[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

You're welcome.

And thanks, Hank.

No 6Ling yet though, get to use that Rat's. =)

(And save the currency I got from selling the +2 Barrage Rat's Nest for a possible third build).
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Sep 29, 2016, 7:01:37 PM
hankinsohl wrote:
The level 18 gem cursed quite a few more mobs due to its increased radius.

Sorry if this is silly but:
Being a curse on hit setup, does the (bigger) radius exists? Isn't the (bigger) radius beneficial only for self-cast?
mobutu wrote:
Being a curse on hit setup, does the (bigger) radius exists? Isn't the (bigger) radius beneficial only for self-cast?

Correct. I missed this in my scan of the replies.

When you link with Curse on Hit, it takes it literally: it does not apply the curse as an area of effect, but on direct contact with an enemy only. It loses its AoE properties when linked with CoH.

This is why I recommend both GMP & LMP in the CoH setup, as opposed to GMP & FA, but it's sorta a coin flip as to which one you might prefer. The GMP/LMP combo makes up for the lack of actual AoE, so that's why I prefer it over FA.

For the build itself though, given that Vulnerability does not increase the DoT taken as it levels, you could effectively just leave it at level 1 and there wouldn't be a difference.

I still recommend fully levelling the gem for the purposes of swapping it out for alternate builds, or to sell for a bit of extra currency.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Sep 30, 2016, 4:02:51 AM
Serleth wrote:
...you could effectively just leave it at level 1 and there wouldn't be a difference.

So is this valid for the whole setup, meaning you can leave 'em at level 1? Frenzy-GMP-LMP-CoH-Vuln-(and potentially Enhance) (enhance and coh need to be leveled though)
Last edited by mobutu#5362 on Sep 30, 2016, 4:18:36 AM
Well, again, you can sell the high level gems. So why wouldn't you level them all?

But technically speaking, for the core 5L setup, everything but CoH could be level 1 (unless you're using FA instead of LMP, then you level that too). CoH has a curse duration reduction that becomes less penalizing the more you level it, so that's the one gem you need to level.

I actually need to remove Enhance from the OP. I forgot it only applies to active skill gems. Oops.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Sep 30, 2016, 4:29:05 AM
Just theorizing, of course it's better to level the gems, thanks Sarleth, again ;)
Any time!
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.

I look one day not into the thread and whoop serlet is 40.

grats man. you did it what you say 3 days bevor. Great.

How did you manage the engame grind?

i am overwhelmed about this.
hankinsohl wrote:
Sacrifized wrote:

Serleth wrote:
I wouldn't be discouraged by the 6L cost. I've 6L'd over 70 items in PoE now, and my average, including 2 nightmares and my current (stalled) 1534 attempt on the Reach is still ~850 fusings.

Over time, you will average out to beneficial costs.

That is good to know.

The right way to compare self-linking to use of Vorici is from an insurance perspective.

On average, it's likely that 6-linking on your own will cost about 1300 fuses; 20% less than Vorici's 1500 fuse cost.

If you can afford to be unlucky, fuse on your own. In the long term that's cheaper.

But if you can't really afford bad luck, for an extra 200 fuse you get a guaranteed result from Vorici.

And I suppose there's the case where you simply have almost no fuses whatsoever (but if you're playing this MF build, this edge case doesn't apply to you) and can't use Vorici. In that case too, try fusing on your own - at least there's some chance you'll hit 6-links.

Personally, I've gone both routes.

I usually 6-socket and then 5-link on my own. If I'm lucky I'll hit 6-links. If I 5-link, I stop and then use Vorici for 6.

Other strategies are possible - for example, split your fuses into 2 stash tabs. One tab is for fusing on your own, the other for Vorici. If you fail to fuse on your own, use the 2nd tab for a guaranteed result. And of course, you can deposit into each tab at a ratio you choose - perhaps more into the "on your own" tab if you're aggressive or more into the Vorici tab if you're risk adverse.

you can be very very unlucky. I used till now over 3400 fuses and had no 6 link (well connected still open) and on reddit one try to link his reach of the concil til now 3000 fuses and no 6 link and another on 7200 till it link.
so the 1300 is for ALL accounts from poe. And i still think (hank not :-) ) its account based. there are some accounts with 10 to 20 6 link i a leage with 3000 fuses for now 3 or 4 leages and other like me no link in all leages and standart with over 3000 fuses.
you can be very very verry unlucky
How did you manage the engame grind?

i am overwhelmed about this.

Thanks =)

T-Shot poison for twinned Core / Dark Forest runs. It's not good enough (or maybe I'm not good enough) to do Core deathless, but it handles Rigwald just fine. I personally think the issue with Core is twofold for that build: not enough phys mitigation for his mortars, which one-shot if they hit at the high threshold of their damage, or crit. Two: just too chaotic with two of them around, hard to avoid the fire traps and their 9-second duration.

Uber Izaro for the last one. Didn't want to burn currency on Vaal Temple until I was 40/40.

Ended up getting my +2 TShot enchant on one of the Uber runs, and got a +2 barrage on another Rat's Nest, so ended up being pretty profitable for me as well.

you can be very very unlucky. I used till now over 3400 fuses and had no 6 link (well connected still open) and on reddit one try to link his reach of the concil til now 3000 fuses and no 6 link and another on 7200 till it link.
so the 1300 is for ALL accounts from poe. And i still think (hank not :-) ) its account based. there are some accounts with 10 to 20 6 link i a leage with 3000 fuses for now 3 or 4 leages and other like me no link in all leages and standart with over 3000 fuses.
you can be very very verry unlucky

Nah, it's not account-based.

Like I said earlier, I've had a couple nightmare 6Ls (2300, 3800), but I find the problem with a lot of people is that they go "Oh, I spent 4000 fuses" or whatever.

I always ask: "On one item?"

Them: "No, on like fifteen items."

Well, no kidding that's only 270 fusings per attempt. Of course you're not probable to see a 6L.

To be honest, that sounds like what you're going through: over 3000 fuses, sure, but spread across multiple leagues INCLUDING standard, and I'm guessing dozens of items, that's nothing.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Sep 30, 2016, 5:34:28 AM

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