[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Uh where to start:

- we scale damage with gem levels, not crit
- we use Goldwyrms if possible, quantity is important
- any +crit in tree / on gear is wasted, and you have a lot of that
- any leech is kinda wasted too
- your 6L misses empower (for mentioned gem levels), we don't need pierce really because
- we try to get drillneck, the pierce jewel (poacher's aim) and some pierce nodes in tree
- for rarity, gloves, 2 x Andvarius, a good MF amulet and helmet are the slots, plus the rarity gem

Congratulations. I think you'll find that Poison Arrow is really fun.

In general, the more IIR and IIQ you can equip while still maintaining resists, life and enough DPS the better.

I know you've just switched from Neversink's build... but I'd really advise you to get a bow suitable for Poison Arrow - you want +1 to socketed gems and +2 to socketed bow gems ideally; but for starters, a +2 to socketed bow gems is fine. Your Poison Arrow DPS is very dependent on PA gem level and without at least a +2 bow your DPS is going to be very subpar.

Ohh okay thanks alot !
PigButt wrote:
Uh where to start:

- we scale damage with gem levels, not crit
- we use Goldwyrms if possible, quantity is important
- any +crit in tree / on gear is wasted, and you have a lot of that
- any leech is kinda wasted too
- your 6L misses empower (for mentioned gem levels), we don't need pierce really because
- we try to get drillneck, the pierce jewel (poacher's aim) and some pierce nodes in tree
- for rarity, gloves, 2 x Andvarius, a good MF amulet and helmet are the slots, plus the rarity gem

Congratulations. I think you'll find that Poison Arrow is really fun.

In general, the more IIR and IIQ you can equip while still maintaining resists, life and enough DPS the better.

I know you've just switched from Neversink's build... but I'd really advise you to get a bow suitable for Poison Arrow - you want +1 to socketed gems and +2 to socketed bow gems ideally; but for starters, a +2 to socketed bow gems is fine. Your Poison Arrow DPS is very dependent on PA gem level and without at least a +2 bow your DPS is going to be very subpar.

Ohh okay thanks alot !

For orientation:

This gear is just mediocre, but suits me very well and is directly from the scratch of the league. I didn't upgrade my pieces because even with low rolls / bad combos (like my Goldwyrms and my low amulet) everything works to the fullest:

IGN: WildTortillaFart

Hi all, I am a noob so please go easy on me while replying to my post :)

I was playing with witch,level 84 (dual F totem build) and wanted to start a PA ranger build,so i decided to clear only 74/75 maps with my witch to farm currency( made my witch 320 iir /12 iiq) and took me two days of farming to earn 10 ex almost ( 9 hours total gameplay) worth mentioning that 10 ex includes a 75/24 rat's nest drop which i sold @6.5 ex,with those i bought /crafted my gears for this build.( i know the craft on bow was a moment of stupidity).

currently my iir count is 300+,i am fire and light capped,cold is roughly 30%.(finished merc peity yesterday)

My question to the author is ,is it worth trying to make my bow a +3 now?or should i try to farm for the goldwyrm?

If i can't get it to +3 is it better to work with +2 for the time being?or + 1 is fine enough? ( my empower needs roughly 20% more xp bar to be filled to get to level 2)
the most important question *** If i want to craft my bow should i just keep spamming Chaos on it or alt/aug/regal/scour? ***

Another question .....why do you use a 'level 1' frenzy for the barrel breaking thing ?
Thanks for the help in advance,and my apologies for my english 'expertise' ,lol, that's my 4th language .I am from india .

Last edited by GlacialSpike#0276 on Aug 21, 2015, 5:01:15 AM
And I am level 64 ranger !
Hi, i'm a level 85 ranger, using your build, and i was wondering how i can improve my character, since i don't think i am even close to full potential. I know that i need a drillneck, andvarius and goldwyrm, but i don't have enough currency to buy them or enough luck to find them yet. I would greatly apreciate and advise from you. Thank you for the build, it's awesome so far!
One does not simply get into PoE Closed Beta.

I need litle advice



I was thinking what should i change now.

Have few ideas.

1. Buy corupted empower lvl 2 as replacment for culling strike. It cost around 30c
2. Save currency for carcass
3. Drop inc are for item rarity (when i do it i should have around 18/200)
4. Buy second andvarius (i'm close to cap res with 2 andvarius need better amu)
5. I was thinking if its posible to run grace, clarity and arctic armor ( 12% from tree will be enought ?)
6. i was thinking to pick up +7% chaos res in tree now i have -40 and its litle scary on tempest.

I'm lvl 76 now have around 4,4k hp and near 7k dmg with 6 frenzy up.
I'm usually online at 18 gmt +1
looking for someone trustworthy with Leo lvl 3 to craft damage over time on my bow for a small fee

please whisper me: Ancient_Methods
What should be the next upgrades to aim for? here's my current gear

My hp is only 3.8k at the moment, but i could get it higher with a few better jewels and some gear

A +3 bow with leo mod would be the obvious upgrade, rest of the stuff i've been trying to find upgrades for but it's hard to do it without messing up resists(i am currently using 2x 10% allresist jewels).
Hi Serleth, this is my variation build of your *HC recommended build* : https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAAF4A7gMeBS0FtQYjCC4M8g-rFSAWvxmKGY4ZtBvIH0Ej9iSLJpUqTSpbLOktgy5TMHEwfDWSNj031DpCOuE-zz8nQzFHfkkTSshLeE2STeNRR1FMUuxVS1oaX7Bh4mKsZU1sjG1sbmluqm87dO11y3aCeA1673vDfVuCXoLkhMWE2YazieCKr419jX6Nv5ARkx-XBpuNm7WdqqXLplesR7TFtNG18re2vTa95r6nwBrC7MMzwzrEosgMykrP3dNv037UI9X42L3awd2o44TmWOpi7T_tg-968YryRfaj_o8=

I would like it if you could take a look at it. thank you very much!

Best regards, Chivas

Those are my items so far, i know that i need to get +3 bow aswell.
One does not simply get into PoE Closed Beta.

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