Zeno Ziggy Project Awakening Build Reviews

Wednesday July 8th: Zenocidegenius, ZiggyDLive and ProjectPT
Post builds in here for ProjectPT to maybe look at!

July 9th, 2am GMT
July 8th, 8pm CST

Quick and simple: Zenocidegenius, ZiggyDLive and myself(ProjectPT) will be streaming and reviewings builds at the same time. This can be found on the respective channels and will be done over a group call. With three perspectives on the skills, passive tree and Awakening content; it should allow us to get the most meaningful insight for players wanting another opinion of a build or passive tree setup.

All of the builds will be posted in one location on a google document so they can be found without much effort for everyone curious of the builds. Hopefully this will make things a little bit less cluttered as many people will be looking for similar information.

How long:
This event will go for roughly 8hours(Ziggy is only participating for 4 of these).

This post will be edited if more information is required.

Awakening Hype Time!
Last edited by ProjectPT#7616 on Jul 8, 2015, 8:08:32 PM
excellent idea, will tune in
Very nice, will tune in
local time and countdown -> http://goo.gl/ztzRta <- fixed one
Last edited by WodkaKirsch#2546 on Jul 8, 2015, 5:10:02 PM
Will you be making a Youtube video for us Europeans who cannot stay awake from 2 to 11 AM? :-D
I guess I'll tune in in the morning ...when all of you will be tired of reviewing same builds over and over xD
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
starts in a bit over 3 hours. will be there.
Last edited by grepman#2451 on Jul 8, 2015, 5:23:01 PM

Culling flame totem MF with dual curse. no damage is req, high chances of survival is needed tho, templar start is req as i wont have time to mule flame totem on release. jewels for more rarity.


edit: theres hardly a point in this if u just make a standard flame totem build, first of all none of my links in flame totem will be dmg effective, thats not what this char is for. and agian i wont have those 20 mins waiting for some1 to pick up a second flame totem gem and sell me. thanks anyway
Last edited by Moosemanden#4592 on Jul 8, 2015, 8:25:39 PM


Wildstrike 2H Blood Magic build for Tempest. Already thought of plans, all just theory, please help me out with my thoughts. Thought about Templar or Mara, would prefer Mara for more tankyness.
I go Noncrit as idk how Crit might work with 2h selffound. If you prefer, scrap that and tell me
how I'd proceed to go Crit with this. Have a good day!



•Enduring Cry selfcast and link it with Inc duration. Also have Immortal Call and CWDT on there. Use the selfcast inc-duration EC for charges,
IC will still be triggered and I get my phys immunity.

•Wildstrike - Multistrike - Faster Attacks - IncAoE/Lifeleech(New changes kill it I think, but I'll try it) or something else like Added Fire maybe?

•Herald of Ash as the only reservation.

•Leap Slam with Fortify and Faster Attacks and Endurance Charge on Melee stun

•Maybe Abyssal cry for better AoE Clear as I am not sure about WS' clearspeed in bigger/more spread packs.

•Maybe Bloodrage for Frenzycharges? Would need to try out whether I could sustain this though. (Also grab more Lifereg maybe)

•For Curses I'd use Elemental Weakness/Enfeeble/Warlords Mark. WM has the advantage of more Endurance Charges, synergizing well with CWDT IC. EW is obvious and Enfeeble too - Damage up/Taken Damage down.


Selffound Armor/Life/Res gear, nothing special. Weapon will just be a 2h with as much DPS as possible, as the skill is phys conversion. No shield means 2 5-6 Links, but I'd rather plan around 4 Links,
just to be sure my luck doesn't wreck me.

Jewels will involve Damage, Ele Damage, Attack Speed, Life, Armor etc. No big uniques planned.

For levelling I have no idea how to do it. Any tips would be appreciated.
Dominating Blow, albeit a tad clunky, is the most fun I've had in PoE.
Last edited by Taromanius#5066 on Jul 8, 2015, 8:24:56 PM

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