Item Affix Changes
" I like the changes! and if the few who are affected by it leave the game, thats life. So i see the game lives and growes. Thats really good. And if the people dont like it, because of personal profit? Then you learned with that no thing stays forever. Good work ggg. And dont look at the crying people. |
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" THIS!!!!!! but your number is wrong. its 99,95 |
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" it's crazy - some of us don't like being lied to. some of us despise carrot on a stick. some of us realize the broader/long-term implications of this. some of us already crafted their own gear, and absolutely will not REcraft gear. some of us despise power creep. i really don't get why so many seem incredulous about people quitting. it's a game, if it's no longer fun to me/if it seems like ggg just betrayed us and became path of blizzard, why would i want to stick around? to get carrot on a sticked and recraft gear... only to again be carrot on a sticked when 3.0 comes out? wow, that sounds like real fun. pass. " boo, hoo. woe is me. i won't be missed... in a video game. oh noes! " i like how every post of yours is pretending that this only affects weapons. you're in every thread spouting the same broken, irrelevant record - dps, dps, dps. meanwhile, there are only 9 other equipment slots affected... herp derp. [Removed by Support] "Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! Last edited by robmafia#7456 on Jun 12, 2015, 5:12:39 AM
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" from what i can see current 6t1 unless drastically affected like ie: ambusher base etc is still around the same prices what i assume will happen is current 6t1 mirrored will remain roughly the same prices while the new 6t1 items jump up drastically along with the mirrors "hey now i can afford the old 6t1 mirrored gear?" maybe not pay the same for something thats old 6t1 or drastically more for new 6t1 |
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I Just sold basicly all my gear on other chars and made 6t1 Iron ring for my facebreaker char. Takk.
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" *facepalm* yes, things typically grow by getting smaller. [Removed by Support] "Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz! Last edited by robmafia#7456 on Jun 12, 2015, 5:15:46 AM
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" not 9% like u think its 15% 2.0 vs 1.3 (243% vs 258%) 100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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" I could have sworn i also heard about gear not be outdated thus giving incentive to craft (before masters etc) like way way before - dont craft gear it will get outdated - path of diablo confirmed - linear progression vs lateral progression (ie: hurrr durr Uberanical better than merciless rolls 200%-220%) confirmed for 3.0 yeah the changes are pretty ... garbage this doesn't much affect league players really only those who play std. and spent a long time crafting their stuff honestly im kind of in the same boat i play both the temp leagues and standard but i was kind of already dividing up my gear to give to the people that regularly still play since this change wanted me to just stop playing quit wasting time since it will get outdated again in 3.0 etc but a bigger issue i had than this new "tier" mods was that the awakening was so over-hyped i kind of already lost interest in it and didn't care that much and this announcement might have pushed me toward it although some people have said it might be a "tilt" quitting thing so told me to just wait it out so i think thats what ill do the thought of doing a video with and vendoring it saying "LOL shit tier thanks GGG not (uberanical roll / 10) Gr8 B8 Carl 8/8 sounded kinda funny :D Last edited by Pepock#6039 on Jun 12, 2015, 5:25:50 AM
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It has been announced several weeks ago by Chris.
By the way, how much do you spend to craft that shit ? and how much would you have spend with new T1 rolls ? Since you cannot answer today to this last question, I am wondering how you can already whine here. If old T1 are easier to get, and new T1 similar hard to old ones, yes, I can feel your pain if you crafted recently... But if new t1 are significantly harder to get, probably you wouldnt have been able to craft a 6xT1 item in 2.0. IGN TylordRampage Last edited by Malone#6946 on Jun 12, 2015, 5:39:28 AM
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" if your talking to me? i didn't craft it i got it from jin since rng vs price thought it was more worth it also chests are loser crafts they never make anything back (hell i have that chest and still haven't put it up for mirror service or anything like that) hell while your at it include this too which is not offered up for service
ie: new rolls kill reason for future craft projects if its going to be outdated you shouldn't feel any pain im not that pained by this the item going t2 i got what i mainly wanted out of it which was to max out res on life bow build unless new cap is now 88 or some crap im more worried of how the future of poe will go forward ie: 3.0 introducing uberannical rolls the incentive for more a type of craft to just craft it is out the window new 6t1 yeah probably harder but the incentive is just gone since it will / might get outdated again in the future also i honestly see the current value remaining the same but the new value of 6t1 going way higher ie: glyph mark remaining at around 280-300ex and the new harbinger bow with 6t1 probably being 400-450ex --- also the life roll being required level 5 instead of level 1 is so so so stupid as well considering those are people just starting and they need all the help they can get honestly i have no faith in the balance team im sorry but it's just how i feel remember this shit?
![]() remember coe? remember pain att? remember block? remember old acuity drop rate? (imo acuity should not have existed in the first place) remember blood rage? (oh wait thats being fixed :O) remember frenzy charges adding "more" dmg? (oh wait... thats... being added) etc etc yeah sorry real talk but the track record is pretty terrible Last edited by Pepock#6039 on Jun 12, 2015, 6:20:17 AM
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