[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" As Serleth says, buy a Portal gem and vendor portal scrolls. Occasionally you may need to vendor some transmute orbs but this is rare. In Breach league, numerous scrolls drop from Breach mobs; if you regularly tackle breaches, it's very unlikely that you'd ever run short of scrolls. |
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Breaches are amazing.
Not only do mobs swarm you thus helping you level quickly, they drop lots of loot. *AND* breach mobs drop maps! I expect that drops - especially maps - will be nerfed soon. It's just too good atm. === Edit - Haha :-) Patch notes confirm that map drops will be nerfed. Oh well. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Dec 7, 2016, 4:40:01 AM
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To jump on the scroll train... back in Perandus, when currency tabs were new, I bought nearly 5000 scrolls just to have them.... only costs 20-30 chaos...
Compared to the amount of chaos you make on recipes and finding things worth posting for trade, even straight up buying bulk scrolls won't hurt you too badly... but as they said... depending how much you use/need your portal scrolls, transmutes, scraps, or whetstones, you can supplement quite a bit... Buying in bulk mostly let me be lazy about picking up all those things when I couldnt be bothered... Rushed Cruel now, and seen more breaches... participated in some xp groups... breaches get pretty big (is this the parties or just later difficulties)... starts to seem like they can grow forever... Started buying some gear now that I broke 50, and I've noticed the effect public stash tabs have had on the economy... gone are the nice, easy currency conversions it seems... 41 coins : 10 chaos... 2.6-2.8 fuse : 1c... I miss when everything was 16:8:4:2:1... just because it was easier... of course, this is only a short-term problem while I try to get my build going... back in 2.2 I just let my currency grow in the currency tab once I was nominally geared and saving for the GG items... |
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Yeah, the fractional exchange rate really pisses me off. Ultimately, it means things are more properly valued, but it's so annoying when all you want to do is buy (arbitray example) say 10 fuses, but you can't do it with 5c, you have to do it with 4.33.
Okay, have your fuckin' alc? Ugh. Far as Breaches go, it's pretty clear with my slightly under-geared re-roll that clear speed meta is now enforced. It's impossible to do them without high aps or aoe. They're tons of fun, but I really hope they don't go core without at least reducing the pack size somewhat. Enough punishing the non-meta. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Dec 7, 2016, 6:20:56 AM
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"Welp, that didn't take long at all! Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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" :-) Even with the nerf it's still pretty crazy. All those mobs means experience is gained all the faster - much faster - which makes leveling far too easy for GGG's tastes. Plus the rare (and magic?) breach mobs still drop maps. And to top it off, loot drops from breach mobs is still fantastic. I really like the breach mechanic - on higher tier maps, especially with hard affixes, I'm having trouble figuring out how to survive breaches. I think I'll need a Lion's Roar Flask for best results. If I stand near my totems and manage to survive the first 10 seconds or so, usually the breach is wide enough so that there's room to run around and avoid heavy-hitters. === Edit - nothing kills you faster than accidentally having Conc Effect equipped when you open a breach. Edit 2 - all that extra experience is fine after all - 'cause I keep fucking dying! LOL. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Dec 8, 2016, 1:12:03 AM
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I rushed Cruel and Merciless the last 36hrs... reached A4M way early at level 62... been going back and finishing the optional quests and lab trials...
I've noticed, until I get some more CA levels to melt mobs faster, that I much prefer the open-zones for Breaching... much easier to run around like a chicken with my head cut off throwing clouds out to create vast amounts of loot... will start attempting indoor breaches again soon... just too easy to get trapped in a dead end at the moment... As many Breach Rings as drop, I assume neck/belts are the limiters on chaos recipes this league... |
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" Mostly necks, but it makes alcing into the chaos recipe much easier. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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My Thoughts on the New Stash Tabs:
Yesterday I finally decided to try out the new(ish) stash tabs; I bought a currency tab, an essence tab and a divination tab. I put off buying the currency tab for a long time thinking, "What's the point?" Wow! What a mistake on my part! The currency tab is fantastic. It's a huge time saver. Just about every imaginable orb fits into its own slot in the tab. Orbs stack to 5000. The tab can hold full orbs as well as orb fragments. It also holds chisels, sextants, and breach-league splinters. The tab even holds scrolls. Now, after vendoring rares for orbs, I can quickly clear out my inventory by opening the currency tab and clicking on all the items in my inventory. No more searching through several tabs to find the one that's for scrolls or chisels or... well, you get the idea. I cannot recommend the currency tab highly enough. ------ The essence tab is also quite nice. It organizes all your essences into one tab. Due to the huge number of essence types and levels, this is impossible to duplicate with a regular stash tab (well, the new quad tab would have enough space but you'd need to manually organize the essences at least once to get it started and then you'd have to spend more time organizing things once stack limits were reached. I really like the new essence tab and also recommend it. ------- The divination tab is... well, I guess OK. I used to have a dedicated tab for cards and once the stack limit was reached I'd just move the stack to the far left. Once a few complete stacks were available I'd head into act 4 to turn them in. The new divination tab doesn't really improve on the above functionality. It does have huge-sized representations of each card though which is sort of nice. But you need to pick various sort options to get the tab to display what you want - e.g., full stacks, or stacks you currently have cards for. Moreover, if you're working to complete several sets of cards (e.g., for the challenges), there's no way to flag those particular sets as being of special interest. You'll need to separately track the sets you're interested in, in some other fashion. The divination tab is by far the least useful of the 3 new(ish) tabs I bought. I'm not sure I'd even purchase this tab now that I know its limitations. ========= One tab that doesn't yet exist which I think would be super nice is a map tab. I keep all the maps I find and use low-level ones for the chisel recipe. I like to organize my maps by level. As a result, I end up with 13 or so tabs just for maps and another tab for map fragments (Atziri, Izzaro, etc.). One tab to organize all of that would really help. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Dec 8, 2016, 11:43:38 AM
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Tabs reply
The currency tab is so clutch. I bought one immediately when they were released because currency was taking up 3-4 slots for me in Standard and rapidly was taking at least two in temporary leagues.
If stash tabs weren't so clutch for GGG's bottom line, I'd say that a currency tab should be default for all new players. Even then, I'm kinda thinking it should still be the case. It'd probably go a fair way towards player retention. I'd consider it an investment in the future. Problem is, they'd have to retroactively award all existing players with a free tab or points equivalent. And that'd hurt. With the way they've reorganized how Essences work in end-game (you can only get T3+ in maps), I don't really think it's necessary for temp leagues. You can get away with one regular tab for it. It's QoL, for sure, makes organizing easier and a time saver, but it's nowhere near as clutch as currency tabs. The div tab I think is more for showing off the art than anything else. I think out of all the new tabs released yesterday, this is the most useless. But you get one tab free with the bundle, so this ends up being the one. It's still nice QoL, but much like the Essence tab I think it's more useful for Standard players than it is temp league players. Like you say, it improves the least on functionality. As to this: "But you need to pick various sort options to get the tab to display what you want - e.g., full stacks, or stacks you currently have cards for." It's really no different from regular tab sorting. In a way, it does save time for the slightly more compulsive people (like me), who always needed to separate completed sets into a different corner of the tab, which is the QoL portion for me. Like you say though, for challenges it does make it slightly more onerous. The quad tab is the biggest one for me, bar none. Most of my run tab space is quickly consumed by map drops, so I create a map dump tab I use to cycle my drops into. ![]() This is basically what my run tab looks like. I come out of a map, throw crap in immediately, then as stacks build I'll shift them off to the currency tab. Slight time saver. The left-most few columns will fill rapidly with maps. Which I end up cycling into a map dump tab, which also fills very quickly. Now, I have 4x the space to throw maps into and not worry about having to cycle them into individual map tabs. Allows for chisel recipe and immediate ctrl-f finding of whatever tier I want to run. Love it. Easily worth getting the whole bundle for. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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