Filtration ♦ Item Filter Script Editor ♦ [ v1.2.2 ] ♦ Updated 2019-09-11

New Release 2016-08-30 - 0.12

♦ The Item Base Types and Item Classes static data files will now auto-update without requiring a new release of Filtration.
♦ Fixed #26 - Improved "do you want to save changes" detection - now just editing a block item will mark a file as having changes made rather than that flag only being set when you add or remove an entire block.
♦ Implemented #22 - Improved UI for "list" block items such as Base Types and Classes, it is now possible to remove items from lists by clicking the X that appears on hover rather than only being able to use the Delete key on the keyboard.
♦ Fixed #20 - "Switch to Regular block items" link does not work if there are no Appearance conditions active
♦ Removed != operator (it doesn't exist in game) as per #17
♦ Fixed the black border that sometimes appears when running Filtration on Windows 10
♦ Retargeted to .NET Framework 4.6.1 - Windows 10 has built in support, previous versions of Windows will require .NET Framework 4.6.1 manually installing, available here:

The first time you run this new version you'll be prompted to download the static data (Item Base Types and Item Classes). I'll be deploying an updated version of this data for the new league as soon as the data is available, should be no later than an hour after the new league starts on 2016-09-02.

And as always, if you have any issues with this release please let me know.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Last edited by AtomYcX#4601 on Aug 30, 2016, 1:30:29 PM
Amazing. Thank you for this app.
If you haven't already, you should post this on reddit.
A comprehensive, easy on the eyes loot filter:

Need a chill group exiles to hang with? Join us:
Was just writing the post actually :) Done!
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Didn't take long for the first bug fix release!

New Release 2016-08-30 - 0.13

♦ Fixed a bug that caused the links to add appearance block items to add a new block instead
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
best app for PoE :3 love this thing.
The Item Base Types static data has been updated for Essence League, as per the GGG forum post. There are no new Item Classes at this time. If you're running the latest version of Filtration you should get an update notification the next time you run the app.

There may be another update tomorrow if there turns out to be more changes in the actual data than GGG have announced.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
AtomYcX wrote:
The Item Base Types static data has been updated for Essence League, as per the GGG forum post. There are no new Item Classes at this time. If you're running the latest version of Filtration you should get an update notification the next time you run the app.

There may be another update tomorrow if there turns out to be more changes in the actual data than GGG have announced.

Awesome! Thanks man.
New Release 2016-09-01 - 0.14

♦ Fixed #29 - Removing an appearance block item does not update preview
♦ Fixed #30 - Updating a section title does not update the Section Browser
♦ Fixed #31 - Right click on section does nothing
♦ Implemented #32 - Add Copy Block Style with Sound option to block context menu
♦ Fixed #33 - Pop-up window for "new version released" shuts down the program. (version 0.11)

This is a bug fix release with a few minor features added (new context menus on Sections and pasting block styles now also pastes sounds).

I'm not going to put this one out for auto update until tomorrow so consider this a pre-release at the moment.
Creator of Filtration, a Path of Exile Item Filter Editor
Last edited by AtomYcX#4601 on Sep 1, 2016, 3:36:42 PM
This may sound a little stupid but for the love of me I cannot find how to add specific items to your filter such as shavronnes wrappings as an example.

How do I do such a thing? it's literally the last part I need to finish my filter lol

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