One-Week Cut-Throat (IV008)
hello! Friends of the league,
if you read it a few lines ragnaleader (onemonthflashback) position 50 when I write lvl 61, talk more players, it claims to want to help and kills all of us, steals the stuff, and we camped at the checkpoint! If players in the top 10 pass by, feel free to take revenge! avnce to thank you! sorry for the mistakes, I am speaking of Belgium! |
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Seconded (or third-ed) bipola's approach to the league - escaping would-be hunters can be as much fun as hunting.
A couple of other thoughts, though - - Dropping all non-gem, non-flask items on death is an excellent death penalty, reminiscent of Diablo 1 multiplayer. Harsher than standard, obviously, not quite so harsh as hardcore (where you lose 100% of your items, levels, and experience, so to speak)... and has a built-in mechanic for mitigating gear loss: namely, get backup gear, hunt down your killer(s), and retrieve your original gear from their corpse(s). This is obviously less feasible against other players, who can log out or stash your* gear, but it's an enjoyable change of pace even against monsters at higher levels. On the other hand, having a party would make gear retrieval too easy in a non-cutthroat (in my opinion), so I'd suggest allocating the drops in question to the dying player if you were to port this mechanic to non-PvP-centric leagues. - "higher than the lowest" (and "lower than the highest") is a good tool for blocking one-shot style ganking, but at the cost of what one might call a "friends in high places" dynamic. Yes, that mechanic could be abused, but arguably it's no easier to do so than the converse situation, where you enter every instance first with a naked character (on another account) just high enough to prevent you from being visited by anyone higher-level than yourself. I have wandered through insanity;
I have walked the spiral out. Heard its twisted dreamed inanity In a whisper, in a shout. In the babbling cacophony The refrains are all the same: "[permutations of humanity] are unworthy of the name!" |
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My feedback EU server:
I got ahead of the murderous packs to act 2 and level 20, but there i had to take a break. and than in like 1 hour when i returned act 2 was camped by many players. And every zone was in act 2 was hunted by pvpers. it was impossiable to progress, so i deleted my char named Tossit_friendly. Improvements to this league: 1. make it friday - sunday (3 day event max) 1b. unless GGG adds maps and workout a system for it, than 1 week or 1 month cutthroat is ok. 2. as others before mentioned, level cap to invade a zone should in normal be max +2 levels and in cruel like +3 levels and in merci +5 levels. Maps could be like +10 of the map creators. 3. the dmg modifier shouldnt been raised so high. I prefeer long fights, where we use all skills, and use all flasks and tricks in the books. 4. Portals need change: a portal should not make a portal on the ground that u cant use for 5 sec, it should be a instant teleport town when you click the scroll. Should even be linked to a hotkey. Im totally fine with the fights not being an all in confrontation. It's okey if the opponent chickens out and teleport instant to town, since you know u won, and the chicken know you won, and anyone watching it knows that you won the fight since the other guy teleported away. 5. Impliment a Lawful / Unlawful system, where the more players you kill you go - unlawful, but you can recover from this by killing monsters which gives u + lawful after some hours of farming. Positive to being lawful means you only drop 1 equiped item per death. Negative about being unlawful is that you drop 2 items per death and you r a free kill, other players dont loose lawfullness by killing you. 6. The player that invade your zone should not have the upper hand. First of all the monster life should not increase the more players per zone. Second a player invading other started instances should not be able to see the nicknames of the players allready in the zones, this is unfair. Third, even thou you click create new instance, the game should force u to like 25% of the time unawared joining someone else, like 2 surpriced players collinding from opposite side at ledge. 7. Player should be able to level down, just so there is no riskfree time where u r at 1% exp. Just make like the last skillpoints u added like removes. 8. The way zones are build needs be more epic if any group / clan warfare should be happening. 9. There could be a new zone that is like a castle, and it could have times any clan can join the instance to either raid it or defend it. Can still work with the system limits of 12 players per zone ( 6 to raid and 6 to defend) and a global progress meter that messure the many instances of fighting to determine what side is winning. Imagine like a DOTA map layout with monsters too, incase there is 6 raiders and 0 defenders. 10. there should be some prices and challanges and achivments as incentives. Sorry i went a little out of the box, but cutthroat have potential if its designed in the spirit of GGG to make something that none else have imagined. |
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" This could tie in to the still empty Guild tab - Achievements & Challenges, Seasons & Events, PvP. Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired) PoE character archive: view-thread/963707 SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97 HC: 96(dead) |
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Here some feedback from me, even if it doubles previous feedback.
First of all, I like open PVP and so I would love to see a permanent cut-throat league. But in the current implementation I don't think it will work. The main problem for new players in the league is the loose of items. Since you usually do not start with a big set of rare items you need to fall back to really weak or white items. With these items you will stand no chance of progressing in your current area without getting killed by players again. So I needed to farm in lower levels and had no chance to get "good" gear or any progress. In short: The item loss boosts players with extra stash tabs and/or raising their second character. I think the loose of non equipped items is enough and there should be another way to award players for kills. And one minor: portals should have a visual effect to show if they are already usable. Dscheinah |
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This event is over in 23 hrs and 15 minutes.
Im curious what the next event's mods will include. Maybe you lose now all equip and 50% exp from all mob kills? And additionally you lose level's like the old Everquest ways;) Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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" My money? Yup. Still on Hilbert ;) |
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Loved Tossit's ideas. Match with some of my own. +1
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Too bored. Can't see the same 4 areas anymore. And yeah I got too rusty I needed like 40 or 45 min for merv that's a horrible time. Also there aren't enough players with >50% XP bar to invade to CT to rank 1. There is a level 6x ranger who obviously uses a 3rd party tool because once you are in 2 screen or so distance he will create a TP and TP out, which is impossible given the fact you sneak on with a QS. And my XP Pinata something autobus won't come online to take farm XP and give me his XP. TBH I can make it to 80 or 81 but I am too bored. Also this doesn't want to become a cruel one to regal or chaos to a cruel one :( Well my current weapon is more than good enough anyway but I'd refer 5l. Disabling maps was a terrble idea. |
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Well, you gave it a good run anyway :)
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