Three-day Exiles Everywhere (Standard)

gonna delete this character now thx ggg, could have done something better.
The drops are totally balanced... Don't we usually get a unique every 2-3 minutes?

Dropping the jokes, it would be awesome to see this kind of event come up again but GO for about 14 days?

Some things I liked:
- I am now satisfied and sedated with an anarchy overdose.
- no masters, you actually have to get the right drop which is hard -> 9/10 drops can be crafted to be endgame. Not sure if this is a bug.
- This is about as close to a PvP league as we can get, and probably my favourite event so far (I've said this a few times in the past... what's you next great idea GGG? :D ).
- the drops are amazing. Not having to worry too much about hunting down common orbs is fantastic - definitely a void league though.
- the difficulty level is off the scale. Every little pack is a boss fight (an exile a pack usually).

What I disliked:
- rooms full of one particular exile; this is rng though?
- Why 3 days? This should go for much longer considering how fun it is! I'm partly saying this because 3 days is not enough time to play, test and adjust a build to the PvP style of this league... 3 days doesn't really give you enough time to delete/reroll a messed up high level passive tree unless you are really going at it.

- readjust the not-void-league anarchy mod on zana map crafting to give +20 exiles! The more the merrier!

Regarding the difficulty... this is the first time I couldn't get to the first waypoint without rip'ing my character several times. Though rolling SC has it's pro's, namely having face-tanking contests with xandro. :P
pointless league if it dont flow back into std . , i mean poe is ALL about loot , so you take away the motivation to play :( back to the drawing board
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett :'(
Some guildmates and me had some fun with it yesterday. As soon as more items started to drop, the more my character got defined: high attack speed archer. Destroying everthing in sight. Superfast split arrow fork and I sap all the life back in no time.

Personal note: Shiversting one hits a ton of stuff (even in a party of 3).
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
Last edited by Reinhart#6743 on Jun 21, 2015, 2:39:35 AM

yolo exalting a shitty 6L with +2 fire because void league.
wish this would last longer and no void league
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
I wish there was an indicator when creating your character that tells you your character will be deleted. I had to learn this is a void league from the chat in game when my character was high level. I like keeping my character for trying new builds when they get reset... Anyways. Cool league
Im atm 7th at ladder and i won't play it anymore, I was forced to get the beta.
Totally unbalanced and frustrating league.
Played solo 100% so its really annoying when u meet 4-5 exiles at same time, your only chances are run and pray for no desync (barely happens), die or logout.

Same since lvl 1 to 100.

Hey! This league is so much fun, stop complaining about void!

Im lvl 67 just reached maps, only 85 deaths, but playing op flameblast prolif build for the last time.
really helps with survivability.

Seriously, why are people saying : "uh oh, void league, no thx!" GGG gives us this ridicilous mode to play where you fight packs of exiles and disgusting loot drops, yet people still complain.

My only complaint is: why only 3 days? could have tested with 7 days, its not "too"
long and at least people that love it can play it longer. Maybe its true that too much good thing is bad, however we still got time until 2.0 and need time to kill.

Thanks devs! This is the most fun league/race so far!
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator

yay void

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