm looking at you Muldini) no longer freezes Filtration and a loading banner is displayed.
♦ You can now drag filter script / theme files into Filtration to open them.
♦ Added Thrusting One Hand Swords item base type and Stackable Currency item class to the lookup lists as they were erroneously removed in 0.9.
♦ Added Divination Card base types to the base type lookup list.
♦ Fixed a bug with deeply nested Block Groups that caused checkboxes in the Block Group Browser to display the wrong state.
♦ Fixed several bugs related to crashes when copying and pasting blocks/block styles. If you still get an error message when copying try closing AutoHotkey if you have it running.

Added Known Issue to the OP:

♦ The alpha value isn't saved for Color Block Items with an alpha value of 255. This is only noticeable on black (or near black) backgrounds however and can be worked around by setting the alpha value to 254.

I don't have a satisfactory way to fix this issue right now - the default alpha value for backgrounds appears to be 240 but I don't want to mess with alpha values for scripts loaded into Filtration and subsequently saved.


As this update makes quite a lot of changes to how saving/loading is done I'm not going to push this for auto-update yet - let me know if you have any issues with it please.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Last edited by AtomYcX#4601 on Jul 26, 2015, 11:37:07 AM
No issues so far with the new build.

I'd like to request a somewhat minor feature. It would be nice if I could format the header comments in such a way that Filtration would display only a chunk in the "info" box, and ignore (not discard) the rest. Something like this:

# Blahblahblah v1.84830
# Blahblahblah
# Blahblahblah

# Look at all this pertinent stuff
# I am a relevant comment
# This is useful info for Filtration

# Blahblahblah
# BlahBlahBlah


Class GGGear....
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Last edited by Antnee#4468 on Jul 28, 2015, 4:54:59 AM
can we get * permissions* to put alert sound up to 300 since the new poe patch allows it?
I hate the lab


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