Ice Crash

KillerB wrote:
It probably is affected, I should test it out though.

Vipermagi, this skill is placed quite a bit of units ahead of your character, I personally used this aspect of the gem to attack mobs around corners, so while it may not affect the range of the AoE, it may affect the position of where the AoE is placed.

There's no difference in radius nor the point of impact of the animation whether you use a 2H axe or your fists. It works like Reave in that regard, which is what makes it so convenient for FB builds.
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Currently Leveling with this skill using Face breakers and loving it. Still need to Divine my FB's for a higher damage percent, but managed to get a Meginord's to drop, which increased my damage like crazy, currently I am at about 2.5k dps with Herald of ash and hatred with a 4l Ice crash at level 42. Also should mention, I am doing full elemental ice crash on a shadow.

Last edited by Advent07#0204 on Jul 29, 2015, 4:51:43 PM
does ice crash roll crit/hit values separately for each stage, since each stage isnt the same?
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Aug 12, 2015, 1:32:19 PM
Same as any other Skill, Crit is rolled per Skill activation, Crit confirmation is rolled per Hit, and Accuracy is rolled per Hit.
this skill is great. huge aoe. good damage. don't have to use multistrike which locks you in place too long. nice that it works with unarmed attacks too. my only real gripe is that it sometimes gets me killed by flamebearers and other ground effects because it obscures those threats.


+ works with unarmed attacks
+ huge aoe
+ great damage
+ not multistrike reliant
+ half phys/half cold
+ works with all weapons

- hard to see critical ground effects like frost bearer mines and stacked stormcalls
- graphically intense. might slow down some computers
- requires level 28

i will give it a 4 out of 5 rating. excellent skill. perhaps the best melee skill.
There is no bigger difference between 19 LVL Ice Crash and 21 LVL. When you will fix this ?
Last edited by Sereq#0163 on Sep 21, 2015, 5:18:16 AM
love this skill for softcore, wont use it for hardcore. it gets me killed occasionally when i miss some deadly ground effects due to ice crashes own graphical effect is so big with increased aoe stuff.

ice crash could really use something like the arctic ice nova alternate skill effect. something that doesnt permanently cover the ground with good attack speed. enhance the edges of the effect but let us see through it in the middle where we stand in dangerous ground effects.
Huge AOE and good damage. Super clunky skill to use. The reduced attack speed makes animations take so long that your character is helpless against quick one shit mechanics.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Last edited by TheAshmaker#5078 on Nov 12, 2015, 1:19:18 PM
If ice crash is melee aoe spell - just wondering what's best on a weapon - spell dmg - phys damage or both?'

It's not a Spell, it's an Attack. That's why it deals weapon damage.

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