[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Grats on 40/40!
Serleth wrote:
hankinsohl wrote:
Winter for Noxic:

This is another Noxic tale - that is, a fanciful story loosely based on my experiences with Noxic, my Scion, CA toon - this time with several poems. I hope you like this tale. It's one of my favorites in the series.
Assassin's Brew - Anon

Poison. Poison.
Green the hue.
Foul the smell.
And deadly too.

Sicken foe if batch be quick.
But steal life if batch be thick.

Gods above, I beseach you.
Thrice curse this.
Assassin's Brew.
Vorici was most displeased.

In fact, Vorici was never so upset in all his life.

Some upstart Scion had dared interfere with his business - counterfeiting in Wraeclast - counterfeiting without his permission.

The upstart must be put down. Otherwise, the very authority of the Master Assassin was in question.

And this simply could not be.
"Over here, exiles!"

The band of roughians stopped and turned towards the lone figure.

"Over here! I've a mission for you."

Intrigued, the band moved closer.

"An exile has displeased me. Greatly so. Thus, I command you to dispose of the malcontent."

The band, on seeing who the shadowy figure was - the Grand Assassin Vorici - was trapped. Little did they desire to pursue the death of a fellow exile - but what choice? Refusal would mean certain death.

And so...

"Great master," began the leader of the band, "This exile of whom you speak. Is most powerful. How do you expect such a humble assembly to cope with one such?"

Vorici smiled at this reply. "Green," said Vorici. "Green."
And thus it came to be that the reluctant band came into possession of Vorici's most potent weapon - poison, poison most green, poison most vile, poison lethal to all mortal beings.
Green - Anon

Green is Poison.
Green is Death,
Malevolent Green,
Seeks out your Breath.

Green is Evil.
Green is Mean.

But most of all, Green does Keen.
For the Life, the Life, the Life of You.

And, Green especially,
Is Death's Brew.
The roughians, five all told, set out towards the exile's home; little pleasure did they take in their task - yet what choice? Kill the upstart exile or face Vorici's wrath.
At least they had Vorici's brew in their arsenal. With the green substance, the exile should quickly succumb.
And so the roughians surrounded the exile's abode... and waited patiently for her return. Shortly they were rewarded. For Noxic, unaware, approached her home.
Earlier that day, Noxic, uncharacteristically, sought a prophecy; what did her future hold? What great deeds lie before her? How could she shape the future of Wraeclast?
In short... Noxic was interested in her future. And for this reason... Noxic sought the insight of a Seer.
"Oh great Seer, began Noxic."

"Spare me, said the Seer," I'm well ware of your lead stones.

"Oh!," said Noxic. "I see."

"But," continued Noxic, "I was mistaken... I did not... believe in your ability. Your ability to foretell - your ability to see into the future. And for that reason, I wished to trick you with my lead stones."
"I no longer wish to do so. I offer now, two true silver coins. Will you not foretell my future?"

The seer looked dubiously at Noxic. And yet, the proferred coins pressed into her hands by the apologizing Noxic, did seem true... and so... the Seer began...

"I cannot decline the plea of the faithful, and you, at last, do seem true. So I accept your silver and now foretell. Attend my child and behold your future."

With that the Seer went into a long trance - and began to tremble - after which, the seer said this.... "Oh my child... my child... I foresee dark times ahead of you. A band of roughians will beset you...
and will employ green most vile... beyond this I am unsure. You may die of this encounter.... yes... it is likely so."

"Green, you say?" said Noxic.
Noxic was troubled by the Seer's vision. Very much so.

And thus, began to seek out a certain herb. A silverish herb. Noxic began to chew rapidly on the stems of a silver plant she had earlier plucked from the ground. Over and over she chewed on the stems; until the point of choking on the bitter taste.
The roughians lay in wait just outside Noxic's abode. Shortly they would fulfill their pledge.

And just so.... a short while later, Noxic appeared, walking tiredly towards her home.

Out sprang the roughians. It was over quickly. Out-numbered, Noxic was unable to fend off all the attackers. And, quickly blood was drawn... her blood. A knife flashed across her breast drawing blood - and yet the wound wwas not deep.
But, the knife was coated with something... something... verdant... no, not verdant, not verdant at all.... something filled with the promise of death... something green.

Immediately, a great lethargy set in. Noxic became sluggish - unable to move rapidly. And then fell to the ground, gasping for air. A victim of the Green.

"Forgive me, Exile," said the leader of the roughians - "I had no choice."

And thus it was that Noxic met her end.
Rogue's Refrain - Anon

Green is Poison.
Green is Death.
But Green be Countered by Winter's Breath.
The roughians departed.

And yet... life continued to stir.

Noxic yet breaths - a wintry breath.


Get published, already.

Glad you liked it! :-)
hankinsohl wrote:
Grats on 40/40!

Thanks =)
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
You got your Chayula splinters?... I keep seeing more and more 39/40 posts on reddit waiting for Chayula in a breach...

I see nemesis sextant sharers a few times a day in global 820 as well... altho that channel has devolved a lot since 2.2 I think... not that it was very structured anymore even then...
Last edited by Piros#7740 on Dec 30, 2016, 6:39:40 AM
I can't stand /global 820, and even /trade 820 is devolving into a regular trade channel now.

I farmed my first Chayula on my own, then got about another 50 splinters and bought the last 50 for a second run. Got a Blessing on the second run which I used on an Eye of Chayula for solid profit, which I then flipped into buying an unid chaos unique.

The buff introduced in 2.5.1 was huge, though. I had maybe 50 splinters total in the first couple weeks, then within two days of that patch I got another 50.

Definitely doable, now.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
I'm up to 93 Chayula splinters now as well.

Anyone have any advice on what divination cards are easier to farm / buy for 9/10/11/12? The new card tab really messed up my system for tracking them - I can't sort by how many I have / need. :(
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Maintaining T13+ maps:

Any tips for maintaining T13+ maps? Just alch and go with high Atlas bonus or is rerolling for packsize/quantity necessary?
grimjack68 wrote:
I'm up to 93 Chayula splinters now as well.

Anyone have any advice on what divination cards are easier to farm / buy for 9/10/11/12? The new card tab really messed up my system for tracking them - I can't sort by how many I have / need. :(

9: Humility (Channel, Waterways, Aqueduct)
10: Prosperity (Shore, zones are too low-level, you'll lose IIQ)
11: Chains that Bind (Crematorium, map or zone)
12: The Lich (Catacombs boss, could do Prison Sawbones as well but again, IIQ penalty)

I SSF'd all the div cards this league.

hankinsohl wrote:
Any tips for maintaining T13+ maps? Just alch and go with high Atlas bonus or is rerolling for packsize/quantity necessary?

60% IIQ minimum + 1 pack size mod minimum, and at least 100% Atlas bonus, if you really want to be pushing T14-16 consistently. And you should be throwing a Zana mod on your T15+, maybe even 14s.

If you're fine kinda rollercoasting it a bit and dropping down at the benefit of saving your chaos, feel free to alc and go. You'll eventually get there, but it won't be anywhere near as consistent.

Also, I don't feel chisels are worth buying, but you should definitely use the ones you have T14+. I think vaaling for unid or +map or 8-mod is much more effective.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Dec 31, 2016, 4:21:22 AM
I meant the part where you need to get Splinters FROM Chayula inside a regular Chayula breach, not just collecting the splinters to make a Breachstone...

But I haven't been playing enough or high enough to even get a Chayula splinter yet, so... when that alleged-botter posted that collecting over 5000 of a splinter was bugging out and turning them into a single Breachstone losing the other 49... I misunderstood the image at first and just thought it seemed normal for the guy to have 2-3k of the other 4 splinters and only 1 Chayula splinter

Just /played in game, and whereas I played 100hrs the first 2 weeks back... I've kind of stalled out the past 2 weeks between the holidays and flu season and only managed another 30hrs or so... hopefully I can remedy that next week now that the vacation time blackout for the holidays is over at work and I have a couple extra days off...
Last edited by Piros#7740 on Dec 31, 2016, 7:34:11 AM
Grats on 40, Serl! I just got my wings and holy shit they are well made. Love how the bony segments don't actually bend and the leather moves independently of them. Running fast makes it stretch out with air pressure. They don't seem to be affected by windy areas like aqueducts, but I haven't been paying attention in all areas. This sure is a treat for people who grew up on the Batman/Gargoyles cartoons' aesthetic and A.C. Clarke's Childhood's End.


Wow, I should hope no one actually farmed up 5k of any splinter. Some trader, I assume? I might have done maybe 3-4 each of the ele ones and have 3-4 pops left for each at 6k map tiers complete and I only just broke 100 Chayula. No idea about Uul because I've been buying up a bunch a few times.

I must be lucky with seeing Chayula 3 times before I ran into Uul even once for the splinter gain challenge. 10 splinter kills must account for over 40% of my Chayula splinters.

edit: Oh, and can't forget Demon's Crest on the SNES!
Last edited by chimurestaurat#7524 on Dec 31, 2016, 10:19:43 AM

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