[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
Got my Chayula splinters... may as well go for 40/40 now that RNG is out of the way...
Just need 8k more tiers, bunch of endless grinds, 4 more coffers, and some parts of the twinned map and red map objectives challenges Got my Chayula in a random twinned Arena map I ran for chaos recipe prophesy fodder |
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" Grats on Chayula. 40/40 this league pretty much comes down to this... Can you reasonably manage the end-game grinds to get stuff you can't purchase out of the way? By far the biggest impediment is 10,000 map levels - but even that you can cheese by joining a good Poorjoys group. Chayula splinters isn't purchasable - but you've nailed that. If you can get 10,000 map levels (again, grouping is the easiest way) - the rest is cake. =========== POE complaint ahead - stop here if you don't want negativity :-) And spoilered... 'cause it's mega-long :-)
=========== I really do not like the approach POE has taken this league at all. To improve online player participation, POE decided to make the challenges this league much more time intensive - double, or more, as compared to the past few leagues. So, endless repetition of the same content - over and over again - to achieve challenges is the new design. Is this good? Desirable? I think not at all. Why can't GGG attract continued participation by offering new content/races/prizes? Instead, the forumla is to make 40/40 about 2 times more difficult in terms of time commitment. ======== Don't get me wrong - I'm enjoying the league - and, after a fashion, I think I'm enjoying the leveling process for my first ever level 95 toon. But is the time I spend achieving these ends really worthwhile? =========== And there's further impact on the game. Previously you could roll CA/magic-fnd and leisurely progress towards 40/40 without a huge time commitment - fairly confident of success. Now... it takes so much time to get to 40/40 that you need to rapidly clear maps with extremely high DPS - not just for maps, but for killing bosses. Which makes a ton of builds completely unsuitable - unless you group or unless you're willing to play 8 hours/day for the entire league - this includes CA/magic find. And I for one, was hoping to play the terrible Blight skill - I like the way it works, and it's a unique playstyle - but getting 10,000 map levels on a Blight toon - no thanks. I'm now playing the most powerful reasonably affordable toon in the game (CI/HoWA) IMO - and it's taking me way too long. And I've had to completely alter my playstyle to give me a chance at 10K map levels (don't pick up anything at all unless it's totally worthwhile, re-jig your Atlas so that it drops linear or otherwise quick-to-run maps... skip everything in a map (for me this includes Essences) unless it's fast - and if you don't care about leveling.... skip everything that's not fast and won't drop maps. Essences here are a waste of time for sure - Breaches probably make the cut because so many mobs spawn that map drops increase enough to make Breaches worth while. Side note - probably these same mechanics and map drop rates continue into next league - but without Breaches or some high mob spawn mechanism - next league could easily be extremely difficult until GGG rebalances things; for me, Breaches make all the difference between sustaining Shaped Mesa/Strands (or nearly so) and having to spend all your currency on maps or sextants or Zana/mods to sustain a map ppol. =========== Once more... I think GGG will be better served by trying to make the game fresh/new/technically challenging - as opposed to making it time-consuming/tedious. But I may be wrong... Perhaps striving for a goal is more rewarding than actually fulfilling a goal. According to GGG their player-participation numbers have never been higher. So, in spite of my desire... I think time-intensive, monotonous grinds are the new norm. Expect next league's 40/40 to take at least as much time as this league's. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 25, 2017, 12:13:17 PM
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Challenge Shite
" a) Only about 0.6% of the playerbase pushes for 40/40. These are the only individuals which will be affected by super time-intensive grinds, of which there are only two (10k tiers, Chayula splinters (grindy on the basis of RNG, and it's unpurchasable)). Everyone else, only ~3-5% of which actually get 36/40 or higher, will be ENTIRELY unaffected by this. EDIT: Note, I'm discluding end-game grinds from this because the format hasn't really changed that much since it was introduced. In other words, having one, or two, grindy AF challenges, impacts an insignificant enough amount of the playerbase that "According to GGG their player-participation numbers have never been higher," definitely has almost nothing to do with the way the challenges have been orchestrated this league. It's MUCH more likely that it has to do with the mechanics of Breach itself, the fact that power creep is (apparently?) fun (I disagree) and keeps players around longer, and just a general climb in new players. And probably other factors. b) If you can clear a map in even 5 minutes (which is slow-ish, and which the CA toon can easily do, as long as you only pick up good bases), and you're running T11 maps, that's 132 tiers per hour, or ~78 hours playtime. Accounting for more proper MFing (8 minutes), that's ~121 hours playtime. In other words, two months in, if you've been playing T11+ maps for most of it at 2 hours per day, even semi-casual, you should have, or be really close, to 10k map tiers. And if you're not, it's because you're simply not pushing high level maps. Which, again, for those who aren't pushing 40/40, they won't care. So this: " Is straight up wrong. The amount of people that will be impacted by the very few time-intensive challenges (less than 5%, probably less than 1%) would not be significant enough to see a drastic spike in player retention. In short, you're one of the few 40/40 people that will actually be affected by the grindy challenges, because you do only put in a few hours per day. I think what's going on here, more than anything, is that you're simply frustrated that your semi-casual approach is no longer 40/40 viable inside of a month. Which, I think is... kind of the point. GGG recognized that it was way too easy for people to people to just buy their way to 40/40 inside of a few weeks. And as much as I agree with this: " The problem is it doesn't MATTER what kind of new, skill-cap challenge they introduce into the game, because you'll be able to buy it anyway. Shaper. Prime example. Uber Atziri 10/10. Prime example. Unless they really rein in on power creep, which seems unlikely, the only way that they can slow players down from maxing out on challenges is to add time-intensive ones. Because I don't think introducing a skill-cap challenge that you can't buy (say, no party, one portal) will go well with the playerbase that can only put in 1-2 hours a day and *needs* to buy a few challenges in order to hit 24 or 36/40. Which circles me back to 40/40 being < 1%. The time-intensity was designed to give this small portion of the playerbase that enjoys maxing out on challenges something that they have to work toward personally, instead of buying it. So this: " Is a bit of a misconception. Now, there's a goal you actually have no choice BUT to fulfill yourself. Which is more rewarding, I think, to most people, than fulfilling a goal by buying it. Certainly was the case for me. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Last edited by Serleth#4392 on Jan 25, 2017, 3:17:52 PM
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RE Challenge Shite
Good discussion. And I think I agree with some of your points. As stated in my previous post - player participation in this league - for whatever reason - has never been higher. Is this due to the extreme difficulty of 40/40 as compared to last league? Beats me. If only 0.5% or so of players previously completed 40/40, whatever is done this league will have virtually no impact on player participation numbers with regard to 40/40. So, making challenges far more time intensive for the 40/40 players is pointless- maybe they'll knuckle-down and pursue the challenges, maybe not... but how does this affect overall player participation one way or the other? Answer, 0.5% maximum downside. Who knows how this might inspire new 40/40 players to take up the mantle - likely far less than existing 40/40 players - so this increased difficulty is again pointless. So the only reason for upping time commitment is to build reputation - 40/40 is really hard. Up to the challenge? Then play POE. Is this actually a selling point? Answer - obviously not - only 0.5% or less of participants get 40/40. So if it's really difficult versus nearly impossible has no effect on player participation. ======= So why the higher player participation numbers? My guess - this league is actually better/more exciting than previous leagues and POE is gaining momemtem from new players, switching from games such as D3. If this is the case... requiring that challenges be much more time consuming to complete has zero effect on player participation. Based on Serleth's comments, we're in agreement on this point. =========== RE - making challenges more time consuming. Here we disagree. If there's no upside to this, why did GGG do this? IMO, I think it was a play for longer/higher player participation - and with the goal to be recognized as a challenging game - a skillful game. Not a D3 snooze-fest. RE - Challenging and making 40/40 actually more difficult Simple fix - require that hard content be completed solo. Bingo. Huge win on all accounts - reputation as a technically challenging game soars - because, well it's actually technically challenging. Concrete fixes: E.g., Shaper must be killed... solo. 10 Uber Atziri kills - must be solo. It's trivially simple to up the technical difficulty requirement without substantially increasing time commitment - ideally this would of course be balanced. The best players, the most skillful players, could get 40/40 rather quickly. The rest of us would require longer... needing time to level and likely needing better gear. And for me, that's where the time commitment becomes fun/challenging, rather than monotonous/boring. And this dovetails into your point about needing to personally achieve goals as opposed to buying them. ============= So making the game more time consuming... Obviously... this is driven by some sort of profit motive. Increase reputation. Or increase player participation for transaction shop sales or... something... it's obviously profit motive driven. My guess.... it's a reputation thing. Coupled with profit. Releasing fresh content very regularly - after about 1-1/2 months, is beyond GGG - they simply do not have the resources for this. So, the leagues must be more exiting from end-to-end over 3 months, or reputation of difficulty must increase or something else.... or more likely a combination of these things. ================ Finally 40/40 Itself Humans are funny things. They want stuff that they don't have. The more difficult it is to have missing stuff, the more valuable it is. Only once whatever it is that's desired is actually attained... there's a sense of letdown. It's not the destination that's important... it's the journey. And for me, this is why GGG is likely more successful this league. ================== Finally, I'll leave you with an anecdote from my first manager at Microsoft. When I was interviewing for Microsoft, my soon-to-be manager said that the reason he joined Microsoft was to make the world a better place - to help drive innovation to improve humanity. This really stuck with me - make the world better. On this note.... why can't GGG do the same. Make our entertainment better - not more tedious/time consuming - but simply better - for me, that means more challenging., more fun, newer.. not more time consuming. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 25, 2017, 3:48:59 PM
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I'll probably have to knuckle down at some point and just start boss-rushing with next to no regard for drops to hit 10k tiers... I still have 7500 to go... I'll be the first to admit I am not the best at maintaining 12 maps/hr for long stretches... and I tend to try to kill everything including Essences that I dont really sell or anything... should probably skip everything but Remnants and their targets for Insanity/Delirium/etc... especially since a lot of multi-Essence-holders are harder than the bosses...
Luckily... even if I fail at 10k tiers because I waited too long, I can still finish the totem at 39/40 with Endless Grind, and screwing up my Atlas to finish red map objectives and t12 twinned (I know this is fixable, but that's probably 250c worth of Seals I need to make) |
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" Welcome to the 40/40 grind :-) Rest of response spoilered.
Though 10K map tiers takes way too long (see rants above, LOL) IMO, it is much more doable than I thought a few weeks ago, now that I'm using speed mapping techniques. In order to generate maps though, you'll need to kill all the mobs that spawn (but I skip essence mobs since this takes more time than it's worth for me). Unless you can afford to purchase a bunch of maps, boss rushing isn't a sustainable strategy. If you do pursue 10K map levels, it's not necessary to rework your entire Atlas. I've removed all T10s (except Shaped Mesa), Tier 11s (except Shaped Strands) and T12s. I chisel my Strands, alch and go if I get any packsize at all - I'll reroll if I don't get packsize. I put "no leech" and "elemental reflect" maps off to the side and run those with another toon. I'm almost able to maintain T11s using this approach - but not quite. When I run out of Strands, I'll have quite a few Mesas saved up. For Mesas, I don't chisel - I just alch and go, running all maps other than "no leech" and "elemental reflect." The Mesas last quite awhile as well and when I'm out of these, I find that I've restocked my Strands once more. Ping-ponging back and forth between Strands/Mesa is possibly sustainable. I haven't run out of maps yet. ============= If you plan to kill 40 Guardians, you'll possibly want to do some further Atlas pruning. I intend to switch to farming a Shaped T14 map (not sure which one yet) and will remove all other T14s and all T15s except Shaped Courtyard. This way I can farm for T16 maps. ============= Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 26, 2017, 2:38:16 AM
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I never filled in my atlas... that's why I still need 17 objectives and the last 4 twinned boss kills...
I haven't done any maps about T11 except uniques and the ones for shaping t13/14/15 (mostly them uniques) I can't seem to run Breach rotations right now with all the lag 2.5.2 introduced, so I'm mostly working on the tiers... I haven't had to buy any strands yet doing the same mesa/strang ping-ponging... still using white sextants (no re-rolls) and Perandus sometimes... if i stopped with that affording extra strands shouldnt be too bad... I can afford about 300-400 strands right now I wouldn't be forsaking mobs completely... just being even more efficient... probably only keep sound for alch/chisel/chaos/etc currency and the same t10+ maps... not backtrack for loot outside of those listed that are used to rush and find more maps |
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For farming Guardians, having the max Atlas bonus you can takes priority, at least if you want to try farm your own T16s.
In Essence, with 125/126, I was running twinned (magic) T15s and I was somehow sustaining T15s for a while (eventually ran out) purely due to the Atlas bonus, but dropped a metric fuckload (actual unit of measurement) of T16s. I ended up selling something like 4 Shaper sets worth of T16 maps off just 30 T15 maps. Crafted Atlas is for 10k / xp farming only. Farming for T16s, whether selling them for wealth or for your own farming, you should keep a high Atlas bonus. Also, you don't need to full clear, imho. My T13+ sustain's always been pretty good as long as I get <30 remaining. If you kill the boss with < 30 remaining, just back out imho. Not worth the time to go back and get it lower than that unless you're in T14+, to try snag those extra T15/16 maps. @Hank
Probably reply to your other challenge post tomorrow.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" Good point about missing out on T16's with a reworked atlas. But I'll also be working on 10K map levels and splinters when I make the switch from T11 Strands to T14/T15 so speed mapping will still be important - I'm running T10/T11 mainly to level up to 95 since it's much safer than T14/T15. I may backfill T10 to up my completion bonus if it seems necessary. If I backfill T10, my completion bonus once T14/T15 are reworked will be 97 or 98. While running T14's I'll be missing some T16's * From T14 maps dropped from rare/unique mobs which would have gotten the 25% chance or so for +2 * I'll have about a 3% chance that a T15 map dropped from a rare/unique mob won't get the +1 bonus I'll also miss out on T15 maps with more opportunities for loss. While running T15's I'll be missing out on some T16's in many more cases and even from maps dropped by blue packs. ======= If T14/T15 rework doesn't generate the volume of T16s I want I'll scrap it and fill in T14/T15 once more. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 26, 2017, 5:33:11 AM
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Chaos Orbs and Number of Affixes Distribution
Note - I'm copying this question I posed in the Gameplay Help and Discussion Session. Not much response over there - maybe one of you knows about this. ========= After using a chaos orb on an item, the item is rerolled. Sometimes the resultant item has 4 affixes, sometimes 5 but usually 6. Has GGG released any information about how likely each of the possible outcomes are? On a related note, is it possible to chaos an item and end up with fewer than 4 affixes? In the case of 4 affixes, is it possible to end up with 3 prefixes and 1 suffix or vice versa? Or do 4 affix items always roll with 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes? If 3-1, 2-2, and 1-3 prefix-suffix distributions for 4 affix items are all possible, is each outcome equally likely? ========== I've decided to write a monte-carlo chaos orb spam outcome analyzer in order to figure out how hard it is to chaos spam gear with certain attribute requirements. For example, if you chaos spam an iLevel 84 Vaal Regalia and want 800 ES and say 60 total elemental resist, just how much chaos can you expect to use? And what about if you want that same chest, but this time with 40+ int as well? The above information on affix distribution is certainly necessary to make the program accurate - but I'll guesstimate if needs must. The trouble with a rigorous mathematical calculation for figuring out chaos spam odds is that there's so many combinations of affixes which might yield satisfactory results that it quickly becomes pretty intractable. Last edited by hankinsohl#1231 on Jan 26, 2017, 5:45:30 AM
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