[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
I tested it with an Essence-specific affix, in this case an Insanity suffix, just to rule out any weirdness.
![]() Works just fine. You owe me 2ex at some point.
![]() Cuz clearly 219ex + an absurd amount of chaos isn't enough. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Dec 19, 2016, 12:32:10 AM
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I'm currently only level 77 and am having a major issue in this league. Breaches are simply too much for me to handle. I'm even using a decoy totem to help make things easier but there are too many mobs and they take down the totem and aren't dying fast enough. So I've been skipping breaches while doing maps so I don't set back my leveling.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, as in not understanding how to maximize dps with debuffs and such. I probably just need to go over the guide again. but I mainly just dot up the mobs and only worry about frenzy on high health mobs. |
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Calling on Chronoexile to answer this one, I'm not playing CA in Breach.
Although I suspect it's mostly just gem levels required. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Dec 19, 2016, 12:33:38 AM
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" Thanks for testing it! Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Dec 19, 2016, 1:09:32 AM
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" Breaches were rough for me too at first... they started getting rough in Cruel with my weak leveling Lightning Tendrils... and I was wary to re-enter them when I switched to CA which wasn't much better at first... They get easier as you collect all your support skills (Wither Totem, easy frenzy capping with Blood Rage once you have the regen nodes, Vaal Lightning Trap (can be dangerous since you can be caught in it too), Golem and Mirror Arrow clone for distraction) and do the Labyrinth at least 3 times for the first 6 points... can also jump ahead by buying a pre-leveled 19-20 CA gem with some quality on it... Once I had some of this I felt safe fighting Breaches again in open areas... you need to be confident before taking on Breaches in enclosed areas like Prison/Catacombs tilesets, because if you get overwhelmed its hard to escape... at least in open zones you can just run outside the circle and throw poison back in or just run off and give up. Getting your Seething Hallowed Life flasks also helps because they instantly heal you in a pinch... I generally just buy these for a few chaos or less since I have terrible alt luck (ti get the right prefix + suffix)... I made my starter +2 Bow relatively cheaply this league, and proceeded to waste over 200 alts trying to make a +2 5L Maraketh for the 6% movespeed while I saved for 6L and just gave up because it was getting ridiculous... Anyway... at the point I'm at now... lvl 83, 3500hp, 50% dodge + Phase Acrobatics, 12k dps tooltip fully buffed up, I don't have many problems with Breaches in the t1-t5 maps I've done unless the mods are over the top... Best example... Chaining Skills +2 with extra crit and elemental damage makes golem and totem hurt more than they help even in Jungle Valley... I died insanely fast that time... also had a Zana Plateau t4 or so with caustic cloud mod that nearly took me out once... Hope this helps... |
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" I'm going to agree with Serleth and guess it has to do with gem levels. At level 77 I was still mostly only in white bracket maps, and I was using a +2 6L and a Drillneck. My Empower is still only level 2 so my links were CA - RD - VM - Pierce - Conc - IR(Drop IR if only on a 5L). There were some tricky things with Breach rares, specifically the lightning scrabblers (the static location ball lightning, and the lit warp of three smaller guys right on you), but there are a few things I am doing specifically for breach. Some in the passive and gear and others in play style. Passive tree and gear:
Play changes:
Or at least those are the things that work for me. I still party with a few friends on this character as well, and during those breaches I find I need to be more aware because monster life is higher. As I solo maps more into the Yellow bracket this strat is still working well, and I have very little issue esp now that I hit a 21 CA. Also if you tend to play from the outside of the breach in, be aware sometimes the monsters can hit you before they become visible. This can be really frustrating, and is one of the reasons I stay in the breach while they are active. edit - Was Ninja'd. Ohh well. Hope this helps in addition to Piros' information! Last edited by ChronoExile#0033 on Dec 19, 2016, 8:47:05 AM
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40/40 in Breach League
IMO, I think that Breach League is insanely more challenging than previous leagues. 10,000 maps as a solo player is insane, IMO. Yeah, I could do that, but would I have fun doing so? Absolutely not. Endgame grinds? Equally stupid, IMO. 40 Guardian kills? Maybe. If there was a group for this. Haven't seen any though. Solo.... 40?... maybe... but not if you have a job/family/other interests... and not fun even then. 10 uber kills?... WTF?... 100 regular Atziri kills was a pain in the butt... those generated about 6 to 8 complete uber sets... assuming 100% success in uber kills, you'd need to work regular Atziri maybe 20 to 40 percent more times just to get the full Uber sets.... which, meanwhile, a bunch of other players are after, making this challenge ridiculous 100 Uber Izaro kills... just great. That'll cost between 400 to 500 chaos for the Goddess Sacrifices assuming 100% success... not to mention how long that will take you just to do the runs... oh, and how long will it take you to generate 400 chaos? 100 Breachlord kills... not happening unless you group... check out global 820... I've never, ever seen anyone post a Breachlord kill group Fulfill 300 Prophecies in a Map - this one is OK, I think - a pain in the butt, but doable. ======================= Bottom line.... I expect that about 1/4th to 1/10th or so players will be 40/40 this league as compared to the last few leagues. I'm probably not going for 40/40 this league... though I'll probably play as much as I have in previous leagues. IMO the challenges this league are ridiculous. ======================== But this is my perspective.... if you have a different perspective I'd like to read it. Note - if you regularly group with 4 or 5 good players.... then you'll be in good shape this league. Map grinds - no problem with 5 other players and an aura bot. End game challenges - no biggie - the group effort will smooth things out. But for the solo player... this league is virtually impossible for the average-skilled player unless able/willing to grind for 11+ hours a day. I'm solo... and have no intent to grind 11 hours/day - so 40/40 is likely not happening for me. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Dec 20, 2016, 4:44:18 AM
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" Alright, so, a couple things here. Carl touched on this in Lioneye's Watch podcast. There needs to be a subset of challenges, aka four challenges for the push to 40/40, that are intentionally geared towards the hardcore player who really wants that extra thing to do and that prestige of having done the thing. The second function of this, which he sorta touched on indirectly, is that by having the difficult / grindy things in the challenge pool, it also provides a goal, inspiration, motivation, however you want to call it, for players to push themselves to become better in order to achieve those things. So there can't be a full set of 40 challenges that are completable (sic) for the average-skilled, solo player. Although I will note all the challenges can definitely be DONE solo, and aren't anywhere near as group intensive as you seem to be considering. You also seem to be neglecting the notion of trading, and given you haven't specifically said SSF, I'm guessing you're making your remarks in the light of trade being open. * Guardian Kills - I have 10/40 and I haven't even been actively farming T15s yet for T16 drops. You can also buy these maps if you need to. Guardians take about four hours to complete if you have a reasonably fast build to do it. And the map drops from running these alone will go a long way to funding Breachstones or Offerings. * Uber kills - Definitely the go-to option if you want to save the time-intensive nature of doing Izaro or Breachlords. Also the most profitable to fund literally anything else. It's a skill-check though, to be sure. * Izaro - Boring as hell, but you should be able to farm up at least 50 Offerings yourself if you're also pushing the 10,000 map tiers challenge. * Breachlords - You'll probably get ~25-50 yourself here as well otw to 10,000 tiers. * Prophecies - Again, something you'll get a lot of done just pushing map tiers. Which brings me to: * 10,000 map tiers. Assuming 10 minute maps, two hours a day (12 maps a day), which is a SUPER casual pace, running T9 maps will get you 8,964 tiers done, accounting for 83 days spent mapping out of the league. Now throw in an extra two hours each weekend-day, averaging out to 2.5 hours per day, per week, or 15 maps per day, that's 11,205 tiers done in 83 days of mapping T9 maps exclusively. Now of course you'd have to compensate for having to build up to T9s in the first place and run some T10-12s probably to make that compensation, but you get the drift. The real key here, casual or not, comes down more to skill level. You can very reasonably farm 40 Guardians, 100 Breachlords and 300 Prophecies putting in 2-4 hours per day. Guardians will contribute 640 map tiers on their own. Also, I think you misconstrued this challenge. It's map TIERS, not maps. Hence 40 Guardian runs = 640 tiers towards the challenge (T16 * 40). The issue is affording to buy the Breachstones, Guardian maps, Offerings, Silver coins, etc., which does require knowledge-mastery and planning in order to come up with one build that can do all that content, with reasonable speed, particularly farming the gated content and/or exclusively high-tier maps in order to be able to afford buying the missing pieces you need. But, it is doable. Completely solo. I typically finish 40/40 in a league with about 14 days /played, or 336 hours, or an average of 3.73 hours spent per day across a 90 day league period, but that's not accounting for the fact that I'm afk or alt-tabbed or whatever in my hideout for an hour out of every eight hours. So you have to chop off at least 42 of those hours. So call it 294h, or 3.25 hours per day of 90 days required to 40/40 at a reasonable pace. Am I a skilled player? Sure. Not the best, but good enough. And I guarantee you I'll hit 40/40 solo, if I decide to go for it. Which I probably will since I'll be trying to do Shaper myself for the first time, which requires Guardian kills and as such will net me 2/3rds of end-game grinds (Prophecies accounted for here). But now I'll draw your attention back to the start of this reply: " In other words, 40/40 is meant to be quite a bit less reasonable than 36/40. It is not intended for casual players to be able to complete, but rather crosses the threshold into the serious / hardcore section of the player base. And I don't think there's anything ridiculous about that. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Dec 20, 2016, 5:42:30 AM
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" Reading this I started thinking... why not just pick up 2 breach rings with 34-35% chaos resistance and swap them in before you do any breach hands?... you'd be sacrificing a TON of IIR for capped chaos resistance for a short time... 34x2 = 68 doubles in breach = 136% resist -60% = 76% chaos resist = cap... if you ignore all other stats and just go for chaos resist, theyre pretty cheap... do the Breachlord map zones count as Breach all the time? After thinking of this and typing it up, I went and bought these 2 rings for 3c and 4c... almost caps me:
I'll start carrying them with me when I finally see a Chayula Breach... haven't seen any yet in 100hrs and 84 levels... but I only have 85/10,000 map tiers done... will hit that harder once I finish the other challenges I've been grinding tonight (Vaal Bosses, Merciless Rares/Uniques, etc) I know for some people this might start to get cumbersome bringing extra stuff around, but personally I recently whittled my supplies down to some wisdom scrolls, alch orbs, vaal orbs, and remnants of corruption... now when I want to roll a strongbox, I just alch it once and live with it instead of trans/aug/alting it to get extra items or whatever... alching feels rewarding anyway getting all them mods on there... I vaal mirrored blacksmith/armorer boxes for 6S/6L potential and all carto boxes for tons of cheap corrupt maps to do for frags/challenges... havent used a remnant of corruption yet since I started carrying them around... but perusing reddit, I'm starting to feel like I'm in the minority having 4 of them already nevermind finding the appropriate essenses to corrupt... Last edited by Piros#7740 on Dec 20, 2016, 7:05:55 AM
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" Presuming you're mapping low level-Breaches predominantly, you shouldn't need that much chaos res. If your plan is to survive them, though, this would be a good league to run Ventors like: Obviously you'd prefer to have zero'd or positive quant, but as long as you have a perfect IIQ Goldwyrm, a ring like this would only set you back to 17%, which is acceptable. Get another ring with +3 quant or better and roughly 35% explicit IIR, and even though you'll be sacrificing some C value to get it done, the sheer quantity of extra mobs in Breaches would somehwat offset the dip in IIR, particularly if you're running rare maps. You could easily get away with a single Andy + one well-rolled Ventor's in order to accomodate grabbing chaos res elsewhere. If you do want to go the Breach Ring route, you'd be looking for a 24-30% IIR roll, chaos res. Given that we don't typically run with life on rings anyway, it'd be a bonus if you could get it. http://poe.trade/search/ehikahaurikoro As you can see, some decent options available with life, for reasonable prices, some even with other elemental resistances on them. Issue with this is that you're non-Breach MF will be substandard, so you'd pretty much have a ring like this on swap exclusively for surviving the odd Chayula Breach. You'd need to be willing to sell out at least 20c for a good, strictly chaos res + high IIR ring. I think you're better off going 1 Ventor + 1 Andy and making up your chaos res elsewhere for better overall MF balance. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Dec 20, 2016, 7:22:53 AM
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